The Redding Herald Redding, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 06, 1947
Former Redding Boy In Serious Accident

From the Bedford Times-Press we learn of a car accident Wed. of this week near Hopkins, Mo., in which
Dorothy TYLER, 30, of Chicago was killed, and Charles MOLER, 22, son of Elmer MOLER of Bedford, former resident
of this place [Redding], was slightly injured. Coming to Bedford, the 1941 Mercury, owned by the woman killed,
went out of control when they hit loose gravel at teh end of the pavement, went off the roadway and turned over.
The lady was thron from the car and died later that day in the Clarinda hospital. A sister of the deah woman reported
that her sister and young MOLER were planning to be married soon. Charles was a member of the U.S. Army Air
Force. He is a nephew of Mrs. Guy NORRIS of this place [Redding] and made his home with them for a time a few years ago.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

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