Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 10, 1981
Stephens featured

Marion STEPHENS, 96, former Ringgold County Sheriff and now the eldest ex-sheriff in Iowa, was featured recetly with the
cover story in "The Iowa Gold Star," the magazine of the Iowa State Sheriff's and Deputies Association. The story, which also
features clippings from the Mount Ayr Record-News during the time STEPHENS was sheriff, traces some of the law
enforcement activity STEPHENS was involved in. Elected in 1924, STEPHENS served four years as sheriff and later also
was Bureau of Criminal Investivation agent, guard at the Iowa State Penitenitary in Fort Madison and a National Parks
policeman. STEPHENS said that being sheriff was the most exciting of the jobs he has had that have also included
farmer, soldier and businessman. One incident shared in the story is of the pursuit of two bank robbers who were escaping
from the Redding Savings Bank on August 13, 1923 into northern Missouri, the article says. "STEPHENS had telephoned all
over northern Missour, asking local agencies to be on the watch for the pair. They were finally spotted near New Hampton,
Mo. They had crawled up the bank of a ditch and were hiding among some tree roots. "'I saw some loose dirt rolling down the
side of the ditch, so I knew they were up there. I hollered for them to surrender and fired a shot with my shotgun.
One came out and threw down his gun. I called on the other one to come out and he did. I held them at bay while they were
searched. They had two .45's and 100 rounds of ammunition. They could see me, but I couldn't see them. They could have
killed me, coming up that ditch. "The men were housed in jail near Bethany, Mo. It was a stormy night. A local storekeeper
said, 'If you hve any prisoners there, you beter (sic) guard that jail. The Sheriff is not to be trusted.' "Across from the
jail was an old hotel, and the two HUDSON boys from Redding were on porch watch. It was lightning, thundering and raining
hard. "One says, 'They're getting out over there.' I said, "Let 'em have it.' "HUDSON had an old revolver. He fired
and hit the concrete beside th window. Concrete chips peppered the face of the escapee, and he thought he was shot. He was
about half-way out. He went back in. "The men were extradited to Iowa and convicted. The trip from robbery to Fourt Madison
took two weeks. As far as STEPHENS knows, some stolen negotiable bonds were never recovered." STEPHENS said that serving
foreclosure notices was one of his main tasks and that bootlegging was a popular sport that he had to deal with as well.
He was also in the Rainbow Division during the First World War and is one of the oldest living members of that division.
Marion STEPHENS obituary
Submission by Ann Wyer, April of 2012

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