The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, April 27, 1902
The trial of Ira HAMMOND on the charge of murder in the second degree as an accomplice of Dr. J. W. CROFFORD, in the
murder of Maude STONE was commenced at Mount Ayr before Judge TOWNER Monday morning, a change of venue having been
granted at the last term of court by Judge TOWNER on a showing by the attorneys for the defendant that he could not
secure a fair trial in this county [Decatur], and the case was sent to Ringgold County for trial.
Our readers are familiar with the details of this case. Maude STONE, a beautiful young lady 21 years old, who resided
with her mother a few miles northeast of Decatur City, left home on the morning of January 22, 1901, ostensibly to
visit friends near Mount Ayr. Nothing further was heard of her until a week later when her mother received a note
from Dr. CROFFORD saying Maude was at his sanitarium, having been taken sick on the train, and for her to come at
once. When Mrs. STONE reached Lamoni, Maude was dead, and Ira HAMMOND and his mother, Mrs. Anna HAMMOND, were both
there. Suspicions of foul play were aroused and at the coroner's inquest it developed Maude STONE had died from the
effects of a criminal operation for abortion. Dr. J. W. CROFFORD and Ira HAMMOND who was engaged to Miss STONE, were
arrested, charged with murder in the second degree and when the grand jury convened an indictment was also found
against Mrs. Annie HAMMOND. The trial of Dr. CROFFORD was held at Leon at the November term of court, the jury after
being out a few hours returning a verdict of guilty and he was sentenced by Judge TOWNER to l3 years in the
penitentiary at Fort Madison, where he is now confined. Since his indictment Ira HAMMOND has been at liberty on a
bond of $10,000 and his mother on a bond of $4,000.

The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, April 27, 1902
After the case was called, the defense moved to dismiss the indictment for the reason that a part of the exhibits
used as evidence in the case had been permitted to remain in the custody of the attorneys for the state, special
stress being laid on the bottle of medicine which was found in the private box of Maude STONE at her home after her
death, and also certain letters written by defendant HAMMOND to Maude STONE. After an extended argument Judge TOWNER
overruled the motion and the case proceeded.
The work of securing a jury proceeded rapidly, and at 12:45 the jury was sworn, 31 jurors having been examined. From
the regular panel only 3 jurors were secured, the other 9 being selected from a special venue of 24 jurors which had
been summoned. The court placed the jury under the charge of Court Baliff W. A. DeLASHMETT, and an order made that
they be kept together and not allowed to converse with anyone outside the jury during the progress of the trial. The
jury is composed of exceptionally young men and it is the opinion of the Mount Ayr people who are posted that the jury
is as favorable a jury for the defendant as could be selected in Ringgold County. The jury is composed of the
following: A. J. OVERHOLZER of Lincoln Township, Diagonal; E. STUCKER of Lincoln Township, Clearfield;
Albert STEPHENS of Lotts Creek Township, Caledonia; J. S. BUTT of Jefferson Township, Knowlton;
Sherman BECK of Athens Township, Kellerton; Myers JUDY of Clinton Township, Blockton;
Pat CALLAHAN of Lincoln Township, Knowlton; O. C. HULL of Clinton Township, Redding;
B. O. BEADLE of Lincoln Township, Clearfield; D. G. NORTHEY of Monroe Township, Beaconsfield;
C. F. BASTOW of Washington Township, Mount Ayr; and, E. C. NICHOL of Athens Township, Kellerton.
Shortly after court convened for the afternoon session, one of the jurors, J. S. BUTTS, discovered he had lost his
pocketbook containing $170, which he thought he lost in the water closet at the court house, and the court excused
him for a short time while he went to look for it, but no trace of the book or money could be found.
After the jury was selected the court adjourned until 2 o'clock, and County Attorney OLSEN made the opening statement
to the jury, stating that the state expected to prove the death of Maude STONE was caused by a criminal operation for
abortion performed by Dr. J. W. CROFFORD, and that Ira HAMMOND was the cause of her downfall and was guilty of murder
in having been an accomplice of Dr. CROFFORD in the matter. C. W. HOFFMAN [also Dr. CROFFORD's attorney] made the statement for the defense to the jury,
stating the testimony would show that Ira HAMMOND was simply putty in the hands of Maude STONE, who had money and the
mental capacity to lead and control the boy. The evidence would show that if Maude STONE had prior abortions it was
without the knowledge or consent of Ira HAMMOND. That they expected to show that Mike SPRINGER had stated that he did
not think Ira HAMMOND was responsible for Maude STONE's death, that the guilty person was Dr. CROFFORD. That whatever
the girl did before in the way of having an abortion performed was done on her own motion and with her own money.
That to connect Ira HAMMOND with the fatal operation it would have been necessary
for him to have driven from Decatur City to Lamoni and return, a distance of 28 miles, in an hour and a half on January
12, 1901. That the state had practically bought the testimony of one of their principal witnesses, Emory DRISCOLL,
the boy who was living at CROFFORD's sanitarium when MAUDE STONE died. That the STONES, Mike SPRINGER and Capt. J. D.
BROWN had lots of money and were willing to spend it to convict this poor boy.
At the conclusion of the statements to the jury the witnesses for the state were called, but many of them had not
yet arrived and the attorneys for the state began fighting for time until the arrival of the 2:30 train and asked
the court to take a recess until the train arrived. Judge TOWNER spoke quite sharply, saying it was their duty to
have the witnesses present and ordered the case to proceed.

The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, April 27, 1902
The first witness for the state was:
Mrs. MARGARET STONE, mother of the dead girl, who was examined briefly, testifying that her husband had been dead 15 or
20 years. That Maude left home in August, 1900, to go to Lamoni to visit. She was in good health and was gone about a
week. Ed BROWN, was the next witness. He resides at Decatur City and took Maude STONE to within a mile of the station
at Kingston in August, l900, she riding with him to the cross roads and then went north toward the station. She had a
valise. Saw Mrs. HAMMOND and Ira on the road the same day, going south.
Edward HOWARD, who resides at Lamoni, was the next witness. He testified Ira HAMMOND was at his home in Lamoni in
August, on Saturday, August 18, 1900, and stayed until Sunday afternoon. Saw Maude STONE at CROFFORD's sanitarium Sunday
and Ira HAMMOND was with her.
Geo. F. WOLEVER, assistant cashier of the Citizen's Bank at Decatur City, identified letters introduced as exhibits as
being in Ira HAMMOND's hand writing.
Herbert DENSMORE, testified he worked at the STONE farm in 1900. Knew Ira HAMMOND for a number of years and went to
school with him in Illinois; identified letters introduced as exhibits as being in Ira HAMMOND's hand writing.
Vern KIER, also worked at the STONE farm and testified Ira HAMMOND kept company with Maude STONE. That he carried
letters from HAMMOND to Maude and from Maude to HAMMOND at HAMMOND's request, about once a week.
Frank ROBBINS, who lived in the same neighborhood, also testified to carrying letters back and forth between HAMMOND and
Maude STONE, and said letters introducted as exhibits were written by Ira HAMMOND.
Rue STONE, a brother of the dead girl, was the last witness Monday. He testified he resided at the home of his mother
and saw Maude every day. That she went to Lamoni on a visit in August, l900, was gone about a week and when she came
home was very pale and looked as if she had been sick, but soon recovered her former good health. When she left home on
January 22, 1901, she said she was going to Mount Ayr on a visit, and appeared to be in good health. Told of the finding
and opening of Maude's tin box in which she kept her private papers, and the finding of the medicine bottle and several
letters written to her by Ira HAMMOND. At the conclusion of his testimony court adjourned until Tuesday morning at 9:00 o'clock.
