Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 29, 2007, Pages 1 & 9
Tour of Homes offers Diagonal, MA stops
The 19th annual Christmas our of Homes will be held in Diagonal and Mount Ayr Saturday, Dec. 1, sponsored by the Ringgold County Tourism.
The whole event of afternoon and evening of activity is planned with several other groups also offering events in conjunciton with the home tour.The tour
of homes will be held from 3:30 to 7:30 p.m. Saturday evening with five homes and a church open for visitors. A soup supper will be held at the First Lutheran
Church in Mount Ayr as part of the evenings as well, along with a live nativity scene. The Mount Ayr Lions Club will be selling Christmas goodie plates at the
Lutheran Church during the evening. People touring around the county are also invited to stop in a the Mount Ayr Depot Museum for the annual Festival of Trees.
The evening can be closed off with the Simply Voices concert at the United Methodist Church in Mount Ayr at 7 p.m. The local women's chorus will
present "Hope Has Arrived." Refreshments and fellowship will follow the hour-long concert. A freewill offering for local heat assistance program will
be taken at the concert.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 06, 2007, Page 12
Holiday tour of homes
Doug and Darla SobotkaDoug and Darla Sobotka moved back to Diagonal after spending nine years in Indiana and moved into the new home
built by Newton Construction in May 2005. The couple have two children -- Katie, eight, and Erin, five. They live at 15900 160th Avenue with a view of Fogle
Lake Recreation Area from their home. The couple couldn't decide on a house plan, so Darla Sobotka went to work with construction paper and marked in a
one-inch scale, cutting and designing the rooms to the size she wanted. She thentook the sized layout to Frank Gunsolley, who redrew the plans for construction.
The Sobotkas have thoroughly enjoyed their new home -- noting that for the first time in their lives they haven't had to put plastic over windows during the
winter. Having a real Christmas tree as tall as they can find is part of their Christmas celebration. With a 22-foot ceiling in the living room, it can be
pretty tall. They note that getting the tree in and out can be a hassle, but they really enjoy the tree during the holiday season.
Ed and Neva Allee
Decorating the outside of their house is the focal point for Ed and Neva Allee of Diagonal, who live at 310 Jefferson Street in Diagonal. Decorating the outside
of their house began in 1989 while touring lights after a basketball game when son Travis suggested they decorate the outside of their house. When Neva said
it took a lot of work and money, Travis offered $50 so they went shopping for lights. Their first project was a family of snowmen and the next year they made
a snowman that tipped his hat, thanks to a windshielf wiper. After 19 years thse first projects are long gone. In 1991 Travis died and to honor him and his
love of lights, the Allees went all out. Every year she tries to add two more itmes and more lights. They now have angels, snowmen and some animated figures.
For the best light effect, view the home from the north after dark. The inside of the home is usually done last and doesn't get the attention the outside
of the house does, but people will be welcome to tour the home inside as well.
Andrea Bentley
A third stop in Diagonal will be the home of Andrea Bently at 301 Madison Street. Bentley's home was built in the early 1900's and is unique with its
gabled roof and gingerbread trim. Over the years the home had fallen into disrepair and was considered an eyesore in the neighborhood. With improving the
neighborhood in mind, the Diagonal Development Corporation purchased the home and after a community cleanup many thought the home should be destroyed.
Robert and Pam Grace, Andrea's aunt and uncle, saw the house's potential and purchased it. After completely gutting the house and starting over, visitors
will see that their vision was correct. Grace added the loft-like upstairs and made the house a place of pride. Andrea Bently purchased the home in
August 2006. Since that time she has added her own personal touches. At Christmas time she decorates with traditional decorations and this year has added
her own ornament tree. The tree is decorated with engraved ornaments give to her over the years by hear grandparents.
Norman and Marion Jennings
One of the three stops in Mount Ayr is the home of Norman and Marian Jennings at 707 E. Madison Street. Ground breaking for the Jennings home began the summer
following Norm and Marian's marriage in December 2000. Norm designed the house and did much of the construction. Dried flowers from their lawn and evergreens
are entwined with Christmas lights, angels, stars and snowmen in a garland outside. Upstairs the lighted wintery town comes to life with bustling residents.
