Decatur County Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, September 20, 1917

John WALKER, of Milo, father of Mrs. Orel ESTES, of Leon, and six other Iowa stock men, including Otis MCCOLLOUGH, of
Kellerton, and Fred MANLEY, of Osceola, met death in a rear end collision near Aurora, Illinois, on the Burlington road
early Monday morning. The wreck occurred near the station of Earlyville, forty-five miles west of Aurora. The stock train
was headed for Chicago when a merchandise train plowed through two sleeping cars and a weigh car attached to the rear.
Mrs. ESTES received a message soon after the wreck and left for Milo at once. Mr. ESTES left Wednesday night for Milo to
attend the funeral. The bereaved family certainly have the sincere sympathy of our people. Telegrams published in the
morning papers Tuesday stated that the identified dead were W. D. DIXON, of Hamilton; Otis MCCOLLOUGH, of Kellerton;
Thomas BENDER, of Fairfield; William FOULKS, of Chariton and John WALKER, of Milo.
The wreck was being cleared away and more bodies were being discovered. One of the bodies was believed to be Fred MANLEY,
of Osceola, father of Prof. Russell MANLEY, formerly of Leon.
Thede SMITH, of Lamoni, was on the wrecked train, but escaped with injury. The railroad officials state that the wreck
was caused by the merchandise train running through a block signal.
The known injured include: Harvey VAUGHN, Caldwell, Iowa; Floyd TWOMBLEY, Osceola, Iowa; Roy HOPPER, Chariton, Iowa;
Fred CAMADY, Ford, Iowa; and John ROGERS, Knoxville, Iowa.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009

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