Tuesday morning, when court was called, considerable time was occupied with a motion to exclude the testimony of the
witness, Rue B. STONE, on the grounds he was not a witness before the grand jury which indicted Ira HAMMOND, and the
further fact that he was not a witness in the preliminary examination, the defendant having waived such examination,
the motion being overruled. Herbert DENSMORE, Rue B. STONE, C. B. TOWNSEND, Mrs. M. F. SPRINGER and Mrs. Margaret
STONE identified certain letters and exhibits, including the papers found in Maude STONE's private box after her death.
A strong fight was made by the defendant's attorneys to have the letters excluded, but Judge TOWNER decided they were
proper evidence, and 14 letters from Ira HAMMOND to Maude STONE were read. The letters are not fit for publication. He
addressed her as his dear wife, spoke lightly of their intimacy and of going to Lamoni for medicine, and Maude's trip to
Lamoni in August, 1900, and of his mother going to Leon to see where Maude STONE should go. In one of them, he spoke of
being so sorry he could never see their child, but so glad Maude was all right again. Others of the letters referred to
her going to Lamoni in January, 1901.
Exhibits "F", "H", and "I", after long argument by counsel, were by the court admitted in evidence. Exhibit "F" is a
letter written by Ira HAMMOND to Maude STONE, January 15th, 1901, and "H" is a letter by Maude STONE to Ira HAMMOND,
January l7th, l90l. "I" is the envelope enclosing Exhibit "H". Following are the letters in full:
Decatur, Iowa, January, 15, 1901
Dearest Maude: -- Well, this is Wednesday evening and I am going to write you a little bit, although I am pretty d---n
tired. I got home all o.k. Sunday evening, but it was rather late. How did you feel Monday morning? Let me tell you I
felt pretty tough. But Maude, my darling, I never begrudge the time I spend with you. I hope it won't be long until I
can spend it all with you. Of course, I know Maude you would rather wait until I am of age, but I can get as much now as
I can when I am 21, and maybe more, because we don't know what will happen between now and then. Say, Maude, my dear
sweet girl, I would give a good deal to know how you are. I do hope that medicine will fix you out all right. I don't
know how I will get away to go out there, but [illegible] you have to go. I will take you. [illegible] folks where I
am going [illegible] to see our [illegible] by Dr. A. BROWN. Phone at once and do it, so let it go. If we get married this
spring we won't have to do that way any more will we, darling. But Maude, I think more of your name than I do the child.
I wouldn't have you ruined by having a child before we were married for anything. You know as well as I do what people
would say, don't you? Now, look here, Maude, if I could work out from now till I am of age, I could make some money, but
I can't because if we don't get married I have got to stay here, and I would not be a bit better off than I am now. I
spoke to my father about getting married; he is willing I should. Maude, if I was going to marry some town girl, and
good for nothing girl, I know he would kick, but he thinks the world of you; also thinks I couldn't better myself and
darned lucky to get as good a one as you are. He says he will give me a good team and tools enough to farm with. What
better can you ask? There is many a man that don't give their boys that much, isn't there? And I think he will give me a
cow and a couple of brood sows. Now, you see if he gives me a team we will have four horses that can work besides by
colt. Maude, if you will marry me I will work my d---n head off but what I will support you. I haven't mentioned it to
my mother; it don't make no difference to her; father is the one. Father says he thinks we would have done better to
gone by ourselves, but he says he won't kick, it is us for it. He said he would liked to had us come here and help him.
I tell you, Maude, I don't do much here, but when I am gone they will miss me. Maude, I wish you would tell your mother
that if Bony leaves we are going to get married, and see what she says, will you? Maude, you don't know how much I
enjoyed myself Sunday night; you know when. I never had opportunity to stay that way before, did I? Did you like it
better? But, my Lord, Monday night I never spent such a night in my life. The folks said they never heard such rolling
and groaning as I did. I had the d-----est dreams you ever heard of. I only wish one of those dreams I had was so now,
it was just as real as could be. Well, I must ring off and go to bed. I suppose you will get tired before you get this
red. So good night, my dear, sweet wife,
I am as ever your loving husband, Ira. C.Y.K. Ans. soon. I will be with you when you read this.
Decatur, Iowa, January 17, 1901 Mr. I.L. HAMMOND.
My Dear Ira: This is Thursday evening and I am going to write you a letter if someone don't bother me. How are you
getting along? All right I hope. I am just the same, not a bit of change in any way. You know what. Verne and Shorty
have gone to Leon. I hope you didn't go and I am pretty sure you didn't. I have been washing to-day. I never ironed a
Monday as I said I was going to. I done that yesterday. Rue has been gone every day this week. He went to Mary's
father's Monday and never came back till Tuesday morning and then Mary and him both went away that evening and never
came back till to-day noon. They went to see about getting a place but they never got one. I don't believe they are
going to try to buy a place now. I think they will build. I wish they would buy, but if they don't I can't help it. It
would be a whole lot better for them to get away from here as soon as possible. I told Mary today that they had all been
visiting but me and that I was going to go. I told Ma that I wanted to go and she said all right. But, Ira, I am going
to two places. I am going to Cainsville and Mt. Ayr. The reason I am going to Mt. Ayr is because it is right on the road
to Lamoni. I am going Tuesday and I am going to start to Mt. Ayr. Of course, you know where I will stop, and as soon as
I can leave there I will go on to Mt. Ayr and you and the folks will never know but what I have been there all the time,
and from there go to Cainsville. I will not be gone only one Sunday. Now, Ira, I don't hardly know which would be the
best, for me to go on the train or have you take me, but if you don't take me, Ira, my dear one, won't you please come
out there a Wednesday and stay till I leave? Please do, Ira. I know you can go. Your folks may give you h--l but I have
stood more from my folks than you have from yours so darling please go. It will be lots of company for me to have you
there and I want you to be with me as much as you possibly can. I hope I can get away from there a Thursday. I am not
going to take all of the money with me to pay him because I am afraid the folks will catch on about me spending so much
money. I am going to write Dock a letter and tell him I am coming so he will be prepared for me. We can talk it all over
when I see you Sunday night. Oh, say! Sal saw Mr. DINSMORE over in the field to-day and he was working those horses of
SHIELDS' and Sal says, them horses will kill you some of these days, and Herb says, I hope they do, or he didn't care if
they did, and BRIGHT asked Sal yesterday when he was down to the mill if DINSMORE had been over here lately, and he said
no, not that he knew of, and he asked why, and they said Herb was down there the other day and said he had bought a new
buggy and team of horses and that you wasn't going to go with me any longer, that he was going to start right away. I
think there is lots of danger of him keeping you from coming over here or anyone else, don't you? If I was him I would
either keep my infernal mouth shut or else I would do what I say I am going to. Have you been down town this week to
meeting? I hope you haven't. I haven't been off the place. I want to go down to Decatur Saturday to get some things and
also to get some money. I wish you would be in town. I would like to see you. Oh! Ira, you can't imagine how lonesome
I get some times I can hardly stand it. Ira, you said one thing Sunday evening I think I had better do but it wouldn't
do me no good if I did. I am so wicked. It was when I was getting my handkerchief from under the sofa, Ira, I was just
thinking today how happy you and I could be when we get married. If Rue and Mary don't move away from here by next fall
I don't know what they will do. Do you suppose your folks would care if we stayed over there till they did move out?
There is one thing sure, we will not stay here as long as they are in here. If they can't get a place by thunder we can
or else we can build. Stanley hasn't come home yet, has he? Has Mr. OGYLVIE (that isn't spelled right) come yet?
