Perry Chief Perry, Dallas County, Iowa, 1947
Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Atwood

The First Baptist Church in Perry, Iowa, was the scene of a beautiful candelight (sic) formal wedding of Miss Joan Dolores
SEATON, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Paul S. SEATON of Perry, to Ronald E. ATWOOD, son of Mr. and Mrs. E. F. ATWOOD of this
[Perry] city. Mrs. Wm. C. STEVENSON, who wore a blue formal with a pink carnation corsage, played soft music while the
ushers, Chas. E. COOPER and Robert G. LYONS lighted the tapers at the altar and also accompanied Miss Verla Jean
HICKEY, a close friend of the bride, and wore an aqua formal with a pink carnation corsage, sang "I Love Thee", Greig,
"Because" D' Hardelot and "The Lord's Prayer" Malotte. Lohengrin's Bridal Chorus was played as the bridal party took their
places before the altar decorated with artifical palms and two large candelabras of white snapdragons and yellow jonquils.
The bride was given in marriage by her father. Rev. Chester A. DIEHL of the First Baptist Church officiated at the
double ring ceremony. The bride wore a formal length Princess style white satin gown, fashioned with a long train,
with a sweetheart neck and trimmed in lace with long dramatic sleeves which came to a point at the wrists. She wore a
finger-tip veil with lace edges, it was held in place by a heart-shaped halo with orange blossoms. She carried a double
orchid corsage on a white Bible with pastel streamers. Her only jewelry was a strand of perals, a gift from the groom.
Miss Jean SEATON, sister of the bride, was maid of honor. She wore an aqua gown with aqua lace formal mitts and
carried a bouquet of yellow jonquils tied with yellow ribbons. Miss Audrey KRESSIN and Miss Dolores GREENLEE, close
friends of the bride, were bridesmaids. They wore yellow formals with aqua lace mitts and carried arm bouquets of
pink carnations. The bridesgroom and his attendant, George FULLERTON, wore light business suits with white carnation
boutonniers. The bride's mother chose a grey suit with blue assessories and wore a shoulder corsage of gardenias.
The groom's mother wore a black suit with white accessories and a corsage of gardenias. Mendelsohn wedding march was played
for the recessional. Following the ceremony a reception was held in the church basement. The bridal table was
decorated with a three-tier wedding cake topped with a wedding bell. [Handwritten note: "This wedding cake weighed
42 lbs.] A garland of yellow jonquils was
placed around the cake with white candles at either end. Mrs Percy SPENCER and Mrs. Roy DEIBERT, aunts of the bride,
pour. Miss Doris DEIBERT, cousin of the bride, cut the cake. Miss Edna ROUSH, friend of the bride, and Miss Dorothy
RICE, cousin of the groom served. They wore dresses in yellow and aqua formals with yellow carnation halos in their
hair. Miss Barbara TRUE and Mrs. M. MUMGARD, were in charge of gifts, they wore yellow formals with yellow carnation
halos in their hair. The bride graduated from Perry High School in 1945 and attended The Northwest Institute of
Medical Technology in Minneapolis, minn. from which she received her diploma on Mar. 14, 1947 as Clinical Laboratory
Technique and x-ray and Electrocardiographic Technique. The groom graduated from perry High School with the class of
'44 and attended Iowa State College [present-day Iowa State University] at Ames for one year. In Oct. '45 he entered the
Army Air Corps and served 14 months, being discharged in Nov. 1946. After a short wedding trip the newlyweds will be
at home in Ames Iowa where the groom will attend Iowa State College, resuming his electrical engineering course
and the bride will be employed as a laboratory technician for McFarland clinic. The bride's going away suit was of light
blue with black and white accessories, with orchid corsage. Out of town guests at the wedding and reception were,
Mr. and Mrs. B. F. SEATON of Delphos, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs. Clay SEATON and Orr SEATON of Des Moines, Iowa, Mr. and Mrs.
Robert McLAUGHLIN of [remainder of article clipped off].
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

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