Davenport Daily Leader Davenport, Scott County, Iowa May 23, 1902

MT. AYR, May 23 - Mrs. Laura Lucina STILES DUNNING celebrated her 87th
birthday here yesterday. She has been a resident of Mt. Ayr since 1855. Her
husband died in 1877. Of the children of Mr. and Mrs. DUNNING, Walter DUNNING
is a capitalist of Denver, Colo; Frank DUNNING is president of the Citizens'
bank of Bedford; Day DUNNING is president of the Citizens' bank of Mt. Ayr.
These three came here with their parents in 1855. Charles B. DUNNING, born
here in December, 1855, died in 1880. Mrs. DUNNING may fittingly be called
"the mother of Mt. Ayr."
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, January of 2011
