Redding Herald Redding, Ringgold County, Iowa
Byran's Golden Wedding Anniversary
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer A. BRYAN, of Seattle, Wash., recently of Redding, who observed their golden wedding anniversary on
January 15, were honored at a family dinner and tea on Sunday, January 19, in the home of their son-in-law and
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Harold MEKEMSON, of Seattle. The dinner, shared by sixteen relatives and close friends of the
honored couple, was served from a table laid with the cloth used seventy-three years ago for the wedding dinner of
Mr. BRYAN'S parents, the late Mr. and Mrs. Harry S. BRYAN. Places were arranged for the BRYANS; Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth
SCHOTT and Kerry, Mr. and Mrs. Sidney HEWSON, Mr.s Hazel BELL and Mrs. Pearl TURNEY, of Anacortes, Wash.; Mr. and Mrs.
Ben GRAFFENBERGER, of Bend, Ore.; Mr. and Mrs. Arthur MADLAND, of Clarks Fork, Idaho; Mrs. Samuel WEEMS, of
Seattle, and the host and hostess. In the afternoon between two and four o'clock, forty friends and neighbors were
entertained at a tea. The tea table, laid with a gold cloth covered with white net, was centered with an arrangement of
yellow carnations and gold candles, and the beautiful heart-shaped anniversary cake, baked by Mrs. SCHOTT. Mrs. BELL
presided at the tea table, the cake was served by Mrs. GRAFFENBERGER and Mrs. TURNEY poured the punch. Mrs. HEWSON
was in charge of the guest book. Each of the guests was presented with miniature gold bells tied with
white and gold ribbons.
Submission by Friends of Old Redding

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