Clearfield Enterprise Clearfield, Iowa June 07, 1923, Page 2
Archibold - Reed.

Miss Margaret ARCHIBOLD, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John ARCHIBOLD of Tingley, and Harvey REED, son of Dr. and Mrs.
D. W. REED of Clearfield, were married in Des Moines last Friday [June 1, 1923]. Miss ARCHIBOLD was the first June bride to
secure a license in Polk County this year. The fact brought mention from city papers. Mr. and Mrs. REED came home
on Saturday, and have since been arranging for house keeping on the farm six miles south of town. The groom is
well known here, and his bride will be welcomed to the social circles of the community in which they live.
The Enterprise joins in congratulations, and best wishes for a long and happy married life.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2012

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