The Vidette-Reporter University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa March 10, 1888 Page 5

Supt. O. A. BYINGTON handed us a pamphlet the other day entitled, "A Land of Sunshine: Flagstaff and its
Surroundings." It is a write-up of Flagstaff, Arizona. We find several S.U.I. men out there. Among the
business men of the town, we see mention made as follows:
. . . Among the attorneys of Flagstaff, the oldest, not in years but in residence and length of practice, is Henry J.
MILLER. Mr. MILLER was born in Ringgold county, in the State of Iowa, and when quite a young man entered the
University of Kansas, at Lawrence in that state, and studied in the law department of that institution. He
entered this [University of Iowa] law school, which has obtained a justly celebrated reputation, in the fall of
1878, and completed his studies in 1881; and in 1883, when Flagstaff was a very small place, he came here and
hung out his shingle, and here he has remained since, building up an extensive and lucrative practice. . .
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009
