Haylea England performs her winning routine during the talent show held at the Ringgold County Fair last weekend.
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, July 23, 2015, Pages 1, 4 & 15
Future 4-Her Joey Novak gets a little help from his friend.
County fair winners announced
Results from contests and activities at the Ringgold County Fair have been released.
Best Chocolate Chip Cookie
Ann Walters from Beaconsfield was the winner in the first annual Best Chocolate Chip Cookie in Ringgold County contest with her chocolate/chocolate chip
sandwich cookie entry.
Second place went to Stephanie Post from Diagonal with her honey choco-scotch cookie.
Judges for the event included Kyle
Dolecheck, Connor Giles, Tracy Giles, Lew Knapp and Dr. Keith Miller.
The contest attracted 35 entries, and a book featuring recipes of all
entries will be available at the Extension office.
The cookie contest and silent auction raised a total of $244 with proceeds going to the 4-H activity
Open Class ResultsA total of 351 projects were entered in this year's open class competition.
Best-of-show honors went
to Mary Ann Smith with her entry in the quilt divisions.
Winners in each category were:
Creative Arts (13 Entries) | - | Teresa Roberts |
Needlework (12 Entries) | - | Patty Sobotka |
Housing (37 Entries) | - | Mary Baker |
Baking (39 Entries | - | Kim Scharfenkamp |
Canning (6 Entries) | - | Courtney Weeda |
Fruits and Vegetables (14 Entries) | - | Linda Swanson |
Flowers and Plants (67 Entries) | - | Linda Swanson |
Craftmanship (9 Entries) | - | Jerry Murphy |
Restoration (1 Entry) | - | Mike Zarr |
Genealogy & History (7 Entries) | - | Ellen Powell |
Quilts (15 Entries | - | Mary Ann Smith |
Photography (25 Entries) | - | Jennifer Creveling |
Creative Sewing (6 Entries) | - | Kathi Blunck |
Trash to Treasure (10 Entries) | - | Cody Bates |
Scrapbooking (1 Entry) | - | Jennifer Byrd |
Preschool (10 Entries) | - | Keaton Swank |
Juniors (10 Entries) | - | Breya Nickle |
Supportive Services (48 Entries | | |
There were no entries in the kit and kaboodle or jewelry categories this year.
Mud Run
Bone Stock | - | 1 - Rick Peterson 2 - Lonnie Swigart
3 - Tyrone Pankou |
Street Stock | - | 1 - Jake Waters 2 - Chris Bomer
3 - Luke Murphy 4 - Dan Livingston 5 - Tyrone Pankou |
Pro Stock | - | 1 - Josh Palmer 2 - Josh Bolton
3 - Jake Robinson |
Modified | - | 1 - Jake Robinson 2 - Josh Alexander
3 - Fred Schuler |
Outlaw | - | 1 - Nash Swigert 2 - Brandon Parsons
3 - Josh Case |
Demo Derby
Welded Class | - | 1 - Rob Baker 2 - Ryan Loy
3 - Curtis Mongar |
Stock | - | 1 - Shane Mongar 2 - Matt Whisler
3 - Ryan Parrot |
Bags Tournament
1 - Jared Mains and Chris Leonard |
2 - Brad and Kellan Hartman |
3 - Ryann Martin and MacKenzie Shields |
Champion Chris Leonard (left) and runner-up Brad Hartman show off their talent in the bags competition.
Lots of cute fair babies! [Page 10]
The youngest contestants in the baby contest came in the 0-5 month division with Killion Daniels, Daxtyn Dailey, Kaleb Swietlik,
Brooklyn Schaefer, Maddie Waske, Zadiee Stull, Huxlee Stull and Kambreigh Still.
Competitors in the Ringgold County Fair baby contest in the 13-18 month division were Tyce Parrish, Daisey Dredge, Brooklyn Angus,
Mason Adams, Bryan Shields and Aaylah England.
