Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 15, 2013
Early local state fair results announced
Early results for Ringgold county competitors and exhibitors at the Iowa State Fair have been released.
Open Singles, Class D Competition - 4th place - Bryson Triggs, Mount Ayr.
Open Singles, Class F Competition - 5th place - Lynda TRIGGS, Mount Ayr.
4-H Exhibitors
A large contingent of Ringgold County 4-H exhibitors have won ribbons at the State Fair.
Blue Ribbon winners: Kayla Bentley, Diagonal; Cauy Bickel, Diagonal; Kirsten Dolecheck (2), Mount Ayr; Madison
Hosfield, Mount Ayr; Jena James, Mount Ayr; Brook Rychnovsky, Diagonal; Samantha Schaefer (2), Mount Ayr; Abbey Schafer,
Mount Ayr; Elsie Schafer, Mount Ayr; Katie Sobotka, Diagonal; Hallie Still (3), Mount Ayr; Taylor Still, Mount Ayr;
Cole Wilmes, Mount Ayr.
Red Ribbon winners: Grand Anderson, Ellston; Jabe Burton (2), Mount Ayr; Samantha Crawford, Mount Ayr; Laura
Davison, Maloy; Madison Hosfield, Mount Ayr; madison Mobley, Maloy; Tessa Shields, Mount Ayr; Taylor Still, Mount Ayr;
Chania Vos, Ellston; Hayley Whittington, Diagonal.
White Ribbon winners: Amber Davison, Maloy; Madison Mobley, Maloy.
During the opening ceremony of the Iowa State Fair on August 9, Iowa State Board Supervisor Gary Slater (far left),
Iowa State Fair Board President Gary McConnell (center) and Lt. Governor Kim Reynolds (right) presented Gerald Maharry
and Dale Juergens of the Clearfield Lions, a proclamation confirming 50 years of the Clearfield Lions providing shuttle
service at the Iowa State Fair. (IOWA STATE FAIR/STEVE POPE PHOTOGRAPHY)
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 22, 2013
Maloy NewsWyatt Jackson, along with friends Lew Knapp, Ethan McGill and Trevor Anderson,
[known as the group the Class Act of 2016] created a video called "Hidden Sniper" for the 4-H Film Festival at the state fair. The judges were impressed with their
use of appropriate props, locations and special effects. They stated that the boys were "ahead of their time" with the
amount of difficulty and such. After judging, the boys had a chance to take a tour of KCWI News Studio Saturday. Robert Davison competed in
the tractor pull Wednesday at the fair. He placed third. Former Maloy resident Cody Shay also pulled at the fair. Katelyn Warin
volunteered with the Iowa Beef Council at the fair. She was recognized during the 4-H Parade of Champions as being a
recipient of the Iowa Junior Beef Breeds Association Scholarship. Megan Warin showed her Simmental heifer during the
4-H breeding beef show. She won her class. She also received a purple ribbon, which qualified her for the championship
drive in showmanship for grades seven and eight.
Ringgold County well represented at State FairMore award winners from Ringgold county at the
Iowa State Fair have been announced.
Stock Dog Trials
Titles were awarded in two classes. Open class competition was open to experienced teams. Ranch class was for less
experienced dogs.
Open Class, Cattle Division - 4th place - Bob Johnson, Tingley.
Open Class, Sheep Division - 1st and 2nd places - Bob Johnson, Tingley.
Ranch Class, Cattle Division - 1st place - Bob Johnson, Tingley.
Ranch Class, Sheep Division - 2nd place - Bob Johnson, Tingley.
"All Other Breed Steers" - reserve champion - Holmes Cattle Company, Benton.
Beef Feeder Calf Show, Angus heifers - 2nd place - Holmes Cattle Company, Benton.
Beef Feeder Calf Show, Simmental steers - 2nd place - Holmes Cattle Company, Benton.
Maine-Anjou Beef Show, MT cow/calf - reserve champion - Adelyda Ebersol with ECC Blackbird 081X, Kellerton.
Maine-Anjou Beef Show, MT Junior Bull Calf (Jan. 1 - Feb. 28) - 1st place - Adelyda Ebersole with ECC Blackhawk 301A, Kellerton.
Pedal Pull
8-Year-Old Boys - 2nd place - Jacob Novak, son of Jeremy and Amy Novak.
8-Year-Old Boys - 5th place - James Shiflett, son of Tom Shiflett and Monica Casteel.
Table Division - 2nd place - Jeremiah "Jerry" Murphy, Mount Ayr.
Senior Citizen Division - honrable mention - Jeremiah "Jerry" Murphy, Mount Ayr.
Fine Arts
Fiber Division - 1st place - Rebecca Abarr, Redding.
The Mount Ayr FFA Chapter was awarded second place in the "Group of Two or More Tractors" division of the FFA
Agricultural Mechanics Technology competition. The restored Farmall tractor was driven in the "Parade of Champions"
pulling the trailer which was given first place overall the projects.
Wether/Sire/Dam Sheep Show:
Black-faced Yearling Ram - 3rd place - Matthew Weeda, Mount Ayr.
