Mount Ayr News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa July 13, 1905

"Doc" MULLOCK, formerly a resident of this county, was shot and
instantly killed Sunday near his home, two miles from Parnell, Worth
County, MO. His brother, John, is in jail at Grant City, the coroner's
jury having named him as the person who did the shooting. It appears
that there had been trouble between them over a cow.
MULLOCK received a charge of No. 4 shot in his right breast, 67 shot
entering a spot not much larger than a man's hand, so it is figured that
the murderer must have stood only 20 or 25 feet away. The theory
of the prosecution is that John MULLOCK stood behind a tree and rested
the shotgun on a limb.
The victim was going along the road, leading a cow. He was accompanied
by his ten-year-old stepson, Dan MANIS, who claims to have seen John
MULLOCK fire the fatal shot.
"Doc" MULLOCK's father-in-law, Stokey MANIS, in "Doc" MULLOCK's yard a
quarter of a mile away from the shooting says he saw someone go to the
field and speak to John MULLOCK, when the latter at once went to the
house of his sister, Eliza MULLOCK, where he made his home and where the
shooting was done. John MULLOCK claims that when the shot was fired, he
was pulling weeds in an oats field a quarter of a mile north of the
scene of the shooting.
The body of the victim was left lying in the road for over an hour, his
numerous relatives in the neighborhood giving it no attention.
John MULLOCK, in jail at Grant City, was sullen and reticent, and when
at length he consented to talk, would not speak directly about the
shooting, but talked volubly about his wrongs, among which he mentioned
having been shot in the hand a few months ago by his brother in a
quarrel. He claims to have heard of the shooting first from the
Sheriff, who arrested him late Sunday afternoon at his sister's where he
made his home.
Two boys named COLLINS, whose family is involved in the cow dispute,
passed MULLOCK and his boy going east, and after the shooting drove the
cow back to their own place. Stokey MANIS says he heard one of the
COLLINS boys say "John get ready, here comes 'Doc' with the cow." The
COLLINS place is a half a mile west of "Doc" MULLOCK's, while John and
Eliza MULLOCK's place, where the shooting was done, is about half way
between them.
Ten year old Dan MANIS, who was behind driving the cow when the shot was
fired, states that he saw John MULLOCK behind the willow tree and that
he saw him level the gun and fire. He also states that he was so
frightened he could not cry out to "Doc" of his danger. He further
states that the two COLLINS boys were standing near John when he fired
the shot.
The trouble over the cow is stated thus: "Doc" MULLOCK had gone over to
the COLLINS home, about half a mile west, to get a cow out of the
pasture. It seems that a few days before the shooting, three cows that
were being kept by "Doc" MULLOCK got out of the pasture and were taken
up by John MULLOCK. One of these cows in particular the COLLINS boys
claimed they had bought of Eliza MULLOCK, and it was this one that "Doc"
was taking home. It seems that this cow was owned by Chancey MULLOCK, a
brother who lives in Kansas, and he had either sold it to
"Doc" or given it to him. "Doc" got the cow out of the pasture and
started to drive it to his home on the public road, going east.
"Doc" MULLOCK is said to have carried a gun with him when he went for
the cow.
The facts on which this article is based were obatined from this week's
issue of the Worth County Times and the Grant City Star.
MULLOCK formerly lived in Lotts Creek Township, this [Ringgold] county. He was
sent to the penitentiary from this county under a four years' sentence
for keeping a house of ill fame, on complaint of his neighbors, who
asserted that his young daughter was being wronged. He was sent up in
1899, and shortly after his return from Fort Madison [penitentiary] went to live in
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, December, 2008
