Ringgold Record
(Date cut off clipping)

Herman SCHRADER, Living Near Goshen, Assaulted by Murderous Relatives and Left for Dead.

Precarious Condition of the Victim.
Arrest of the Perpetrators.

A dastardly deed; the result of which, may be, and the intent of which, most certainly was murder; disturbed the usual peaceful quiet of the northern part of the county last week. It was nothing less than the attempt to take the life of an honest steady-going citizen within a few hundred yards of his own home.
Mr. Herman SCHRADER, a hard-working German, who lives a few miles south of Goshen, was found in the road near his house, on Thursday morning of last week in what seemed to be a dying condition, being so badly bruised and beaten that he was unable to speak or move. On being carried to a house near by, a Mr. JARVIS’S, he rallied sufficiently to relate the occurrence somewhat in detail and to indicate who his assailants were. These he said were the PITMIRE’S, father and two sons. These he said had attacked him suddenly in the darkness and before he could defend himself, disabled him by a blow with a club over the head, that they continued to beat and maul him with their clubs and to kick him until he became unconscious.
This case, like all family feuds, has a history. The facts as they have been ascertained from the neighbors, Mr. SCHRADER and the Pitmier’s, themselves by the RECORD may be briefly stated as follows:
Wm. PITMIRE, the father, and Herman SCHRADER are brothers-in law and dwell together in peace and harmony until a short time ago. In 1876 they worked together on the same farm, that known as the “GREELY place.” While there they bought a corn planter together, each, SCHRADER and Wm. PITMIRE, owning a half. Some hard feelings were engendered, one of the parties being occasionally obliged to wait until the other had finished planting before he could get the use of the planter. Things went on from bad to worse, until each party sought opportunities of offending the other, finally, PITMIRE claimed that SCHRADER owed him a debt equal in value to his share of the planter, and refused to allow him, SCHRADER, to use the planer at all. SCHRADER then sold his half to a neighbor, Sam DICKEY, and DICKEY notified PITMIRES of his purchase and that he would want to use the machine in a few days.
This made matters worse, and the PITMIRES indulged freely in threats against SCHRADER, and DICKEY, in case he should attempt to enforce his purchase.
About this time, one week before the perpetration of the outrage, Wm. PITMIRE confronted SCHRADER as he was dogging P’s stock from his field and attempted to whip him. But he seemed to have miscalculated the strength of the man, for SHCRADER threw him down and held him until he gave up. Nothing more is known to have happened until SCHRADER was found Thursday morning in the condition stated above. Mr. SCHRADER was returning from Esq. SHAFFER’S and had told SHAFFER, that he was afraid that they, PITMIRES would kill him. He went to the ’Squires to consult him as to the best thing to do about the planter embroglio.
Immediately after SHRADER had implicated the PITMIRES, warrant was issued for their arrest. They were found plowing in the field and claimed to know nothing whatever of the affair. They were brought to Mt. Ayr, Thursday afternoon. Their examination was continued by agreement until May 20. Esq. MORRISON held them in bail for $1,000 each, in default of which, they were committed to jail. Much of course depends upon the termination of SCHRADER’S injuries. A representative of the RECORD called on him Saturday and found him suffering terribly from wounds about the face, and also about the chest and lower limbs. He is a terrible object indeed. He has the best of medical care, being in the hands of Drs. HORNE of Mt. Ayr and Bement of Goshen who pronounce his recovery doubtful. Excitement runs high over the outrage in the neighborhood and in case of his death, violence, it is intimated, will be resorted to.
Messrs. SPENC & McMASTER have charge of the case on the part of the prosecution. Laughlin & CAMPBELL will conduct the defense.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2007