Marshfield News Herald Marshfield, Wood County, Wisconsin September 26, 2005

Heather L. MATTSON and Benji C. ORTH exchanged marriage vows June 4, 2005, at Cherokee Park, Colby [Wisconsin].
Gregory STRASSER, officiated the ceremony and singing was provided by Kim MEIER and Mike BRILL. Following the ceremony, a
dinner and reception were held at Molitor's, Abbotsford.
The bride is the daughter of Carrie GODDEN of Kellerton, Iowa and Darrell (Kim) MATTSON of Red Wing, Minn.
The bride was given in marriage by her father. Maid of honor was Melissa MATTSON of Red Wing. Bridal attendants were
Chara ORTH of Colby, Jana ORTH of Neenah and Terra ORTH of Dorchester. Ian KIRCHNER of Memphis, Mo., was best man.
Groomsmen were Craig ORTH of Dorchester, Jason ORTH of Colby and Jim SCHAEFER of Medford.
Flower girl was Hanna Meier and ring-bearer was Corbin KURCGBER.
Serving as ushers were Zack JOHNSON of Red Wing and Scott ORHT of Abbotsford.
The bride is a 1998 graduate of Red Wing High School. She is a veterinary assistant at Dairyland Animal Clinic, Owen.
The groom is a 1995 graduate of Colby High School. He works for Lewis Construction.
The couple took a honeymoon trip to Ontario, Canada. They live near Perkinstown.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2011
