Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Kaster to celebrate 100th birthday

Mrs. Robert (Ona STEPHENS) KASTER, a former resident of Delphos and Mount Ayr, was honored Tuesday, April 27, on her
100th birthday anniversary, with a party at the Crystal Manor nursing home in Des Moines. Birthday cake and ice
cream was enjoyed by relatives and friends during the afternoon and there was much visiting and picture-taking.
She also was honored on WHO-TV that evening. Her son, Harold KASTER, and wife, Eunise, make their home in Hudson,
WI and two grandsons, Ronald and Lee KASTER and their families, live in Minnetonka, MN. Among the relatives attending
were Mrs. Jake DAILEY and Mrs. Barton SHIELDS of Mount Ayr, Mrs. Terry BRAUCH of Clive and Mrs. Kathleen SEFRIT of
Delphos. NOTE: Ona STEPHENS KASTER was born on January 27, 1893, and died at the age of 103
in July of 1996 in Des Moines, Iowa
Submission by Ann Wyer, April of 2012

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