Mount Ayr Record Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 6, 1901

In a quarrel over a trespassing bull Jacob MILLER shot ROBERT SHAFER thru the thigh Sunday evening, and is held for
assault with intent to commit murder. SHAFER's condition may be serious. The men own adjoining farms in Middle Fork
Township, and are cousins.
There had been previous friction between MILLER and SHAFER over SHAFER's bull getting into MILLER's field. This time
MILLER sent for SHAFER to come over and get the bull, which he did, taking with him one of his neighbors, Elmer SAVILLE.
Words and possibly blows passed, and SHAFER drew a knife. MILLER went into the house, returned with a rifle, and shot
SHAFER in the thigh, the ball passing clear thru from behind. Dr. P. L. Prentis of Delphos was called to dress the wound.
It is understood that the wound is not likely to be dangerous unless blood poisoning should result.
Sheriff H. M. MILLER and County Attorney F. F. FULLER were notified by phone about 9 o'clock Sunday night. They drove to
Middle Fork and got Mr. MILLER, reaching Mt. Ayr about 5 o'clock Monday morning. During the forenoon MILLER was arraigned
before Justice J. N. LINEBURG, waived preliminary examination, and was bound over in the sum of $l,000 to appear before
the Grand Jury. His attorneys are HENRY & MILES and SPENCE & SMITH.
From the SHAFER side of the case, it is claimed that SHAFER offered to pay damages for the bull's trespass; that he
did not draw his knife until MILLER had pounded him with his fists and driven him into a fence corner; and that he was
talking peaceably with Mrs. MILLER when the shot was fired. From the MILLER side, it is contended that SHAFER drew the
knife without provocation, threatened to cut MILLER's throat and refused to leave the premises after being ordered to do
Both men are reputable citizens and belong to excellent families. Both men are married, and have children. If the
neighborhood sympathy leans to either side it is toward SHAFER.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009

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