The Ludington Daily News Ludington, Michigan Thursday, July 29, 1971, Page 4

The Washington Avenue Baptist Church is pleased to announce that Mr. and Mrs. Dennis L. NORDINE have accepted a call to
minister here as youth minister and director of Christian education. Mr. Nordine was born in Ludington but moved to
Benton Harbor before entering school. He is a graduate of the Moody Bible Institute of Chicago and has served for two
years as assistant pastor and youth director at the Faith Bible Church in Joliet, Ill.
While in training at Moody Bible Institute Mr. NORDINE served as president of the Christian Education Club and worked with
several musical groups. He traveled weekends while in school and full time one summer for MBI on their musical staff and
had the opportunity to ministers in over 100 local churches across the United States, seeing over 1,000 decisions for Christ.
Mrs. NODRINE is originally from Diagonal, Iowa. She is a graduate of the sacred music course at Moody Bible Institute and
majored in piano. She was a member of the World Famous Women's Glee Club and Hand-Bell Choir and toured extensively with them
while a student. While serving in Joliet, Mr. and Mrs. NORDINE saw growth
in the youth groups of the church, both, numerical and spiritual have been evdent as a number of young people have
accepted Christ as their personal Saviour. The public is invited to meet Mr. and Mrs. NORDINE sunday, Aug. 1. Mr. NORDINE
will be the speaker at the 7 p.m. service. The church is located at 409 South Washington Avenue and the regular services
include Bible school Sundays at 9:45 a.m., morning worship Sunday at 11, and Bible study and prayer meeting Thursdays at
7 p.m.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2009
