Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 16, 2009
Market Champions

Top market livestock entries at the Ringgold County Fair were named at the fair which closed Sunday. Above top, from left:
Cassidy BECKER showed the champion market sheep; Hagan WILLIS showed the champion market hog. Above, April SHIELDS
showed the champion market steer.
Ringgold County Fair royalty this year included, from left: first runner-up Allie Knapp,
queen Jamie Novak and second runner-up Taylen Abarr.
Novak, Stewart crowned royalty at county fair
Jamie NOVAK of Mount Ayr was named queen and Halle STEWART of Mount Ayr was named princess of the 2009 Ringgold County
Fair at the fair's queen contest ceremony Thursday, July 2. NOVAK, daughter of James and Felicia NOVAK, was crowned by 2008
queen Holly ENGLAND. ENGLAND helped organize the event as her last official duty as queen from last year. NOVAK helped
present awards in many activities at the fair and will go on to represent the county fair at the Iowa State Fair queen
contest next month. Her escort was Tom HOSFIELD. First runner-up was Allie KNAPP, daughter of Benand Melanie KNAPP. She
was escorted by Tyler HOSFIELD. Second runner-up was Taylen ABARR, granddaughter of Sharon ENGLAND and John ROUTH. She was
escorted by Josh CASE. ABARR was also voted the contest's Miss Congeniality in a vote of other contestants. Princess
Halle STEWART (at right) is the daughter of Russell and Jackie STEWART. She ws crowned by 2008 fair princess Mackenzie SHIELDS.
STEWART was escorted by Jordan McALEXANDER. Other queen contestantsOther queen candidates and their
escorts included: Courtnie COX, daughter of Brian COX and Kirk and Laurie GREENMAN. She was escorted by Kirk GREENMAN.
Tasha DRAKE, daughter of Robin and Deric DRAKE. She was escorted by Brian STILL. Other princess candidates
Other princess candidates included: Alexa ANDERSON, daughter of Tracy and Brandy ANDERSON. She was escorted
by Dawson SWANK. Charlcey BOWEN, daughter of Chirsty and Judd BOWEN. She was escorted by Keaton WHITE. Baylee DARRAH,
daughter of John and Lesa DARRAH. She was escorted by Tyler JARRED. Melania HALEY, daughter of Rob and Jodi HALEY. She
was escorted by Payton WEEHLER. Payten LAMBERT, daughter of Derek and Tracy LAMBERT. She was escorted by Will NEWTON.
Brynn NICKLE, daughter of Nathan and Stasia NICKLE. She was escorted by Bryce SHAHA. Alexandra SHELLEY, daughter of
Jeremy and Audrey SHELLEY. She was escorted by Bryson TRIGGS. Erin SOBOTKA, daughter of Doug and Darla SOBOTKA. She
was escorted by Kade KLOMMHAUS. Also performing at the coronation ceremony were Tina BOUNDS, Chatelle JENNETT, Maggie
JENNETT, Marc CRUISE and Angie CREIGHTON and the band SonDogs.
Many groups aid fairgrounds
Another successful fair is in the books and each year the fairgrounds show improvments as people come to spend five full
days on the fairgrounds. A number of groups were busy helping spruce up the fairgrounds this year. One of the major
additions this year was the camping pads with water service that were provided on the north end of the fairgrounds. This
expands the camping facilities on the west side of the fairgrounds which were being stretched beyond capacity and do not
have the concrete pads and water hookups that are available in the new camping area. All the new camping area was full for
the fair. The Crooked Creek 4-H Club made additions to the gazebo garden area out in front of the 4-H exhibit building.
The Junior Farmers 4-H Club placed barn quilt paintings on the school house and the beef barn. Second and third graders
in the classes taught by Karen TAYLOR, Tracy GILES, Angie DODGE and Darla SOBOTKA planted hostas and had a new picnic table
with a shelter over it placed south of the school house. The new grooming barn addition was also in place this year.
The Lotts Creek-Riley Rustlers 4-H Club planted some more small trees around the fairgrounds. The Ringgold Rockets 4-H Club
and Allan DOLECHECK provided new gates to pen hogs in when showing at the swine show.
Quick named junior cowgirl
One cowgirl will represent the Ringgold County Fair at the Iowa State Fair cowgirl contest in August after winning honors
in the contest in Mount Ayr Wednesday, July 8. Named the Ringgold County Junior Cowgirl Queen was Morgan QUICK, daughter
of Jeff and Rhonda QUICK of Redding. There were no contestants in the [senior] cowgirl queen contest this year.
Photographs courtesy by Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2012

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