I am kinder in hopes Stanley won't come home because I know you and him won't get along. Well, my dear, sweet boy, as it
is getting late and I am tired I will close and go to bed. Wish you were here to go with me. Will bid you a kind good
night with lots of kisses. I am your loving sweetheart and wife. Answer soon; be careful with this letter.
Be sure and get here at 5 o'clock. If you take a notion to come sooner, all right. I wish you would take such a notion.
By by C.Y.K. I don't expect you can read this.
Austin HOWARD and wife, who live at Lamoni, testified Mrs. HAMMOND, Ira HAMMOND and Maude STONE called at their home in
Lamoni in August, l900. Edwin HOWARD and Lewis HORNER, testified to seeing Ira HAMMOND at Lamoni on Saturday and
Sunday, August 18 and 19. Howard swore HAMMOND told him he came down after his girl.
Ferd RAUCH and wife, testified Maude STONE did not visit at their home in Lamoni in August, 1900, or in January, 1901.
Joe MULLIN, testified Ira HAMMOND told him during the Dr. CROFFORD trial at Leon that the initials "C.Y.K.", which were
attached to nearly all the letters written by him to Maude STONE, meant "Consider Yourself Kissed."
Dr. B. L. EIKER, was the first witness at the afternoon session, testifying that Maude STONE visited his office May 21,
and 22, 1900, which was the last time he ever prescribed for her. After that time Ira HAMMOND came to see him and said
he had a girl in a fix and wanted him to help them out. He refused and advised them to get married.
Orr FLETCHER, testified Ira HAMMOND got a team and cutter at the livery stable in Decatur City in January, 1901, between
12 and 1 o'clock and drove south from Decatur. He had the same cutter engaged to go to Van Wert that evening and waited
until close to 5 o'clock for HAMMOND to return and then had to take another team.
H. B. LUNBECK, the Decatur liveryman, testified HAMMOND got a team from his barn on January 12, 1901, and turned south
from the square at Decatur. When he returned he drove in from the east.
Ernest JONES, who lives near Lamoni, testified to seeing Ira HAMMOND in Dr. CROFFORD's office at Lamoni on the afternoon
of January 12, 1901, and saw him there again on Jan. 29.
J. A. WELLINGTON, of near Lamoni, testified he was at CROFFORD's office in Lamoni in January, 1901, and there was a man
there who said he came from above Decatur, but the witness seemed reluctant to testify and claimed he could not remember
or identify the man, but admitted that in the trial of Dr. CROFFORD, he identified a picture of the defendant as the
man. He admitted that Emory DRISKOLL was in the office at the same time.
Emory DRISCOLL, was called and testified he was staying at Dr. CROFFORD's sanitarium in January, 1901, and saw J. A.
WELLINGTON in the office and Ira HAMMOND was there, the date being January 12, 1901. Saw HAMMOND there again about two
weeks later and HAMMOND said he lived near Decatur. The witness asked him if he had not been there a short time before
and he said he had. Mrs. Mary ROBBINS, of Decatur, testified she celebrated her tin wedding on Jan. 11, 1901, and
Maude STONE was there, the object being to establish dates. Rue B. STONE, testified he was married December 25, 1900,
and talked of leaving the home farm at that time. C. B. TOWNSEND, was called and testified it was possible for a
person coming into Decatur from the direction of Lamoni to turn east south of the square, come north and then drive back
west to the livery barn as though coming from the east in the direction of Leon. Mrs. Maragret STONE, told of Maude
leaving home on January 22, 1901, to go on a visit to relatives at Mount Ayr. She was in good health at the time and was
a robust girl. Said Ira HAMMOND had kept company with her for about a year. Did not hear from Maude after she left until
she received a letter from Dr. CROFFORD, brought to her by Ira HAMMOND, saying Maude was sick at his sanitarium. She
started for Lamoni with HAMMOND and found her daughter a corpse when she arrived there. Mrs. HAMMOND was there when she
arrived. On cross examination she denied having told Mrs. Levi BROOKS that Maude had been sick with bowel trouble.
Rue STONE, testified to his sister's health being good when she started for Mount Ayr. Did not see her alive again.
Vernon KIER, who worked at the STONE farm, testified to the same thing. The state traced Maude STONE from the station
at Kingston to Lamoni by W. B. REDMAN, Conductor Mike CAREY, C. M. KETCHEM, O. E. HULL, E. J. SPRINGER, James GRANDSTAFF
and wife and Arthur TOWNSEND, who saw and talked to her on the train.
Ted SHEEN, of Lamoni, testified to seeing her get off the train at the depot and watched her walk around the block and
go into Dr. CROFFORD's sanitarium. L. J. BARR, identified a plat of the streets and buildings in the vicinity of Dr.
CROFFORD's sanitarium. Court then adjourned until Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock.
When court convened Wednesday morning the first witness called was:
Orr FLETCHER, who swore the day he saw Ira HAMMOND get a team and drive south was on Saturday.
Verm KIER, testified as to the day in question being Saturday, January 12, 1901.
Rue STONE, recalled, testified the time he was talking of buying the KELLER farm was in December, 1900.
The State's Attorney then carefully traced the defendant along the road from Decatur to Lamoni by witnesses Harrison
ORFIELD, Dell WILEY, Jesse LLOYD and John SPRINGER, who told of meeting a young man riding a rangy bay horse, going
toward Lamoni, learning afterwards that the young man was Ira HAMMOND, and the dates being January 12 and 23, 1901.
Wm. CRICHTON, who lives just across the road from defendant, testified Ira HAMMOND was away from home over night on
January 23, 1901. Mrs. CRICHTON, also testified his mother told her Ira was away from home that night.
Charles BRENIZER, a liveryman at Lamoni, told of HAMMOND coming to his barn about a week before the death of Maude
STONE, riding a bay horse. He remained over night and slept in the barn on a cot, saying it would be late when he came
in and the hotel would probably be closed. Clarence SPRINGER, a partner in the livery business, testified to seeing
HAMMOND at the barn on January 23, and he was sleeping there the next morning. The witness left the barn the night
before after 12 o'clock and HAMMOND had not come in at the time he left. His son, Eli SPRINGER, also testified to seeing HAMMOND at the barn on January 23.
Frank HOPKINS, a furniture dealer at Lamoni, also testified as to seeing Maude STONE enter CROFFORD's sanitarium on
January 22, and did not see her again until after she was dead.
Emory DRISCOLL, who was a patient at CROFFORD's sanitarium, testified to seeing Maude STONE the day she arrived at the
sanitarium, that she looked well, and after talking with Dr. CROFFORD, was assigned to a room. Heard her vomiting a few
days later quite hard. He also told of seeing Ira HAMMOND in Dr. CROFFORD's office on two occasions, once about ten days
or two weeks before Maude STONE came. He asked for Dr. CROFFORD and went with him into his private room and remained
there quite awhile. On cross examination by Mr. HOFFMAN the witness denied telling his brother or other parties he was
being paid big money for testifying against CROFFORD and HAMMOND in this case, and said the County Attorney told him he
would see he received the proper medical attention and board if he was unable to pay for it. He said the only money he
ever received was a dollar Mike SPRINGER gave him to pay his fare to Leon when he appeared before the grand jury. That
none of the attorneys for the state had ever asked him to swear to anything in this case except the truth. That his
father had refused to pay for his board or medical attention unless he remained with Dr. CROFFORD.
J. A. WELLINGTON, was recalled and testified he saw Emory DRISCOLL talking with a young man in CROFFORD's office about a
week before Maude STONE died, and heard him say he was from above Decatur, and had been there before when there was snow
on the ground. The state then commenced the examination of the expert medical witnesses, which consumed the balance of
the afternoon. The case cannot go to the jury before Saturday and may run over to Monday before the arguments are closed
and the case submitted to the jury. Every point in the case is being bitterly contested by the attorneys on both sides.

