Weekly Hawk-Eye and Telegram Burlington, Des Moines County, Iowa February 9, 1858

Taken Up by Nicholas CALAHAN, of Westfork Tp., Ringgold County, Iowa, three Oxen. One 8 years old, line back, brindle,
white spot in forehead, some white on belly, swallow fork in right ear; one 3 years old, deep red, ball face, white
belly, two small white spots on rump, under slit in right ear; one five years old, pale red, crop off right ear, white
belly, long slim horns. Appraised to be worth $165 by Gabriel HUFFMAN, Noah ADDINGTON and Samuel BAIRN, before John
OARMAN, J.P. on the 8th day of December, 1857. by J. O. HAGANS, County Judge.
Taken Up by David M. LESAN, of Salt Creek Tp. Ringgold County, Iowa, Oct. 18th, 1857, Hay Mare, three years old, left
hind feet white, a little white on right fore foot. Appraised at $55 by Daniel F. ARMSTRONG and Thos. E. ARMSTRONG, on
order of Hiram JONES, J.P. by Jas. O. HAGANS, County Judge.
SOURCE: Iowa Old Press, an IAGenWeb Special Project. Transcribed by S. F., Feb 2007

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