The tree on that level includes the gold circled crocheted snowflake ornaments Marian's mother was making for her at the time of her death in 1988 as well as
Norm's olive wood ornaments. The staircase display shwos photographic Christmas cards from Marian's immediate family since 1943. The theme throughout the
home reflects the dedication of their home to the Lord. In the tower level, a table used for Bible studies and prayer groups displays a carved olive wood
Nativity scene and the carved last Supper scene which Norm brought from his 1999 trip to the Holy Land. Bibles around the table include those of both Norm's
and Marian's parents. The Jennings wish visitors to their home a blessed Christmas.
Kenny and Brenda Grose
Another Mount Ayr stop will be the new home of Kenny and Brenda Grose at 201 Dunning Avenue. The Grose family heads out the day after Thanksgiving to choose
their real tree and decorating is done that weekend as a family affair. For many years the family displayed only one tree and it held all the ornaments
received, purchased and made through the years by the five kids -- Hallmark ornaments were placed next to paper plates decorated with glitter and glue. When
the grandchildren came along, a second tree was added, now located in the family's new basement in the family/game room. This area included rustic outdoorsy
decor and a cubby, built beneath the open staircase as a special, secret place for the five grandsons to call their own. On the main floor the decorated
real tree is on display along with a large nativity and several smaller ones. The large nativity pieces are a collection started for the Groses by their
son and daughter-in-law, Chris and Jessi Grose, and was luckily one of the things salvaged from the fire two years ago that destroyed the Grose's old home.
The kitchen area will display a village collection that has also been restarted. Other family Christmas traditions will also be shared.
First Lutheran Church
The First Lutheran Church invites people to their church at 111 E. South Street where they will have soup supper and live nativity scene as well as the
church tour. The church is decorated simply for the Advent season with blue centered around the Advent candle complimented by seasonal altar paperments
and a Christmas tree adorned with chrismons. Decorating is done by the entire congregation, much like a family, with each person traditionally taking
on a special part year after year. A live nativity scene will be on display outside the church from 4 to 7 p.m. and a soup supper will be served inside
from 4:30 to 7 p.m. People are invited back to the church's Christmas eve service at 7:30 p.m. Monday, Dec. 24.
Festival of Trees
The annual Festival of Trees will be held again this year at the Mount Ayr Depot Museum. The depot will be open during daylight hours through Saturday Dec. 1
so that trees may be brought in and decorated. All trees should be in place by Saturday afternoon. The Christmas trees will be on display Saturday, Dec. 1,
during the tour of homes and on Saturday, Dec. 8, during the lighted pararde and at other times as requested.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 13, 2007, Page 1
Cobbler's Christmas shared in production
More than 50 area residents took part in the Moonlighter Theatre Group and Ringgold Singers production of "Christmas at the Cobbler's Shop,"
the Christmas show presented Friday and Saturday at the United Methodist Church in Mount Ayr. Bad weather [massive ice storm] cancelled the final performance Saturday night.
A choir of Mount Ayr elementary school children and Ringgold Singers members provided music throught the production of the play Friday and Saturday.
Cast for the production, directed by Marilyn Hawkins, include:
Cobbler | - | Rick Hawkins |
Mrs. Blackburn | - | Kathy Kemann |
Joseph | - | John Young |
Spirit of Christmas | - | Beulah Hutchinson |
Spirit of Dreams | - | Pam Poore |
Voice of God | - | Mike Sickels |
Boy | - | Grant Staats |
Woman and Child | - | Danise & Hannah Russo |
Traveler | - | Amber Golliday |
Production crew includes Rick and Lyndon Hawkins, set construction and props; Mike Sickels, set, props and lights; Tony Brown, painting set and props;
Dennis Hemann, lights and sound; John Young, lights and sound; Kathy Blunck, makeup; Ellen Elliott, assistant director.
