Preston Hayes, 4-H Hall of Fame Inductee, 2011
Preston Hayes is an example of someone who bleeds green – he believes in 4-H. Preston was always interested in livestock growing up as a youngster in Sioux City, and although he was never a 4-H member he believes in 4-H. From there his passion continued as he served as Ringgold County Extension Education Director for 14 years and became an honorary 4-H member.
As County Extension Director, Preston believed in helping the youth to become the best that they could be. He always encouraged the local youth to experience the opportunities that were provided within the county, but also stressed the importance of participating in activities outside of the county too. He played an important part in the organization of a “4-H Exchange” of youth in other counties – 3-day weekend stay with a 4-H’er in another county. He also urged youth to attend 4-H camps so they could learn the valuable life skills camp has to offer. He served as a camp helper many years, as well.
Preston also believed in helping make the 4-H volunteers the best they could be. He made a conscience effort every year as County Extension Director to go to at least one 4-H club meeting of each 4-H club in the county. He wanted to be aware of what they were doing and what he could do to help.
One of Preston’s interests in life is poultry. He has a doctorate degree in poultry science and nutrition from Iowa State University. He loves to share his knowledge with others and does so by judging the poultry show at county fairs. Preston was interested in helping others learn by doing, especially in the poultry project. He worked with Campbell Soup to create an opportunity for county youth to receive and exhibit poultry at the Ringgold County Fair.
Preston has done a great deal for Ringgold County 4-H. What he is most known for is his ability to make every 4-H youth feel special. In the past and yet today, he always makes a point to talk to every 4-H member and tell them how great he thinks their exhibit is, whether it be livestock or something in the 4-H building.
Preston’s green blood will flow forever. He makes sure he stresses to everyone he meets how important 4-H is and what positive impacts it has on a person. He has been an honorary 4-H member, 4-H parent, and now a proud 4-H grandparent. He’s doing his part to pass his green blood on to others in his family and for future generations, too
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 10, 2011
Hayse to be inducted in 4-H Hall of Fame

Preston HAYSE is inducted into the Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame,
Preston HAYSE of Ringgold county will be inducted into the 2011 Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame during a ceremony at the 4-H
Exhibits Building at the Iowa State Fair on Sunday, Aug. 21. Eighty-eight Iowa counties are participating this year
and have selected 121 inductees for their outstanding service and dedication to 4-H. Inductees or their surviving
family members will be presented a certificate by the Iowa 4-H Foundation as they are introduced on stage. Preston will be
recognized at 3:30 p.m. A reception will follow the presentations. Preston HAYSE is an example of someone who bleeds
green - he believes in 4-H, the nomination of the Hall of Fame notes. When HAYSE was county extension director, he
encouraged the local youth to experience the opportunities that were provided within th ecounty, but also stressed the
importance of participating in activites outside the county such as multi-county 4-H exchange program he helped to
organize and 4-H camps. His passion for poultry lead him to work with Campbell Soup to create an opportunity for county
youth to receive and exhibt poultry at the Ringgold County Fair. What HAYSE is most known for though is his ability to
make every 4-H youth feel special. In the past and yet today, he always makes a point to talk to every 4-H member
and tell them how great he thinks their exhibit is, whether it be livestock or something in the 4-H building.
HAYSE'S green blood will flow forever and he's doing his best to pass it on to generations to come.
Counties select inductees for their exceptional work in contributing to the lives of 4-H members and the overall 4-H
program. Many inductees served as club leaders, youth mentors, fair superintendents or fair board members, Iowa State
University Extension county council members, county youth council members, fair judges, financial supporters, chaperones
or ISU Extension staff members. The inductees have demonstrated dedication, encouragement, commitment and guidance to
Iowa's 4-H'ers through the years. "This is a wonderful opportunity for the counties and state to recognize and
celebrate 4-H volunteers and staff who have shown outstanding service and dedication to Iowa's 4-H program," said Chuck
MORRIS, director of ISU Extension 4-H Youth Development. The Iowa 4-H Hall of Fame was initiated in 2002 to help
commemorate the 100th anniversary of 4-H. Information about previous inductees will be available at the 2011 Iowa State
Fair in the 4-H Exhibits Building. Information about previous inductees also is available on the Iowa 4-H Foundation
website, organized by year and by county.
Mount Ayr Record-News Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2011; updatedOctober of 2015