Almost all of Wednesday afternoon was consumed with the state's expert medical testimony, Drs. B. R. McALLASTER, F. A.
BOWMAN, H. R. LAYTON and B. L. EIKER testifying at considerable length in regard to the autopsy held on the body of
MAUDE STONE after it was taken to the STONE home the day after she died, being in substance that they found evidences of
and operation for abortion having been recently performed and that her death was caused by septic peritonitis or blood
poison, the result of such operation, it being their opinion that the dead girl had been pregnant for two and a half or
three months. Their testimony was published in full in The Reporter during the trial of Dr. J. W. CROFFORD, and
we do not consider it necessary to republish the details, as they cannot be generally understood by the public. Dr. J. W.
GREENMAN also testified theoretically as to the cause of death based on the testimony of the other physicians.
During the cross examinations of Dr. McALLASTER the defense made what they claimed was important evidence, he testifying
that at the post mortem examination the womb of the dead girl was removed from the body and placed by him in a glass
jar, being kept at his office until some time last December, when it was returned to Rue B. STONE, who got it at the
request of the family and buried it. The state claimed it would have been an important piece of evidence in Dr.
CROFFORD's trial had they known of its existence and had it brought into court to be examined by the physicians for the
defendant. Mrs. M. F. SPRINGER, being recalled, testified she did not see Maude STONE after she left home until she
went to Lamoni, January 30 and found her a corpse. Her mother, Mrs. Margaret STONE, Mrs. HAMMOND, Irs HAMMOND, Dr.
CROFFORD and wife and others were present when she entered the room. On cross examination said when Maude STONE's box
was opened she saw only one bottle of medicine in it. There were some other letters besides the ones introduced in
evidence. After the box was examined it was locked again and her husband took charge of the key and box.
Mendel CLUM, the Lamoni undertaker, who prepared the body of Maude STONE for burial, testified he was called by Dr.
CROFFORD the night she died, about 10 or 11 o'clock. The body was still warm and she had not been dead over an hour.
Dr. DERWENT, of Lamoni, testified as to having been in Dr. CROFFORD's sanitarium at Lamoni which he conducted as a
sanitarium and hospital. Said there was an office, operating and bed rooms, and he had the various surgical instruments
used by surgeons, including dilators and vaginal speculums. Mrs. M. F. SPRINGER, testified she brought the valise
containing Maude's underclothing from Lamoni, and the valise containing them was locked, she carrying the key.
Mrs. Avis RUMLEY, testified she took the clothing from the valise and they were damp and wet, as though they had been
washed. Court then adjourned until Thursday morning at 9 o'clock, the first witness being:
Dr. B. L. EIKER, who, on cross examination testified he testified at CROFFORD's trial entirely without notes. At that
trial he swore no parts of the body were saved for microscopic examination, the question whether the uterus or other
parts were saved not being asked him in that form. The parts saved were the uterus and appendages, ovaries and fallopian
tubes. Dr. McALLASTER, the coroner, took charge of them. On redirect examination he said the womb could not have been
preserved for any great length of time so as to show the bacteria. The last time he saw the parts was in November, 1901.
They were in a glass jar which would hold about two quarts.
Charles BRENIZER, the Lamoni liveryman, was recalled and testified that when Ira HAMMOND came to Lamoni the second time
in January, 1901, he drove a gray and bay team, the bay horse being the same one he rode there the week before.
Clarence SPRINGER, his partner, testified their barn was closed shortly after midnight on January 23, and Ira HAMMOND
was not there when he closed the barn and went home, but was sleeping in the office the next morning.
Dr. DERWENT, was recalled to explain the use of various surgical instruments and dilators which were used.
H. B. LUNBECK, the Decatur liveryman, testified he charged one dollar for a team to Leon and two dollars for a team to
Lamoni. He charged Ira HAMMOND one dollar for the team he had on January 12.
Rue B. STONE, testified he buried the parts he received last December from Dr. McALLASTER, and the court ruled he was
not required to tell where he buried them.
Mrs. Margaret STONE, testified Ira HAMMOND was not at her home on the Sunday evening before Maude went to Lamoni, to the
best of her recollection. The defense then put on their medical expert testimony, which was much shorter than at the CROFFORD trial.
Dr. A. BROWN, testified at some length as to the time death would ordinarily ensue from septic peritonitis, claiming
that in his opinion Maude STONE could not have died from the effects of an operation for abortion within the time it was
claimed she first went to CROFFORD's sanitarium, the condition of her body being as described by the physicians on the
part of the state. He denied knowing the parts of her body were in Dr. McALLASTER's possession, although Geo. W. BAKER
stated he had told him of this fact and requested him to go to Dr. McALLASTER's office and examine them, and said Dr.
BROWN asked him to get them and bring them to his office as he and Dr. McALLASTER were not on the best of terms. He also
admitted that the physicians who testified on the part of the state were honorable men and he would not refuse to
believe their statements. Drs. J. W. HORNE, S. BAILEY and J. W. WHITE, testified along the same lines as to the
character of septic peritonitis and other conditions, but their examinations both direct and on cross examination were
very short. S. W. KEHLER, clerk of the Decatur District Court, produced certain letters from Maude STONE used in the
trial of Dr. CROFFORD as exhibits and swore they had been in his custody since that time.
C. B. TOWNSEND, identified the letters as being in the handwriting of Maude STONE.
Three letters from Maude STONE were then read. One dated May 21, 1900, stated she had been to see the doctor and he gave
her some medicine which would make her all right by the last of the week. Another dated December 14, 1900, spoke of
troubles she was having and hoped they could soon be married. While the letters in some places were rather broad, they
could not be compared with those written by HAMMOND and the language used could be construed in two different ways.
Court then adjourned until afternoon, when the first witness put on the stand was:
Edwin HOWARD, of Lamoni, testified that on Saturday, August 18, 1900, he went with Ira HAMMOND to Ferd RAUCH's home in
Lamoni to see his girl. Mr. and Mrs. RAUCH were away from home, and HAMMOND inquired for Maude STONE, but she was not
there. He saw HAMMOND and Maude STONE drive away from Dr. CROFFORD's sanitarium the following afternoon.
Harry CORRINGTON, of Decatur, swore that on Saturday, January 12, 1901, he and Fred TOWNSEND drove from Decatur to Leon,
leaving Decatur about 3 o'clock. That they met Ira HAMMOND and John WOODARD in a sleigh just west of the K. & W. depot
at Leon, driving toward Decatur. They had one of LUNBECK Bros.' livery teams. Fred TOWNSEND, testified to substantially the same thing as Harry CORRINGTON.
John WOODARD, testified he went with Ira HAMMOND from Decatur to Leon on Saturday afternoon, January 12, in a sleigh and
one of LUNBECK's livery teams. They started home between 4 and 5 o'clock and met Fred TOWNSEND and Harry CORRINGTON near
I. N. CLARK's residence, west of the K. & W. depot in Leon. On cross examination he denied he had stated in the presence
of Abe and Jink WELLS that he would swear to anything to help HAMMOND out of his trouble, or that he had asked Abe WELLS
to give him a receipt for some money he had paid him and date it back to that date, so he could prove his testimony in
behalf of HAMMOND, and claimed the statements were merely made at a mock trial.
