Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa 1990
Historical society holds meeting here

Several programs of the Ringgold County Historical Society have come to fruition, according to reports given before
10 members present at a September afternoon meeing of that group in the Ringgold courthouse. A genealogy compendium
(a comprehensive summary of a subject) has been placed in the Mount Ayr Public Library. The microfilming of the
Mount Ayr Record-News is to be continued. Also decisions were made to buy a wagon and move a tractor,
donated by W. A. STEPHENS of Diagonal, to the museum at Ellston. Middle Fork Church has been placed on the
national Historical Registry, it was announced. The sixth grade Iowa history tours are scheduled for Sept. 25, 26, and
27. Betty RUBY reported that there were records of 43 who were born in the 1700s and who died in the 1800s
in Ringgold County. Linda SWANSON presided at the meeting and reports of the secretary Donells JOHNSON and the
treasurer Nina SALTZMAN, were given.
Submission by Ann Wyer, April of 2012

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