Des Moines News Leader Des Moines, Polk County, Iowa Thursday Morning, October 24, 1901, page 5

Senator Charles W. FAIRBANKS of Indiana arrived in the city [Des Moines] yesterday forenoon. He has spoken in Missouri
Valley and Nevada in addition to his address in Des Moines last evening. He will leave at 9 o'clock this morning for
Burlington. Before going he hopes to confer with a number of leading citizens in regard to the proposed McKINLEY monument.
Senator FAIRBANKS is one of the trustees of the association recenlty organizied to carry out the work of building a
monument at Canton to the dead president [McKINLEY]. "I believe nearly every man, woman and child in the country," said
Senator FAIRBANKS, "will feel like giving something towards this cause. It may be but a penny, it may be five or
ten cents or more. But I think all will want to help. I hope to see the movement furthered in Des Moines and in Iowa and
I want to meet some of your citizens and talk the matter over with them before I leave tomorrow.
"This is the first time I have ever spoken in Iowa. I have been through the state, but this is the first time I have
visited it to any extent. I am pleased with the state. I am glad to see it so properous. I believe here on these
prairies will be always the home of a strong and conservative people of thinkers. Here, away from the metropolis centers
will grow virile men who are on eof the great sources of strength to the republic. I was raised on a farm myself and
that is perhaps why I feel strongly on these subjects." A number of politicians called on the senator at the Savery
[Hotel] yesterday afternoon. A number of politicans from different sections of the state were here yesterday to
attend the meeting last night. Among them were Dr. P. L. PRENTIS and Walter BEALL of Ringgold county, R. W. CLAYTON of
Oskaloosa, E. B. TUCKER of Louisa county, E. H. McCUTCHEN of Holstein, W. O. PAYNE of Nevada and Julian W. RICHARDS,
private secretary to Speaker HENDERSON.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2009

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