Without volunteers like
Earl and Kerri McALEXANDER, Calhoun County would not have the successful 4-H program that it
has. They both started their involvement in 4-H as youth; Earl in Ringgold County and Kerri in Calhoun County, and
continue still today through their involvement as club leaders, chaperones for CWF trips, State Conferences and other
events, in addition to being Iowa 4-H 1000 donors. The ideals that 4-H represents, Earl and Kerri want to pass down to
their children Brittany and Jacy who are 4th generation Calhoun County 4-H members.Calhoun County would like to thank
Earl and Kerri McALEXANDER for the countless hours of dedication and support they have given and continue to give to the
4-H program.
Earl - Extension Youth Field Specialist with ISU Extension for 21 years.
* Served primarily Calhoun, Pocahontas and Sioux Counties as well as many others in the NW Area
* Primary programming emphasis – Camping; Animal Science; and Science, Engineering and Technology
* State Roles – State Fair 4-H Swine Superintendent – 4 years, State Fair 4-H Tractor Exhibit Coordinator – 4 years,
Part of curriculum development teams for Biotechnology, Tug of War with Grain, Youth Fire and Emergency Services Day and
Ricochet – Teen Leadership; State SET Liaison; National Association of Extension 4-H Agents – National Vice President and
Regional Director
* Community Roles – Sunday School teacher 17 years, Secretary for Calhoun County Republican Central Committee 8 years,
Coach for many youth sports teams
* 4-H history – 4-H member nine years in Ringgold County - primary projects were swine, beef, crops and weather,
parents were 4-H leaders for 30+ years Kerri –
* Community Roles – 2nd Grade teacher at Rockwell City/Lytton Elementary School – 20 years, Sunday School teacher 18
years, AAUW member, PEO member
* 4-H History – 4-H member four years in Calhoun County – Primary projects were Food & Nutrition and Clothing, Mother
and Grandmother were 4-H members in Calhoun County, making the family a four generation 4-H family in Calhoun County, 4-H
Communications judge.
SOURCE: iowa4hfoundation.org/index.cfm/30678/2246/2008_calhoun_county__kerri__earl_mcalexander
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015
