The Journal Leon, Decatur County, Iowa May 22, 1883

The subject of prospecting for coal is engaging the attention of our
citizens at present, though it seems to be all talk, and as there is so much
of that it is feared the entire force will be expected before anything will
be done. It would not seem right to say anything disparaging of the
enterprise of this place, but it is a fact that a committee was recently
sent to Des Moines to look after the narrow gauge railroad and had to pay a
good share of their expense. A case or two like this might account for the
fact that we lost the road and might also cause the coal prospects to vanish
into air. There is a great tendency here, as well as in many other places,
to take things just as they are. Some of the leading men of a place can
cause a coldness to develop any public enterprise by withholding their
support, or by giving it such a small share of interest that others hesitate
about pushing on in any good work.
Transcription by Nancee (McMurtrey) Seifert, Decmeber 31, 2009
