Bedford Times-Press Bedford, Iowa

Miss Madelyn KEPLINGER, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. B. [Adam Bible & Amy (SIEMILLER)] KEPLINGER of Maloy, was united in marriage to Mr. Wilbur
LAY, son of Mr. and Mrs. Homer [Anna (PRATT)] LAY of Mount Ayr, Easter morning [April 17, 1938] at the Blockton M.E. church, Rev. W. H. WARRIOR
conducting the simple ring ceremony in the presence of a number of relatives and friends. Mrs. Glenn PRATT, sister
of the bride, acted as matron of honor, Miss Alberta MOBLEY, as bridesmade; Miss Betty SIEMILLER, cousin of the
bride, as junior bridesmaid and Paul PRATT, cousin of the bridegroom, served as best man. The bride wore a
rose satin striped taffeta dress with white accessories, and the bridegroom was attired in a gray suit. The
bridal partey took their places at the altar to the Lohergrin wedding march, played by Miss Bernice WISDOM. To
the united strains of "Because" and "The Lady of Love" the vows were taken.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

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