Dr. S. BAILEY, recalled, testified that a bottle of medicine with directions to take a teaspoonful after meals would
indicate it was for indigestion or a tonic. In his opinion the bottle found in Maude STONE's box had contained a bitter

The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, IowaThursday, May 1, 1902
George EVANS, testified that in a conversation some time ago Emory DRISCOLL told him he was to receive $160 for
testifying in this case. That he had arranged so he could put his hands on $150 and he believed he could just as well
have gotten $500 or $1,000. W. E. DRISCOLL, a half brother of the witness, Emory DRISCOLL, saw him the night before he
testified before the grand jury, and at that time he told him that M.F. SPRINGER and others had promised to pay him
money and settle his doctor bills. At another time Emory said that if they did not pay him the money he would turn
state's evidence. That they promised to set him up in business and he would never want for anything.
Levi BROOKS, of near Lamoni, who is a cousin by marriage of Maude STONE, testified to a conversation with Emory DRISCOLL
at his home in which he said he got a dollar and a railroad ticket to Leon when he went to testify, and that he was to
be doctored if he testified, but did not say who was to pay for it.
Mrs. Ferd RAUCH, testified she was present when Maude STONE was laid out at Lamoni and helped to dress her. She was not
bloated that she could notice. They put on her black silk dress and buttoned the skirt and waist without trouble.
Mrs. Chalers TEALE, testified she assisted Mrs. RAUCH and gave the same testimony as to buttoning her dress and said she
was not bloated. She saw some light colored stains on her skirts which looked like old stains. The clothing was dry at
the time.
Mrs. W. E. DRISCOLL, testified she had heard Emory DRISCOLL say that if SPRINGER did not do as he had agreed he would
turn state's evidence.
Melvin CLUM, the undertaker, testified he was assisted by J. F. HOPKINS in washing and laying out Maude STONE. He
thought she was a very nice looking girl and did not notice any bloating or anything wrong in her appearance. He
assisted in dressing her about 11 o'clock the next morning.
ED CAVE, who lives 2 1/2 miles north of Decatur, testified he saw Ira HAMMOND and his father in his timber on January 12,
1901, and it was somewhere under 12 o'clock when they left the timber.
W. A. SHIPMAN, who lived on Cave's farm, swore he saw Ira HAMMOND and his father in Cave's timber about 9 o'clock on the
morning of January 12, 1901, and again about 12 o'clock, driving up the road toward home with a load of wood.
ALONZO HAMMOND, father of Ira HAMMOND, testified he and Ira went to Cave's timber on the morning of January 12, and left
the timber with a load of wood about 12 o'clock and drove home, a distance of 1 3/4 miles. Though Ira left home that
afternoon about 1:30 o'clock on horseback, riding a bay horse. Did not know when he returned, and next saw him at the
house about 9 o'clock that night.
Mrs. M. F. SPRINGER, was again called to state that the dress in which Maude STONE was dressed after her death was her
own dress which she had taken with her when she left home.
Dr. F. A. BOWMAN, testified Dr. McALLASTER, the coroner, told him the STONE family had requested of him that the parts
removed from the body be not exposed to view to other persons than the physicians.
C. B. TOWNSEND, identified another letter from Maude STONE to Ira HAMMOND and it was read in evidence. The letter was
dated January 17, 1901, and was in regard to her going to Lamoni. She wrote she would tell her folks she was going to
Mount Ayr and Cainsville on a visit, saying she said Mount Ayr because Lamoni was on the road to Mount Ayr and she could
stop there, then go on to Mount Ayr and then to Cainsville. She wanted him to take her to Lamoni if he could get away
and if not for him to come down the next day as she wanted him to be with her as much as possible. Also that she would
not take all the money with her to pay the doctor as her folks might become suspicious about her spending so much money.
Alonzo HAMMOND, again took the stand to correct his testimony as to Ira riding a bay horse to Decatur on January 12,
saying it was a gray mare.
Ira HAMMOND, the defendant, was then placed on the stand. He said he was 21 years old. "[I] was at home on January 12, 1901,
and went to Decatur about 1 o'clock. Met John WOODARD, who proposed getting a team and going to Leon. He went to
LUNBECK's barn, got a sleigh, drove west to the square, then south a block and east to the home of Mrs. STANLEY, John
WOODARD's mother-in-law, where Woodard got in the sleigh and they drove to Leon. Reached Leon about 3 o'clock." He went
to Leon to get a prescription filled for Maude STONE which Dr. EIKER wrote for her. It was at her request He went. He
had it filled at the drug store known as Honnold's, and took the medicine back and gave it to Maude STONE. They met Fred
TOWNSEND and Harry CORRINGTON on the way back to Decatur. Arrived at Decatur between 4 and 5 o'clock. This was the only
medicine of any kind he ever got for her. Did not go to Lamoni about that time. "I went to Lamoni on January 23, as
requested by Maude STONE in her letter to me. Did not see her from January 15 to January 23, and had no word from her
during that time. I rode a bay horse to Lamoni and arrived there between 4 and 5 o'clock in the evening. Put the horse
in the livery barn, then went to a restaurant and got my supper. After supper went to the sanitarium and inquired for Dr.
CROFFORD. He was not there and I asked to see Miss STONE. The attendant went out and soon came back saying it was all
right with her and I went to her room. She was dressed and sitting on a chair. I left the sanitarium at 10 o'clock or a
little after, went to the restaurant, got supper and went to the livery barn and to bed. The barn was closed up when
I got there. Slept in the barn that night, took breakfast at the restaurant the next morning about 7:30, stayed around a
little while and then started home. Went back to Lamoni on January 29 in response to a letter from Dr. CROFFORD requesting
my mother and I to come. Saw Maude and Dr. CROFFORD there and remained all day. About 10 o'clock that night Dr. CROFFORD
came into the office with a letter to Mrs. STONE and requested me to take the letter to her. I never saw Dr. CROFFORD
before January 23, 1901."
On cross examination he said he did not go to Lamoni on January 12. "Never went to Lamoni in a sleigh. Did not meet Dan
McDOWELL on the way to Lamoni and let him ride
with me in a sleigh to Lamoni. Don't know such a man. The prescription which I had filled at Leon I destroyed at the
request of Maude STONE. She asked me to destroy it."
On re-examination he swore he did not assist in performing an abortion on Maude STONE or encourage her in any way in having it done.
Daniel McDOWELL, who lives near Terre Haute, testified he went to Lamoni on January 12, 1901, about two weeks prior to
Maude STONE's death. He met a young man driving a team to a sleigh near Dell WILEY's house and rode with him to Lamoni.
Was not positive as to who it was, as he never saw him before, but to the best of his knowledge the man was the
defendant, Ira HAMMOND. He had a home made sleigh with board runners and was driving pretty fast.
Abe WELLS, who lives near Decatur, swore he had known John WOODARD ever since he was born. Had a converstion with him at
TOWNSEND's bank, in Decatur, a short time ago, in which WOODARD stated he would swear to anything to clear Ira HAMMOND.
A few days after his father, Wm. WOODARD, went on HAMMOND's bond, John WOODWARD came to his saw mill and in the course
of a conversation asked me to give him a receipt for some money he paid me for his brother and date the receipt back to
January 12, as he had been to Leon with HAMMOND the same day and wanted the receipt to show it. "I told him I would look
at the books and see when the money was paid. The books show the check was given me between the 3d and 10th days of
October." Jink WELLS, testified he was working at the Wells mill a few days after Wm. WOODARD signed HAMMOND's bond
and heard John WOODARD say he would swear to anything to help HAMMOND out. He also heard him make the same statement in
LUNBECK's restaurant at Decatur a short time ago. The state then introduced Joe MULLIN, Sherman ROBBINS and Marion
DINGMAN for the purpose of impeaching the witness, John WOODARD, they all testifying his reputation for truth and
veracity was bad. When court convened Friday morning at 9 o'clock the defendant, Ira HAMMOND, was again called to the
stand and testified that when he went to CROFFORD's sanitarium to see Maude STONE she was dressed and sitting on a
chair, but laid down on the bed in about a half an hour. In explaining what he meant when he wrote to Maude STONE saying
he had told her several times what he wanted to do, but she would not do it and now he would do as she wished, that she
was the boss, he said he meant that he wanted to get married. On cross examination he said he was not going with another
girl during the time he went with Maude STONE. Did not know the exact date of his marriage to Bertha LAKE, but it was
between eight and nine months after Maude STONE died. Denied he went with her as late as the summer and fall of l900.
