Mount Ayr Record News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, October 23, 2008
Rainbow installed new officers

Emily CAMPBELL, daughter of Ken CAMPBELL and Lori CAMPBELL of Mount Ayr, was installed as Worthy Advisor of Mount Ayr
Assembly #160, International Order of Rainbow for Girls in Iowa and Minnesota on Sunday, July 20, 2008, at the Mount
Ayr Masonic Temple. Other officers installed were: Worthy Associate Advisor, Allie KNAPP; Charity, Johanna SCOTT; and,
Service, Grace FERNANDEZ. Installing officers were: Installing Worthy Adivosr, Mrs. Shaun KNEIP, Past Grand Officer
and Past Worthy Advisor; Installing Marshall, Sarah GEIST, Past Worthy Advisor; Installing Chaplain, Mekenzie BISHOP,
Past Worthy Advisor; Installing Recorder, Amber SHIELDS, Pat Worthy Advisor and Installing Musician; Mrs. Debbie
CANNON, Past Grand Representative and Past Worthy Advisor. Escorts were: Eric HINDES, Tyler CAMPBELL, Brock STILL,
Lonnie SWIGERT and Chad HINES. Her father, Ken CAMPBELL, escorted Emily to her station. Tayor and Chandler HINDES carried
the crown and Emily's mother, Lori CAMPBELL, placed the crown on Emily's head. Emily introduced her parents, Lori CAMPBELL
and Ken CAMPBELL. Emily read a poem to honor her parents. Other family and friends introduced were great-grandparents,
William and Nomalea BRNETT, aunt Melanie LANE, aunt Lohie and cousin Janice FISHER, cousins Tisha, Lonnie, Cody and
Bryce SWIGART, all of Lamoni; uncle and family, Eric, May, Chandler and Jessie HINDES of Pleasant Hope, MO; uncle Chad
and cousin Tylor HINDES of Olathe, KS; grandmother Joy MILLER of Camdenton, MO; Brenda SCAD, Terry BISHOP, brother and
sister Tyler and Sarah CAMPBELL, Margaret and Laurance BISHOP and Randy, Christine and Mekenzie BISHOP, all of Mount
Ayr. Emily announced her plans for the term: theme, "Don't Miss the Beauty of the Rainbow, Looking for the Pot of Gold;"
colors, navy blue and yellow; flower, yellow rose; symbol, angels and honor stations hope, faith and service. Her
activities include Rainbow Sunday, Adopt a Highway, and a quilt for soldier, social -- movie and pizza and a bake sale
with raffle for fund raising. Musical selections played during the installation were: "Somewhere Over the Rainbow," "Ready,
Set, Don't Go" and "I Will Always Love You." Amy SICKELS gave the Past Worthy Advisor's report for her daughter, Maci, who
was out of state. Rainbow Dad, Laurence BISHOP, was presented with Rainbow Dad's Pin by Gary ROUDYBUSH. Those
introduced were Allie KNAPP, Bowties Reporter and Past Worthy Advisors, Amber SHIELDS, Mekenzie BISHOP, Shaun KIEP,
Sarah GEIST, Amy SICKELS, Debbie CANNON and Shelly WIMER. Past Rainbow Dads introduced were Gary ROUDYBUSH, Steve OXLEY,
Laurence BISHIP and Randy BISHOP. Also introduced was Steve OXLEY, Worshipful Master of Faith Lodge. Mr. Eric HINDES gave
the benediction. Leah CLYMER sat at the guest book. Amy SICKELS was in charge of the refreshments.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2012

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