Selma, California

Wednesday afternoon at the United Brethren parsonage in Selma, Rev. JONES united in marriage Mr. Rex A.
ATWOOD and Mrs. Mary GLORE, both of Selma. The bride with her four children has long been a resident of Selma and has
many friends here who wish her happiness and prosperity. The groom is a late arrival from Mt. Ayr, Iowa, where he and the
bride were old friends and neighbors in their younger days. He is now an employe (sic) of the KUTNER firm in Selma and
he and his wife will continue to make their home here. A number of the friends of the happy couple gathered at the GLORE
home Wednesday evening and enjoyed ice cream and cake and presented Mr. and Mrs. ATWOOD with many useful presents, and
also wished them a safe journey on the sea of matrimony.
Submission by the Bear family, July of 2010
