Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 07, 2014
'Nunsense" to be performed at Princess Theater

The Princess Theater Board is proud to announce for the theater's Anniversary Gala the Moonlighter
Theater Group will be performing the comedy, "Nunsense."Martha Landphair, Gala coordinator, is bringing the comedy
back for the Gala due to its popularity and all the requests for a repeat performance after appearing on the Princess
stage 20 years ago. It is a hilarious spoof about athe misadventures of five nuns trying to manage a
fund-raiser. Sadly, the rest of the sisterhood died from botulism after eating vichyssoise
soup prepared by Sister Julia. Thus, the remaining nuns -- ballet-lovingn Sister Leo, streetwise Sister
Robert Anne, befuddled Sister May Amnesia, the Mother Superior Sister Regina and the mistress of the novices
Sister Mary Hubert -- stage a talent show in order to raise the money to bury their dearly departed. Starring in the show will be;
Sister Mary Regina, Mother Superior - | Deb Larson |
Sister May Hubert, Mistress of the Novices - | Martha Landphair |
Sister Robert Ann - | Pam Poore |
Sister Mary Amnesia - | Shaun Kneip |
Sister Mary Leo - | Amanda Hynek Grosezkruger |
The show is directed by Camille Jackson with Jane Lawhead as choreographer. Manager of the Princess Theater is Karen
Bender. The Gala is held yearly to raise funds to meet operating expenses of the non-profit Princess Theater. Performances
will be at 7 p.m. on Thursday, August 28 through Saturday, August 30 and 2 p.m. on Sunday, August 31. Tickets are on
sale at the theater and the Mount Ayr Record-News. More information about Nunsense, the Gala and the
cast will appear in the Record-News in the coming weeks.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2014
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 07, 2014
'Nunsense" to be performed at Princess Theater

The musical "Nunsense" will be performed August 28-31 for the Princess Theater Anniversary Gala. Pictured are
cast members of the Little Sisters of Hoboken: (L-R) Pam Poore (Sister Robert Anne), Deb Larsen (Mother Superior), Shaun
Kniep (Sister Mary Amnesia), Martha Landphair (Sister Mary Hubert) and Amanda Groszkruger (Sister Mary Leo). Performance
times are August 28-30 at 7 p.m. and August 31 at 2 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Princess Theater and the Mount
Ayr Record-News. Ticket prices are $10.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa, September 04, 2014
'Nunsense' a hit with Princess Theater patrons
Above left, Shaun Kniep and her fellow Sister Mary Annette provide one of the highlights of last week's
"Nunsense" performance.
Above rightt, Sister Robert Anne (Pam Poore) tries to corral a tipsy Mother Superior (Debra Larson) in one of the
many hilarious scenes in "Nunsense," performed last week as part of the Princess Theatre Gala.
Below, the entire cast - L-R Shaun Kniep, Martha Landphair, Deb Larson, Pam Poore and Amanda Grosz-Kruger -
perfomr the rousing finale to "Nunsense" to a large and appreciative crowd.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2014
