The New York Times New York, New York Sunday, July 20, 1919

MOUNT AYR, IOWA - July 10. - Roy EMERSON of Creston, Iowa, charged with beating his mother to death with an iron
brace and throwing her body in an elevator shaft, was found guilty of murder in the second degree by a jury here
Ruthven Free Press Ruthven, Palo Alto County, Iowa Wednesday, August 13, 1919
Interesting Items of News Gathered from all
Parts of Iowa

Roy EMERSON, convicted
slayer of his mother, hanged himself at Kellerton during an automobile journey back to Ringgold
county jail where he
was being taken after Will WALLACE, of Greenfield, repudiated his part of EMERSON's $15,000 bond.
Kate EMERSON was born October 12, 1857, and died May 6, 1919, with interment at Graceland Cemetery,
Creston, Union County, Iowa.Roy I. EMERSON, born September 24, 1880, and died July 30, 1919, was interrred at Graceland
Cemtery, Creston, Union County, Iowa.
New York Times, New York, New York, July 20, 1919. Transcribed and note by Sharon R. Becker
Iowa Old Press, an IAGenWeb Special
Project. Submitted by: C.J.L., June 26, 1991

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