Heartland Connection December 18, 2008
Heartland Students Get Academy Nominations

WASHINGTON -- Senator Tom HARKIN (D-Iowa) nominated 50 Iowa students for appointments to the 2009 classes at the U.S. Air
Force Academy, Naval Academy, Merchant Marine Academy and Military Academy, West Point.
"I would like to congratulate these students for their many outstanding achievements," HARKIN said. "An academy nomination
is a great honor because of the intense competition for them across the state of Iowa."
In a typical year, HARKIN receives more than 150 applications from young Iowans interested in pursuing a career as a
military officer. Students apply for admission to the U.S. Military Academy at West Point, N.Y.; the U.S. Naval Academy
at Annapolis, Md.; the U.S. Air Force Academy at Colorado Springs, Colo.; or the Merchant Marine Academy at Kings Point,
HARKIN nominates up to ten applicants to compete for each available vacancy. Academy nomination finalists are interviewed
by Senator HARKIN'S Academy Selection Board, during which time their motivation, poise and self-expression are measured.
From the Senator's nominees, the academy then selects the final candidate who will be offered an appointment.
"In order for an individual to be nominated, he or she must demonstrate superior leadership, academic and athletic
abilities," HARKIN said. "Nominees also must exhibit the necessary motivation for serving in the demanding role of a
career military officer and be of outstanding moral character." Among the nominees:
Kellerton, IA --
Jeffrey INLOES has been nominated to the U.S. Naval Academy and to the U.S. Merchant Marine Academy. Jeffrey is the son
of Beverly and David INLOES and is a senior at Mount Ayr Community High School.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2010