Said the girl he called "Old Bus" in his letters was his present wife.
Dr. B. L. EIKER, testified the last date he gave any prescription to Maude STONE was June 22, 1900.
Ira HAMMOND, then testified that when he said the day before that he took a prescription from Dr. EIKER to Leon to have
filled for Maude STONE on January 12 he meant it was a copy of Dr. EIKER's prescription which was written by Maude STONE.
W. C. STEMPEL, testified he was proprietor of the drug store in Leon known as HONNOLD's drug store in 1901, that he
always preserved the prescriptions written by a physician. That he never had filled one of Dr. EIKER's prescriptions.
That when a recipe was brought to a drug store not written by a physician they did not preserve them. He could not
remember of ever having sold anything to Ira HAMMOND.
Geo. W. CARMEAN, the pharmacist at the same store, testified that he never sold anything to Ira HAMMOND that he could
remember. Frank ROBBINS, testified he saw Ira HAMMOND going with Bertha LAKE as late as October, 1900.
Vern KIER, also testified to seeing Ira HAMMOND with Bertja LAKE in the fall of 1900, as late as September.
Dr. C. C. LESAN, of Mount Ayr, examined the bottle found in Maude STONE's box and testified it was impossible for anyone
to tell what it contained, as there was not enough left in the bottle.
Horatio LUNBECK, Clarence TOWNSEND, A. J. JONES and Ed CAVE were placed on the stand to support the attempted
impeachment of the witness, John WOODARD, all of them testifying that his reputation for truth and veracity was good.
Mrs. Ira HAMMOND, testified she was the wife of the defendant. That he did not keep company with her prior to the death
of Maude STONE. The taking of the testimony was concluded Friday morning shortly after 10 o'clock and the arguments to
the jury commenced. County Attorney A. P. OLSEN made the opening argument for the state, concluding at 2:30 o'clock. He
was followed by R. H. SPENCE for the defense, who spoke until 4 o'clock, being followed by C. W. HOFFMAN, who made the
closing argument for the defense. Geo. W. BAKER made the final argument for the state after supper Friday evening. Judge
TOWNER then adjourned court until 9 o'clock Saturday morning.

The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, IowaThursday, May 1, 1902
In the District court of the State of Iowa, in and for Ringgold County, April Term, 1902.
The State of Iowa,
Gentlemen of the Jury:
The state asks the conviction of the defendant, Ira HAMMOND, upon the charge of murder in the second degree, the case
coming here for trial on a change of venue from Decatur County, Iowa. The indictment here was in a joint indictment
against one J. W. CROFFORD and this defendant, and was, and is in substance as follows:
That said J. W. CROFFORD and Ira HAMMOND, on or about the 23d day of January, 1901, in Decatur County, Iowa, did
wilfully, maliciously, feloniously, and with malice aforethought, thrust into the body and womb of one Maude STONE, a
female then and there being pregnant with child, a certain instrument, the particular description of which is unknown to
this grand jury, and did then and there administer to said Maude STONE drugs, all done for the purpose of and the intent
on the part of the said J. W. CROFFORD and Ira HAMMOND to produce, and did produce a miscarriage upon the said Maude
STONE, then and thereby causing the death of the said Maude STONE, said abortion not being necessary to save the life of
the said Maude STONE, contrary to law. To this charge and indictment the defendant, Ira HAMMOND, has entered his plea of not guilty.
It will be noted by the jury that the cause on trial is as to the defendant, Ira HAMMOND alone, and this trial is for
the purpose of determining his guilt or innocence only. Whatever finding may have been made as to the other defendant,
J. W. CROFFORD, or whatever may be your opinion as to his guilt or innocence, should not in any manner influence you
either for or against the defendant. The court instructs the jury that before you will be justified in finding a
verdict of guilty against the defendant, under the charges as set out in the indictment, the state must show and prove,
beyond a reasonable doubt, that the defendant did, at and within the County of Decatur, and State of Iowa, and prior to
the finding of the indictment in this case, which was on the 27th day of March, 1901, caue or produce or aid and abet in
causing or producing upon one Maude STONE, an unnecessary abortion or miscarriage, which resulted in her death, as
charged in said indictment. The court instructs the jury that it is incumbent upon the state to prove every material
allegation of the indictment as therein charged. The law raises no presumption against the defendant, and nothing is to
be taken by implication against him. He is presumed innocent of the crime with which he is charged until proven guilty
beyond a reasonable doubt, and, in order to convict him of the crime charged in the indictment, every material fact
necessary to constitute such crime must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, and should you entertain a reasonable doubt
upon any single fact, or element necessary to constitute the crime, it is your duty to give the defendant the benefit of
that doubt and acquit him. The jury are instructed that the reasonable doubt which entitles an accused to an
acquittal, is a doubt of guilt reasonable arising from all the evidence in the case; and, in considering this case, the
jury should not go beyond the evidence to seek for doubts; nor should you entertain such doubts as might arise from mere
caprice or groundless conjecture. A doubt to justify an acquittal must be a reasonable one, and must arise from a candid
and impartial consideration of all the evidence in the case. It should be such doubt as would cause a reasonable,
prudent and considerate man to hesitate and pause before acting in the graver and more important affairs of life. If,
after a careful and impartial consideration of all the evidence in the case you can say and feel that you have an
abiding conviction of the guilt of the defendant, and are fully satisfied of the truth of the charge, then you are
satisfied beyond a reasonable doubt. The crime charged in the indictment is murder in the second degree, in that the
defendant caused and produced, or aided and abetted in causing and producing an unnecessary abortion, or miscarriage
upon Maude STONE, which resulted in her death. It will be proper for the court to define that crime as it is known to
our law. If any person cause or attempt, or aid and abet in causing or attempting an abortion, or miscarriage, which
results in the death of a woman, and which is not necessary to save her life, he is guilty of murder in the second
degree. Before the state will be entitled to a conviction upon said charge, it must establish the following essential
FIRST. That the defendant administered, or aided and abetted in administering, to Maude STONE, some drug, or drugs, or
used a certain instrument, or instruments, or both, or aided and abetted in using a certain instrument or instruments,
or both, as charged by the indictment.
SECOND. That at such time the said Maude STONE was a pregnant woman.
THIRD. That said drug, or drugs, were administered, or such instrument, or instruments, were used wilfully and with the
intent to thereby produce a miscarriage of the said Maude STONE.
FOURTH. That such miscarriage was not necessary to save the life of the said Maude STONE.
FIFTH. That the death of the said Maude STONE was caused thereby.
In regard to the first essential, to-wit: That defendant administered drugs, or aided and abetted therein, or used
instruments, or aided and abetted therein, upon Maude Stone, you are instructed:
In regard to the first essential, to-wit:
The state must show that the defendant, at the time and place charged in the indictment, administered to the said Maude
STONE some drug, or drugs, or aided and abetted therein, or used a certain instrument, or instruments, or aided and
abetted therein, upon the person of the said Maude STONE, or both administered such drugs and used such instruments, or
aided and abetted therein.
If this is sustained by the evidence, then, as to this element, you would be justified in finding for the state. If not
sustained, your verdict should be for the defendant.
