Garden Grove Express, Garden Grove, Iowa
Thursday, May 11, 1893 BIRTHDAY SURPRISE
 Mr. Samuel SHELINE's family and many relatives gave him a grand surprise
dinner in honor of his fifty-sixth birthday. The greatest surprise of the day was
the appearance of his daughter and grand daughter, Mrs. BOARAM, of Lesan,
Ringgold Co., She came the evening before and her brother met her at the depot
and conveyed her to her sister's, Mrs. Wellington MCCULLOUGH, where she was
kept in concealment until morning. His children presented him with a nice sofa
and his wife with a nice looking chair. He received many other valuable
presents. His children and grandchildren all being here except David and his family
and Bennie and wife, who were in Nebraska, and circumstances prevented them
from coming. In spite of the rain and mud, there were thirty-two present to
enjoy the occasion.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2008