Des Moines News Leader Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa Sunday Morning, December 22, 1901, page 11
Little Doubt He Will Be a Candidate for the Office of Auditor of State

Close friends of Dr. P. L. PRENTIS of Ringgold county entertain no doubt that he will enter the field as a
candidate for auditor of state. Dr. PRENTIS was first approached on the subject the beginning of last week while he was
in Des Moines. He was inclined then to consider it favorably. He wanted, however some time to think the matter over. He
returned to Ringgold count and the last of the week made a second trip to Des Moines. It is understood he indicated his
purpose then to make the race. It is known strong assurances of support have been given him by leading [Gov.] CUMMINS
politicians. There is some question whether the BLYTHE forces will oppose him in the Eighth district. It is known he
will have the backing of at least a part of the politicians in Ringgold county who last summer were ranked as anti-CUMMINS.
His friends say that in the event he is fought in the Eighth he can carry the great part of it. It is the feeling of
Dr. PRENTIS' friends in the CUMMINS forces that he is well located to seek the nomination and while he has not openly
announced himself it is believed he will consent to run.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009

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