Regarding the second requisite, to-wit:
The pregnancy of Maude STONE, you are instructed:
It must be shown that at the time when such drugs were administered, or instruments used, if you find they were
administered or used, the said Maude STONE was a pregnant woman. Pregnancy means with child; and a woman is pregnant,
within the meaning of the law, from the period of conception until delivery. If it appear that at the time when such
drugs were administered, or instruments used, if you find they were administered or used, the said Maude STONE was a
pregnant woman, within the definition given, then, on this issue, you would be justified in finding for the state.
If, however, you do not so find, your verdict should be for the defendant. It would not be sufficient for it to appear
that the said Maude STONE had at some time been pregnant. It must appear that at the time complained of the said Maude
STONE was pregnant. It would not be sufficient if it be shown that the said Maude STONE thought she was pregnant; it
must appear so in fact.
In regard to the third requisite, to-wit:
The intent, you are instructed: It must appear that the said drugs were administered, or instruments used, during the
pregnancy of the said Maude STONE wilfully and with the intent on the part of the person who committed the act charged
to then and there and by those means to procure, or cause an abortion, or miscarriage of the said Maude STONE. An
abortion, or miscarriage, as it is termed in the indictment, is the act of miscarrying, or producing offspring before
the natural period of gestation, or normal delivery and birth. By wilfully is meant intentionally, purposely, and the
wilful intent necessary is that the person charged administered such drugs, or used such instruments, or both, with the
design and purpose on the part of said person then and there and by such means to produce or cause an abortion, or
miscarriage, as herein defined, of the said Maude STONE. It must also be shown, as to one who is charged with aiding or
abetting the commission of such act, that he joined in said intent, and wilfully and with said intent aided and abetted
said acts. If you find such wilful intent shown by the evidence, you would be justified on this issue in finding for the
state. But if you do not so find, your verdict should be for the defendant.
It must also be shown, as a fourth requisite, that such miscarriage was not necessary to save the life of the said Maude
STONE. It will be necessary for the state to show, not only the acts charged as constituting the offense, and that said
acts were done with the intent to produce a miscarriage, or abortion, but, also, that such miscarriage, or abortion, if
shown, was not necessary to save the life of the said Maude STONE. The law takes into consideration the fact, generally
admitted, that under certain circumstances, justified in causing a miscarriage or abortion, and even if such act result
in the death of the woman, they do not constitute any crime. It is necessary, before a conviction can be warranted for
the crime herein charged that such conditions shall be negatived by the state, and the state must establish that a
miscarriage, if one is shown, was not necessary to save the life of the said Maude STONE. If the state has so proven,
then, on this issue, you would be justified in so finding. If not established, you should find the defendant not guilty.
Regarding the fifth requisite, to-wit:
That the death of the said Maude STONE was caused thereby, you are instructed: It must appear that the acts
referred to caused the death of the said Maude STONE. If her death resulted from any other cause whatever, the defendant
cannot be convicted. If the death of the said Maude STONE was occasioned by any other cause than that charged, the state
is not entitled to a verdict of guilty.
Under our law the distinction between an accessory before the fact and a principal is abrogated, and all persons
connected in the commission of a public offense, or aid and abet its commission, though not present, are alike guilty as
principals. In the case at bar it is not claimed by the state that the defendant, Ira HAMMOND, committed the acts
charged as constituting the offense, but it is claimed that he aided and abetted in their commission. If you find that
one J. W. CROFFORD committed the acts which constitute the crime charged, and that defendant, Ira HAMMOND, aided and
abetted in their commission, he is guilty. Even if not personally present when said acts were committed, if he advised,
counselled, arranged for, or did any act which in any way assisted in bringing about said acts, he is guilty. If he was
present and encouraged, or counselled, or in any way aided or assisted in the commission of such acts, he would be
guilty. Mere knowledge on the defendant's part that such acts were contemplated or intended, or were in fact
committed, would not be sufficient. Even personal presence, without advice, counsel, encouragement, aid or assistance
would not make the defendant responsible. Evidence has been permitted to be introduced on the part of the state with
reference to another abortion which the state claims was performed upon the said Maude STONE in August, 1900, and in the
commission of which it is claimed the defendant aided and abetted.
The jury are instructed that such evidence was permitted to be introduced as bearing upon the question of the motive
intent, or necessity of the acts of the parties with relation to the particular offense charged, which it is claimed
occurred in January, 1901. It would be improper for you to consider or give weight to such evidence for any other
purpose. The defendant could not be convicted of the crime herein charged by showing he had aided and abetted in the
commission of a like offense in August, 1900, even if you should find such fact. The crime charged and for which the
defendant is on trial was the one alleged to have been committed in January, 1901, and if such crime was not committed
in January, 1901, or if committed, if the defendant did not aid and abet in its commission, he is entitled to an
acquittal, whatever occurred in August, 1900.
It is no defense to the crime charged that the woman consented to a miscarriage. If you find, in the case at bar, that
the said Maude STONE consented, or even desired and arranged for an unnecessary abortion, such facts, if shown, would
no excuse or justification to the defendant, if he is shown to have in any manner aided and abetted in such unlawful
act. Much of the evidence relied on by the state as showing the defendant's guilt is what is known in the law as
circumstantial evidence. It will be proper for the court to instruct you as to the nature and character of such
evidence, and of its value in the ascertainment of truth. Circumstantial evidence is that class of evidence wherein
the principal fact in issue is to be inferred, or deduced, from other facts proven. It is thus called because it is
composed of circumstances, or related facts, connected in some manner with the ultimate fact to be determined.
Circumstantial evidence is legal evidence, and is not to be discredited merely as such. Its value, and, indeed, its
necessity in the ascertainment of the truth is unquestioned. Nothing in the nature of circumstantial evidence renders it
less valuable than other evidence. Indeed, it has been said that in many cases a verdict on circumstantial evidence
alone is more satisfactory as being a true and just verdict than one founded on direct evidence. The value of
circumstantial evidence depends in large measure upon the clearness of the connection between the fact shown and the
fact to be inferred. Circumstantial evidence must be founded on reason and experience, establishing a connection between
known and true facts and the facts sought to be proved. It will be observed that in such evidence not only must the
related facts be established, but just conclusions must be drawn from them. It is manifest that in such case it calls
for close observation and high intellectual discrimination and judgment on the part of the juror than in cases of direct
testimony. In direct testimony a fact alone is to be determined; in circumstantial testimony not only is the fact, or
many facts, to be determined, but just and true conclusions are to be drawn therefrom.
In the first place, each related fact from which an inference is asked to be drawn must be distinctly and independently
probed by competent evidence, and no inference should be drawn from a fact not proved.
In the second place, great care should be exercised in drawing inferences from proved facts. It must be a fair and
natural, and not a forced or artificial conclusion, and, if an any case a conclusion is reasonably consistent with
innocence rather than guilt can be given, such conclusions should be drawn.
In order to justify a conviction upon circumstantial evidence alone, the ultimate fact to be deduced, or inferred, viz:
The guilt of the accused, must be established beyond a reasonable doubt. And not only must the circumstances concur to
show that the defendant committed the crime charged, but they must be inconsistent with any other rational conclusion.
The circumstances, taken together, should be of a conclusive nature and tendency, leading on the whole to a satisfactory
conclusion, and producing in effect a reasonable and moral certainty that the accused is guilty. Absolute, demonstrative
certainty is not required, not need it be so conclusive as to exclude every possibility of an error. It will be
sufficient if it satisfy the understanding of the jury beyond a reasonable doubt.
In the case at bar, the jury should consider and carefully weigh the circumstantial evidence offered under the rules
given. If, in connection with the direct evidence offered, of if independently the jury believe the facts and
circumstances shown are inconsistent with any other rational and reasonable conclusion than the defendant's guilt, then
it would be your duty to so find and return.
