Mount Ayr Journal Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 7, 1888, Page 1
MT. AYR, May 2, 1888

For sometime and also important reasons, the consideration of what we now announce to you has now been decided - namely to
retire from and discontinue the store. Therefore, we present you with the cause, [illegible] completion of same. 1st. We have
and are selecting out all the odds and ends, remenants and old goods, and also surplus of our immense over stock of clean and
desirable goods, in all lines, and you will find them in the Timby building on the south side of the square, Mt. Ayr, Mr.
Gum KIRBY in charge, assisted by Mr. D. L. McCONNLEY, who will sell you these goods regardless of cost as they must go, and
in addition to this price of these goods, prices on our present stock [illegible] and shall be reduced to a point enabling
us to exchange them all very rapidly for cost which is the result we expect, to such [illegible]. Now this is no doubt the
largest forces sale must go of of goods ever given in this part of the state - and we do no expect to [illegible] but will
very rapidly so avail yourself as fast as possible of this grand change in the last
opportunity of getting bargains in the store of A. INGRAM & SONS. We shall endeaver to have held enough to wait on those
that come and while all [illegible] expect out of our entire stock of merchandise, is just enough to let out out. We will
not sell best staple goods below costs, for, efect as might or may be done - but just simply uniform on our goods and give
you the benefit of wholesale rated. Our reason for dividing stock, is first, to remove all old goods and surplus from
present stock; secondly to close out all of [illegible], leaving out very large stock in the store all first class and
desirable goods throughout, thereby insuring the more speedy sale, as we propose or even in quanity as we may and are
ready to do - selling all or a part and rent or sell our store building; and furthermore to have this stock of merchandise
sell worth 100 cents on the dollar for any part of it left on hands at the closing of this sale. Messrs. INGRAM, KIRBY & HICKMAN,
now of Clearfield, Iowa - the two latter gentlemen being the ones who conduct the business. They have rented the Timby
building on the south side and will discontinue their business at Clearfield, Iowa, opening in above building about Sept.
1st, 1888. But bear in mind the 2nd choice of all goods already and going now to the Timby building, will be all said. Must got
at some price, so go and see them. While this announcement no doubt, is quite a surprise, nevertheless it is the case
and means business just what we say from first to last, our closing out of this business, and our Mr. A. O. INGRAM's of
engaging in another like of work arranged. So first come, first served. We are truly grateful for the liberal and pleasant
business relations we have enjoyed for so many years from the hand of good buying public, and again say, "thank you one and all
at the commencement of this discontinuing our business, and hope you will get the benefit. Much is in this sale.
Truly yours,

Our store building, fixtures, property, etc., and also Merchandise closing out sale of same which is now in progress. Will
sell all or divide it and building to suit purchaser. To non-residents we say this, the verification of which you can
esily obtain by correspondence or come on the ground, and you will find we have the best business location in Mt. Ayr, and
a store room commodious, well arranged, provided with the very best facilities, and that our trade is second to no one.
A. J. & SONS
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2009
