The Independent Patriot Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa Thursday, September 14, 1893

Mr. J. N. BROWN, living in Ringgold County seven miles west of Lamoni, suffered a week ago last Wednesday night from
the work of incendiaries. Two barns, a house, about forty tons of hay, farm machinery, wagons, buggies, etc., were
consumed to the extent, we hear, of near $3,000, with an insurance of about $750. The house was occupied by Mr. J. W.
DEEDS, who had recently moved there from Lamoni. Everything Mr. DEEDS had in the way of household goods, was destroyed,
and himself and family barely escaped with their lives. The house was about a quarter of a mile from the barns; one of
the barns was burning when discovered in four or five different places; the presence of coal oil was detected; one buggy
left out of doors had been run into the shed, evidently to be burned - these constitute the indubitable evidences of
We all realize from our reading of the World's doings that crime of nearly all kinds is rampant in this land, as well
as all others where mankind dwell; but when a dastardly deed like this occurs in our own neighborhood and against one
of our own friends, we feel as well as see the conditions by which we are surrounded. We sympathize with Mr. BROWN, and
so do his host of friends, whom we had supposed constituted all who know him.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2009

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