Cedar Rapids Gazette Cedar Rapids, Iowa April 29, 1952
Mr. Ayr (AP) -- A head-on collision of two automobiles Monday night claimed the lives of four persons, three of them members of one family, and left an infant girl the sole survivor of the crash.
The dead are:
Robert HARWOOD, 33, a technician at the Ringgold county hospital in Mt. Ayr; his wife and daughter, Karen, 2, and Jack MILLS, 45, Mt. Ayr feed salesman.
An infant daughter of the HARWOODS, Catheryne, about a year old, was reported in serious condition.
The accident occurred two miles west of Mt. Ayr on highway 2. County authorities were investigating in an effort to determine the cause.
Mrs. HARWOOD was killed outright. Her husband died about an hour later at the hospital here, and the other victims died still later. MILLS was the last to die about four hours after the accident.
The HARWOODS formerly lived at Fairfield and funeral services will be held there.

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