Competing in the fair's baby contest in the 6-12 month division were Jaxyn Nickell, Kallie Larsen, Rowan Murphy, Ava Adams, Kendall
Sobotka, Julia Clymer, Jase Young and Skilynn Cason.
Fair 2015
Congratulations to all participants in the 2015 Fair.
You're all winners!
Ringgold County 4-H exhibitors advancing to state fair include (front row, L-R) Stephanie Post, Emmalee Schafer and Lacy Post; (second row)
Samantha Schaefer, Loryn Schaefer, Haylea England, Cassidy Becker, Ally Shelley and Taylor Shields; (back row) Amber Davison, Hannah Jackson, Laura
Davison, Hallie Still, Clay Wimer, Connor Giles, Cal Daughton and Jabe Burton.
The exhibitors considered for state fair included (front row, L-R) Samantha Schaefer, Loryn Schaefer, Haylea England, Cassidy Becker, Kerrigan
Mobley and Hope Whittington; (back row) Nathan Shervheim, Ryker Henson, Maddie Mobley and Hallie Still.
Outstanding juniors included (L-R) James Shiflett, Jacob Novak, Anna Newton, Natalie Schaefer and Alaina Whittington.
Breya Nickle displays her Best of Class Fairy Garden project.
Ringgold County Fair ChampsThe champion market sheep was presented by Addie Ebersole.
The champion commercial heifer for the 2015 Ringgold County Fair
was shown by Adler Shay.
Caroline McAlexander showed the champion market hog at this year's fair.
Riley Jones presents the champion market goat
and rate-of-game winner at this year's fair.
Drew (left) and Dylan Graham entered the Pee Wee Wrangler show this year.
Ringgold County Fair Champs
Haylea England showed the supreme heifer at the Ringgold County Fair.
Trey Fooken showed the market steer at this year's fair.
NOT PICTURED: The champion feeder steer was shown by MaKayla Jones. The champion rate of gain was shown by Trevor Henry.
Drew Wilson showed the reserve champion commercial heifer. The reserve champion feeder calf bull was shown by McKenna Jones.
Shane Comer showed the reserve champion bucket calf + 1.
Winner Showmanship - Brynn Nickle
Winner of Senior Showmanship - Cassidy Becker
Intermediate Showmanship - Cauy Bickel
Junior Showmanship - MaKayla Jones
Champion Angus - Cassidy Becker | Champion Charlolais - Wyatt Jackson | Champ
ion Chianina - P.J. Lynch |
Champion Hereford - Jacob Novak | Champion Maine-Anjou - Addie Ebersole | Champion Main-Tainer - Drew Wills |
Champion Red Angus - Linsie Barnes | Champion Saler - Abigail Barnes | Champion Simmental - MaKayla Jones |
Champion Foundation Simmental - Haylea England | Champion Shorthorn Plus - Jabe Burton | |
Showmanship is an important part of livestock exhibition at the county fair. Pictured above (L-R) are showmanship
winners from the goat competition: Megan Reasoner, showmanship winner; Mercadez Birkenholz, intermediate showmanship; Jillian Kneip, beginner
showmanship; and Connor Giles, senior showmanship.
Showmanship winners in the hog show are (L-R) Tyler Triggs, senior showmanship; Caroline McAlexander, intermediate showmanship; and
Hallee Stewart, junior showmanship.
Fair sale result are totaled
Preliminary sales figures from the premium auction at the Ringgold County Fair showed a total of $34,595.This is the first year
the fair has done just a premium sale; however, the kids still had the option to sell their animals to the floor buyers.
A total of 12 sheep were
sold this year for $1,998.80. This compares with 11 sheep sold last year for $1,246.50.
There were 10 goats sold for $1,611.35.
A total of five head
of beef cattle were sold this year, bringing in $10,158.66. This compares to nine head of cattle bringing in $21,449.59 in 2014.
This year all hogs were
sold through Tyson so no sales totals were available.
