Judy Hensley from Mount Ayr, IA is the 2009 Ringgold County Hall of Fame Honoree. Judy's ability to
care about the youth of Ringgold County and to positively influence adults as well as youth is ongoing.
Judy has served as a 4-H Club Leader, 4H Program Assistant, Office Assistant and County Extension Education Director.
Judy doesn't refer to the clock or calendar when it comes to 4-H activities as it is a pleasure to be with the youth
as they learn and acquire new skills. She has been involved with numerous committees, activities, and programming
such as Farm Safety Day Camp, Overnight Lock-in, Basketball tournaments between 4-H Clubs, Grooming Clinics, Pancake
Breakfast at the county fair and other fair events, and Clover Kids. Judy has assisted many youth to become all
they can be in leadership and citizenship activities having many 4-H County Councils and teens develop skills they
have used for a lifetime.
Judy credits 4-H with helping her become an adult ready and willing to make a difference in the lives of youth. Having
11 brothers and sisters (whom all were 4-H members) lessoned the ability for the family to be involved in the bigger
world in their rural county because everyone traveling was major. The support of caring adults -- 4-H volunteers,
allowed for gaining life skills that have made a difference in Judy and all that she has become and accomplished.
Judy demonstrates the 4-H motto when working with youth in Ringgold County. Her heart is seen through her patience and
kindness to both parents and youth. Her hands work countless hours to provide a positive experience to all. Her head
is used when thoughtful, common sense thinking is needed. Her philosophy is "what is best for youth" and she
demonstrates this both in her words and actions.
SOURCE: iowa4hfoundation.org/index.cfm/30678/2276/2009_ringgold_county__judy_hensley
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015