Muscial numbers included piano duets of "The Hallelujah Chorus" and "Angels We Have Heard on High" with "Hark the Herald Angels" by Sherri Hymbaugh and
Nancy Sackett. Carol Cason provided a flute solo with some of the numbers. Singing with the Ringgold Singers, directed by Camille Jackson and accompanied
by Sherri Hymbaugh: Sue Beck, Barbie Belzer, Carol Cason, Kathy Hemann, Janet Hickman, Mark Hickman, Jim Hullinger, Dick Jackson, Collus Lawhead, Carol McCreary,
Jim McCreary, Jay Meester, Pat Meester, Kathleen Myers, Jim Norman, Selina O'Connor, Jeanette Quick, Lynda Rolfe, Rob Rolfe, Donna Shields, Kathy Shields,
Alan Smith, Grace Warin, Chuck Weiman, Larry White, Rod Zollman and Vicki Zollman. Members of the children's chorus, directed by Martha Landphair, included
Lew Knapp, Lincoln Lutrick, Rhett Murphy, Teya Still, Kirsten Dolecheck, Kyle Dolecheck, Jay Blair, Wyatt Jackson, Jed McCreary, Caleb Schnoor, Christiana
Overholtzer, Maggi Bjustrom, Hannah Glendenning, Samantha Crawford, Macy Lilienthal, Danica Fernandex, Leah Klejch, Jazmine Spurrier, Allison Wallace, Bailea
Stark and Grant Staats.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 13 & 20, 2007
Tingley Tour of Homes
The Tingley Christmas Tour of Homes was held Saturday, December 15 from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. to raise money for the Tingley sesquicentennial which will be held in June. Three
homes, a church and the community center were available for visitors during the evening. A freewill donation soup supper proceeded the tours, held at the
Tingley Community Building.Mel and Doris Richards
Above, Doris Richards and Addison Shay are shown by the big Christmas tree in one of the rooms of the log home of Doris and Melvin Richards. Mel and Doris
Richards' log home west of Tingley corner has been strung with lights to welcome visitors on the home tour. When visitors come through the front door they
will go up the poinsetta-lined stairway to the top level where lighted garland, sleigh bells and bows decorate the railing. Here there is a view of the great
room with its 12-foot real tree decorated with angels, antler chandelier, homemade rocking horse, present filled goat cart and massive stone fireplace.
Many family antiques, Isabel Bloom sculptures and quilts are included in the three bedrooms upstairs and other rooms in the house. In the family bedroom, which
has four beds, there are old restored wooded hen nests on the walls for storage. A log doll house put together by Mel and Doris is lighted for the holidays
and ready for the four grandchildren. The grandchildren also have their own Christmas tree in the main floor toy room. The quilt of Canadian Province flowers
hanging on the wall was given to them by Canadian friends, where they hunt each year. The kitchen and eating area was designed to accommodate large family
gatherings. Extended family and friends also enjoy the large downstairs family room with bar, pool table, family picture wall and Christmas tree encircled with a
wooden train. In the TV room is a lighted pine cone basket crafted by Bill and Rene Smith. The spa bathroom on this level is decorated with Santas
and miniature trees. Jake and Megan Knight home
Jake and Megan Knight and their children, above, are shown in their home Saturday night. The 103 North Monroe Street home of Jake and Megan Knight has been
a labor of love as they added a large addition to their home for their growing family. Jake salvaged lumber from older homes being torn down in Tingley and
used it to construct this six room, double garage addition to their home. The outside lights are aglow as visitors enter their home and view the first of
nine decorated Christmas trees. A lighted village collection is on display in the entryway. In the dining room a full sized moving Santa is standing by a
large red and gold trimmed tree. A set of dishes purchased 30 years ago by Megan's father while in the Navy is displayed in the buffet. Snowmen decorations
are a favorite of Megan and featured throughout the downstairs, especially with the snowman tree in the family room. Two separate stairways take visitors
to the four bedrooms and the children's Santa Workshop toy room. Jaycee's bedroom has a dreamy pink tree trimmed in teal to match her room. Jaydon has a
sports theme tree in his room, along with a lighted farm scene with all his toy farm machinery. Baby sister Jaxy's silver tree and room is decorated with
Disney characters. Burgandy and gray are the colors chosen for the master bedroom with its gas fireplace. A large burgandy trimmed tree is set up to be
enjoyed in this room.
