Independent Patriot, Lamoni, Iowa
August 12, 1897
The United States marshal arrested in Harrison county, Missouri, Thursday
last the following parties charged with counterfeiting: Samuel JOHNSON, age 28,
Robert JOHNSON age about 21, and Joseph JOHNSON aged about eighteen, and
William STRICKLAND. They were taken to St. Joseph, Missouri, where the three
JOHNSONs confessed to their wrong. STRICKLAND pleaded innocent and will be tried we
hear today. The work was done in a farm house, and had been discovered and
peremptorily stopped by the father of the JOHNSONs before the detective came,
he having made the discovery through a sister of the workers. The work was
done as follows: An aperture was made in a piece of wood of sufficient size.
Plaster paris was then run in around a new silver dollar, which when the dollar
was removed left a mold into which babbit metal being poured enabled them to
construct an article that looked like a genuine dollar. Only three, so far as
known have been put into circulation. All will deeply sympathize, with the
parents of the guilty parties in this sad affliction.

Independent Patriot, Lamoni, Iowa
Wm. STRICKLAND and the three JOHNSONs who were arrested last week in Harrison
County, Missouri, for counterfeiting, are all in jail at St. Joseph,
Missouri, in default of $2,000 bail each. The three JOHNSONs waived examination, two
turning state's evidence. STRICKLAND stood a trial, but was bound over with
the rest. The federal officers are after a young man named GARRISON and
several Ringgold county men are implicated.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008