If, however, such facts proved can fairly and reasonably be explained upon the hypothesis of the defendant's innocence,
and if such facts do not exclude every other theory than that of guilt, then it will be your duty to give the innocent
rather than the guilty interpretation and return a verdict of not guilty.
Evidence has been introduced touching the reputation for truth and veracity of the witness John WOODARD. Such evidence
may be considered by you as affecting the credibility of the witness, and for no other purpose.
The evidence of various witnesses who have testified is sought to be impeached by the testimony of other witnesses who
testified to contradictory statements made outside of court. Such evidence may be considered by you as affecting the
credibility of such witnesses, and the value of their testimony, and may be given such weight as you think it entitled
to receive.
The jury are instructed that they are the sole judges of the credibility of the witnesses. In determining their
credibility you have a right to take into consideration their appearance on the stand and manner of testifying; their
candor and fairness or lack of those qualities; their intelligence; or want of intelligence; their knowledge of the
matters of which they testify, or lack of knowledge, their interest in the event of the case, or want of interest; the
relationship of the witnesses to the parties to the case, if any is shown; their temper, feeling, bias, or prejudice, if
any is shown; and to give each witness such credit as in your judgment, under all the circumstances, such witness has
shown himself entitled to receive.
The jury are instructed that they are the sole judges of the weight of the testimony. In determining what weight should
be given to the testimony before you, you should consider the whole of the evidence, and all the facts and circumstances
proved on the trial, giving to the several parts of the evidence the weight to which they are entitled. And it is your
duty, if possible, to reconcile all the different parts of the testimony and, if the evidence is conflicting, to
carefully examine it in all its parts, in the light of these instructions, for the purpose of determining the very truth
of the matters at issue. And in determining any of the questions of facts presented in this case, you should not indulge
in any speculations or conjectures as to which might have been proven, or what might have been shown to be true; and all
conclusions drawn by you should be based solely on the evidence before you and not upon conjecture or speculation.
Your verdict should be in writing, signed by your foreman, and should be in one of the following forms, to-witt:
The State of Iowa,
Ira Hammond.
We, the jury, find the defendant guilty.
The State of Iowa,
Ira Hammond.
We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty.

The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, May 1, 1902
At 1:45 the jury notified the court they had agreed on a verdict and were brought into court. When they were asked if
they had agreed on a verdict, they said they had, and there was complete silence in the court room when the judge
instructed Clerk STRANAHAN to read the verdict which read:
"We, the jury, find the defendant not guilty." Sherman BECK, Foreman.
Judge TOWNER then formally discharged the defendant and exhonerated his bond.

The Leon Reporter Leon, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, May 1, 1902
The much talked of and sensational trial of Ira HAMMOND, charged with being an accessory of Dr. J. W. CROFFORD in
performing a criminal operation on Maude STONE, from the effects of which she died at CROFFORD's sanitarium in Lamoni on
January 29, 1901, was brought to a close at Mount Ayr Saturday afternoon shortly before 2 o'clock, when the jury
returned a verdict of "Not Guilty." The case was one of the most talked of and sensational ever tried in southern Iowa,
Dr. CROFFORD having been convicted at the November term of court in this county and is now serving a thirteen year
sentence in the penitentiary at Fort Madison. His attorneys have appealed the case to the Supreme Court and are
confident they can acquit him if a new trial can be secured. During the trial there were a large number of spicy and
disgusting letters read which were written by Ira HAMMOND and the dead girl, the like of which were never heard before,
especially in regard to their illicit relations. Judge TOWNER said it was the strangest case he had ever heard. Public
sentiment in this county was divided as to the guilt of young HAMMOND, as he was younger than the girl and his attorneys
always claimed that he was but putty in the girl's hands, and it was shown by his letters he was urging the girl to
marry him all the time, but she wanted to wait until he became of age, being only 20 years old at the time of her death.
At Mount Ayr, public sentiment seemed largely to favor HAMMOND's acquittal. It is said the jury stood l0 to 2 for
acquittal on the first ballot and on the third ballot, all voted for acquittal.
There is still a case pending against HAMMOND's mother, Mrs. Amma HAMMOND, who was also indicted as an accessory, being
under $4,000 bonds, but it is likely this case will be dismissed at the next term of court.

The Mount Ayr Record Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 26, 1903
Dr. J. W. CROFFORD, of Lamoni, has become noted. He had some slight reputation as a physician, but since he has
figured so conspicuously in the Courts of Decatur County, he has become known all over the State. When County
Attorney FULLER was called down to Riley Township to take the deposition of Bessie McKEE, who is the prosecuting
witness against Windsor RICHARDS, indicted by the Grand Jury last week for rape, it was learned that Dr. CROFFORD
had been called to make an examination of the child. He heard the child's story to the effect that RICHARDS had
attempted to commit rape on her, but he said there could be no truth in her statement and passed it off as having
only existed in her childish imagination.
It will be recalled that a neighbor woman called on Bessie McKEE a few days after Dr. CROFFORD had prescribed some
medicine for stomach trouble, for that was what he considered was the matter with the little girl. After the
neighbor lady heard Bessis's pitiful story she became convinced of the truth of her statement, and then it was that
Dr. C. T. LESAN and Dr. D. R. BEMENT were called to examine into her condition. They believed her story and after an
examination became convinced that all she had said was true. RICHARDS' arrest and subsequent indictment followed.
It now appears that Dr. CROFFORD has no right to practice medicine in Ringgold County or any other county. It was
hinted about the Court House Monday that the Grand Jury was going to investigate CROFFORD's case, and if sufficient
evidence could be secured would return an indictment against him for practicing medicine in this county without a
certificate from the State Medical Board. It will also be recalled that Dr. CROFFORD was sentenced to thirteen years
in the penitentiary for causing the death of Maude STONE through a criminal operation performed in his sanitarium at
Lamoni. The trial lasted for over a week at Leon, and the ablest attorneys were retained on both sides of the case.
After CROFFORD was convicted and sentenced to the penitentiary, the State Medical Board, upon receiving a transcript
of the evidence of the case, revoked his certificate to practice medicine. Several months ago Dr. CROFFORD was
granted a new trial by the Supreme Court and pending his new trial he was released from the penitentiary at Ft.
Madison on furnishing a bail bond of thirteen thousand dollars. After he was given his liberty he at once returned
to Lamoni, where he has been quietly practicing medicine.
Must Have A State Certificate
Probably one reason that the Grand Jury will not take action in the case at this time is the fact that Dr. J. F.
KENNEDY, Secretary of the State Board of Medical Exainers, was unable to be present to give his testimony before the
Grand Jury. Every physician practicing in Iowa is required by law to procure a certificate from the State Board. It
is also within the power of the Board to revoke the certificate of any physician of the State if good and sufficient
reasons are presented why the certificate should be revoked. C. W. HOFFMAN, attorney for Dr. CROFFORD in his former
trial, has made the statement that the State Medical Board had no right to revoke the certificate of the Lamoni
doctor, and he states that Attorney General MULLAN has advised the Board to this effect. The State Board made no
examination of Dr. CROFFORD's case and revoked his certificate on the evidence introduced in the trial at Leon. Mr.
HOFFMAN contends that it is yet to be shown that Dr. CROFFORD was guilty of malpractice and until this fact is
established, the doctor has a right to practice medicine if he chooses.
The fact that Dr. CROFFORD came over into Ringgold County, and as it now seems made an incorrect examination as to
the condition of Bessie McKEE, is not going to help his own case when it comes on for trial again in Leon.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2008