Thank You
The Ringgold County Extension staff would like to thank the following for all their help and contributions during the 2014-15 4-H year:
Livestock Awards: Ebersole Cattle Co. (sheep); Creveling Partners (sheep); Wasteney Club Lambs (sheep); Weeda Club Lambs (sheep); Jones Trucking
Company (goat); Debbie Klommhaus and Family (beef); Garry Bjustrom Memorial (beef and swine); Moberg IowaRealty; Jim Routh, Nathan Nickle (beef, animal
scholarships); Shirley Vice (beef); Ringgold County Cattlemen (beef, heifer scholarships).
4-H Fund: Grandma Jan's Bake Shop; Bonnie and Will
Larson Family.
Pie Bakers: Jaci Haidsiak, Lacey Weeda, Samantha Crawford, Haylee Fletchall, Laura Davison, Amber Davison, Brynn Nickle, Eva
Sobotka, Hannah Jackson, Trent Stewart, Hallee Stewart, Carol McCreary.
Pie Buyers: Great Western Bank, Rich Elmer, Doyle and Connie Richards,
Beau and Shanen Ebersole, Hensley Trailer Sales, Mount Ayr Record-News, Craig Elliott Farms, Schaefer Excavating, PettiJohn - Bethany, Glendenning
Motor Co., City State Bank, Brammer Farms, Lee Faris, Ringgold County Fair Board.
Other: Great Western Bank (exhibitor shirts), Hy-Vee (County
Council pancake breakfast sponsor, flowers), Ringgold County Cattlemen (grilling burgers).
Livestock Helpers: Allan Dolecheck and Jonathan Triggs
(swine show), Courtney Tingwald (FFA advisor, beef show), Scott Hewlett and Doug Jeanes (beef show), Debbie Klommhaus (beef show).
Pie Judging Contest
Helpers: Raymond Hensley, Doyle Richard, Connie Richards (help with various activities).
Auction Helpers: Bev McGinnis, Laura Davison, Maddie
Mobley, Megan Warin, Kelly James, Jim Smith and Doug Campbell. Diagonal Lions (sound system), Farm Bureau (Sunday night meal), Farm Credit Services (stall
card, refreshments at animal check-ins), Community Processors (swine carcasses).
Special thanks to all our 4-H members, 4-H families and our
4-H volunteers.
Club Leaders: Cindy Schlapia, Tracy and Scott Giles, Jules and Matt Daughton, Suzi Schaefer, Julie Davison, P.J. West, Macy
Gregg, Bobbi Banium, Melinda Shervheim, Rebecca and Spence Jones, Sarah McAlexander and Darla Sobotka.
Livestock Superintendents: Ryan and Alle
Bailey (beef), Tiffany Bolles (bucket calf), Pat and Jay Meester (horse), Maria Weeda (horse assistant), Scott Giles (goat), Tim Creveling and Matt Weeda (sheep),
Donnie Pollock (swine), Deb Reasoner (rabbit).
4-H and Youth Committee: Taylen Abarr, Tiffany Bolles, Susie Catanzareti, Beth Christner, Andy Clark,
Allan Dolecheck, Elisha Doubleday, Amy Whittington.
A huge "shout out" to our wonderful County Council members: Laura Davison, Kirsten Dolecheck,
Haylea England, Connor Giles, Blair Glendenning, Hannah Glendenning, Maddy Henson, Alyssa Johnson, Lew Knapp, Maddie Mobley, Abbey Schafer, Tessa Shields, Hallie
Still, Tyler Triggs and Megan Warin.
Extension Council Members: Chris Eaton, Judi Shaha, Amy Whittington, John Thorpe, Bradley Bentley, Scott Giles,
Debbie Klommhaus, Carol McCreary and Taylor Still.
and the Ringgold County Fair Board for all their hard work and support.
Thank you,
thank you, and thank you!Extension Staff:
Judy Hensley and Dawn Dugan
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015