Des Moines News Leader Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa Sunday Morning, September 29, 1901, page 1
Democrats of Ringgold County Hold an Enthusiastic Convention

Mt. Ayr, Sept. 28 - (Special.) - The democrats of Ringgold county held their county convention here today. Hon. T. J.
PHILLIPS and Hon. G. E. FERGUSON, candidates for governor and lieutenant governor, were present and briefly addressed
the convention. They both laid stress on the democratic prosition of the taxation question and other state issues, which
seemed to meet the hearty and enthusiastic approbation of the convention, which was by far the best attended
convention held in Ringgold countyfor years. The frequent applause accorded the speakers was indicative of a live
and energetic campaign. The democrats here expect to make great gains in the county this fall.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009

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