Pat and Brenda Weeda Home
Brenda and Pat Weeda are shown with a tree in their home. The new farm home is located just west of Tingley. Snowmen in porch rockers welcomed visitors who came up
the long winding lane Grandpa's IH fan keeps them cool and an antique buggy is on display in the yard.
The living room has a large tree decorated with some ornaments purchased each year since Pat and Brenda's marriage 30 years ago. Hanging from the engraved
marble fireplace are the Christmas stockings knitted by Pat's mother, Helen. Her handiwork of cross stitch Christmas scene pictures adorn several of the
walls in the house. Brenda's love of snowmen is evident throughout the house and Pat's IH tractor collection is on view in the laundry room. The TV
room is a NASCAR fan's dream with many items with Jeff Gordon's signature. Thanks to daughter Breanne, they even have tires from his car and NASCAR ornaments
for the tree. The office off the entryway displays lighted farm buildings and many stuffed toys around the tree. Family pictures are displayed on the wall
going to the master bedroom. The master bedroom has a whirlpool spa shower completed with waterfall and separate height sized lavatories. A large patio
opens off both the bedroom and kitchen. Every room in the house was designed with unique angled walls and ceiling tiles.
Tingley United Methodist Church
Above, This was the scene at the Tingley United Methodist Church where Marilyn Werner, with the help of her family and church family, coordinated the
decorations for the church, creating a Christmas vision with angels, gold trimmings and red poinsettias starting outside, continuing through the foyers
and sanctuary to the cross above the altar. Sparkling lights and gold stars shine down on two beautifully decorated trees and a must-see Nativity figures.
The east room will have members' special angels and prayers on display for visitors to enjoy. The Tingley United
Methodist Church was built and dedicated 99 years ago this December and warmly welcomes visitors during the tour of for any of its services.
Tingley Community Building"O Christmas Tree," the old Christmas carol, is the theme for the decorations at the Tingley Community
Building. Garlands, banners, wreaths and many small trees that Sue Richards has decorated the building with are available while eating soup at the supper.
Christmas music by the Mighty Echoes will be played as well. Bus rides for the tour will begin there.
Tingley Tour photographs by Lois Ibbotson
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, December 27, 2007, Page 1
County has white Christmas
Ringgold county residents were able to celebrate the first white Christmas in seven years when a storm dumped up to five inches of
snow across the county and winds blew the snow into drifts in a storm on Saturday, Dec. 22. There was some melting with milder temperatures but not enough
to keep a white Christmas fromt taking place. Below, the figures of the creche outside the First Christian Church in Mount Ayr are shown in the snow.
Christmas tea at the library
[Page 4] Each year the Mount Ayr Public Library hosts a Christmas tea and open house as part of its celebration of the holiday season.
Here, Dorothy Main and Bobbi Bainum host Bessie Parker and Mari McGehee at the refreshment table.
Never too old for Santa
[Page 5] Proving people are never too old for Santa, Edith Wood and Nova Giles, both over 90 years old, visited with Santa Claus and Mrs.
Claus Tuesday at the Tingley meal site.
Christmas lighting contest winnersWinners were named this week in the Mount Ayr Chamber of Commerce's
annual Christmas lighting contest.
First place went to the home of Owen and Mary Martschings at 1210 E. Monroe Street.
Second place winner was the home of Katie and Matt Routh at 114 Shellway Drive.
Third place went to Sharon England at 404 W. Madison Street. The Chamber of Commerce offers prizes in Mount Ayr Money, which can be used at chamber
members businesses, as prizes in the contest.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2015
