Mount Ayr Record-News, Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 22, 2011
Gift of history book part of local Hospice efforts

Decatur county was often the topic of conversation between Wilbur LANDPHAIR and his HCI Hospice Care Services care team
during their routine visits. Having been born and raised on a farm north of Pleasanton, Decatur county is a big part of
LANDPHAIR'S life story. HCI Hospice Care Services shared a story this week about LANDPHAIR, who passed away Saturday, and
an effort the agency made to give him a special treat. "I remember going to Leon – just for a Saturday night – in a car, and
it didn't have enough power. So it took a couple of hours to make it there," LANDPHAIR said. "We finally did though!"
During one recent visit, LANDPHAIR mentioned to social worker Sarah ADAMSON that he would like to have a copy of Himena V.
HOFFMAN'S The History of Decatur County, Iowa. Fulfillling patient wishes is a big part of HCI Care Services' mission to
promote quality of life. Unfortunately, one can't find this particular publication containing 131 years of history on
the shelves of your favorite book store. Most copies were pre-sold before the book was published by Decatur County
Historical Society nearly 40 years ago. After being turned down by those not willing to part with their cherished
copies, ADAMSON contacted Decatur County Museum treasurer Chet REDMAN. REDMAN, along with fellow Decatur County
Historical Socety members and HOFFMAN'S great nieces and nephews, had helped transform the handwritten manuscript
into the book. He also had
an extra copy that was his mother's, who had recently been cared for by HCI Care Services. REDMAN was happy to donate
book to LANDPHAIR. "I thought it was just something I could do to help someone else," REDMAN said. LANDPHAIR was
thrilled when spiritual care counselor Terry ROBERTS showed up to his home with the book. "It is all interesting to
me, the old settlers and stories about the count; a lot has changed," LANDPHAIR said. "I really appreciate this man donating
this to me." In light of his passing away not too long after receiving it, the book was especially memorable.
Leslie "Wilbur" LANDPHAIR's obituary
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, March of 2012

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