Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 18, 1953
A Good-Will Community Newspaper Devoted to the Interests of Ringgold County
4-H Club Girls Attend State Convention

Nineteen girls and two leaders from Ringgold county went yesterday morning to Ames to attend the state 4-H girls'
convention. They will return Saturday afternoon. The newly elected county president, Mary SWANK, the county's "Better
Groomed Girl," - Anna Lynn IRVING, and seventeen club delegates are in attendance at the convention. The delegates this
year are Loretta MATHANY, Beacon Bomberettes; Carolyn GALBRAITH, Busy Workers; Lila REYNOLDS, Caledonia Clover Girls;
Mildred DRAKE, Gay Farmerettes; Marilyn OLNEY, Happy-Go-Lucky; Janice CLOUSE, Jefferson Home Hustlers; Arlene BUTT,
Jolly Jinglers; Erma POLLOCK, Liberty Belles; Rita Ann WARIN, Maloy Colleens; Colleen LARSEN, Mount Ayr Coeds; Betty
ELLIOTT, Riley Blue Bells; Patty DAUGHTON, Sunflower Girls; Anna Bell BLACK, Sunshine Workers; Mildred JONES,
Union Loyal Lassies; and Colleen RILEY, Washington Workers. Accompanying the girls to the convention were Mrs.
Marvin SOBOTKA, another leader, and Miss Virginia REDHAGE, home economist.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

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