Cooking with Sorghum, Desserts - 1st place - Judy Kiburz-Harrison, Mount Ayr.
Chiquita Ultimate Banana Bread - 1st place, banana nut bread, & 2nd place overall - Judy Kiburz-Harrison, Mount Ayr.
Innovative Chocolate Contest, Breads and Rolls - 3rd overall - Judy Kiburz-Harrison, Mount Ayr.
Quality, Not Quantity Food Contest - 1st place & $100 - Pamela Cooper, Mount Ayr. This is the second year in a row Cooper
has taken this honor. The Quality, Not Quantity contest asked entrants to create small portions of food that were big on
flavor. Dishes ere low in fat and carbohydrates, included at least 18 grams of protein and were no more than one cup in
total volume.
My Favorite Ice Cream Topping Contest - 3rd place - Pamela Cooper, Mount Ayr.
Danish Desserts Competition - 1st place and $35 cash award - Barbara Kiburz, Tingley.
Spotted Swine Show - Champion gilt - Triggs Show Pigs, Mount Ayr.
Spotted Swine Show - Gilt Competition - 1st, 3rd, 6th places - Triggs Show Pigs, Mount Ayr.
Spotted Swine Show - Boar Competition - 4th and 6th places - Triggs Show Pigs, Mount Ayr.
Glitzy or Glamorous, Marvelous Hat Contest - 3rd place - Nadine Dryer, Ellston. Part of the annual Red Hat Day activities
at the Iowa State Fair.
Chicken Calling
Ladie's Division, Chicken Calling - 3rd place - JoAnn Pollock, Mount Ayr.
Miniature Trucks
Entrants hitched certified weights to their battery-operated, handmade miniature trucks to see who could pull the
farthest distance in 20 seconds.
4x5 Stomper Pull Contest, "Bully" age 11 and up - 1st place, JP Wittington, Diagonal.
Educational Presentation
Hallie Still received a merit award for her presentation "Alcohol Ink Coasters."
Performance Lamb Live, Division 1 - purple ribbon - Addie Ebersole, Kellerton.
Black-Face Commercial Ewe, Division 3 - blue ribbon - Addie Ebersole, Kellerton.
Market Lamb - blue ribbon, Addie Ebersole, Kellerton.
Sheep Showmanship, Intermediate - blue ribbon, Addie Ebersole, Kellerton.
Swine Showmanship, Senior - Blue Ribbions - Johnathan and Tyler Triggs, Mount Ayr.
Simmental Heifer - blue ribbon - Caylie Hickman.
Beef Showmanship, Grades 7 & 8 - blue ribbon - Caylie Hickman.
Beef of Merit, window A - blue ribbon, Ryker Hickman.
High Cutability Grid Market - blue ribbon, Ryker Hickman.
Simmental Heifer - blue ribbon, Ryker Hickman.
Simmental Steer - blue ribbon, Ryker Hickman.
Beef Showmanship, Grades 5 & 6 - purple ribbon, Ryker Hickman.
Maine-Anjou Steer - blue ribbon, Paige Lynch.
Commerical Heifer - purple ribbon, Paige Lynch.
Beef Showmanship, Grades 7 & 8 - Megan Warin with her Simmental heifer.
Market Heifer - purple ribbon - Haylea England.
Crossbred Steer - purple ribbon - Haylea England.
Beef Showmanship, Grades 7 & 8 - purple ribbon - Cassidy Becker.
Maine-Anjou Steer - purple ribbon - April Shields.
Dairy Goats
Nubian Goats, 6 mos. & under 1 year - blue ribbon; purple ribbon & reserve champion - Megan Reasoner.
Nubian Goats, 4 mos. & under 5 mos. - purple ribbon - Megan Reasoner.
Recorded Grades, 1 yr. & under 2 yr. - purple ribbon & Junior Champion - Megan Reasoner.
Nubian Goats, 1 yr. & under 2 yrs. - 2 purple ribbons - Megan Reasoner.
Alpine Goats, 6 mos. & under 1 year - blue ribbon - Sarah Reasoner.
Recorded Grades, under 4 mos. - purple ribbon - Sarah Reasoner.
Recorded Grades, 4 mos. & under 5 mos. - purple ribbon - Sarah Reasoner.
Recorded Grades, 6 mos. & under 1 year - purple ribbon & Junior Champion - Sarah Reasoner.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 29, 2013
Two Ringgold County farms are honored at State Fair

Two Ringgold county farms were honored as Heritage Farms in ceremonies held recently at the Iowa State Fair. To qualify as
a Heritage Farm, a family must have owned at least 40 acres for 150 years or more. The farm belonging to Russell, Tammy
and Phyllis FAUBION located along county road P14 between 310th Street and 320th Street in Blockton has been in their
family since 1858. A farm belonging to Jeff and Rhonda QUICK located at 315th Street in Redding has been in their family
since 1859. Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Bill Northey made the presentations at the ceremony.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 05, 2013
More area state fair results listed

Results for Ringgold county residents in competitions at the Iowa State Fair continue to roll in.
Miniature Horses
The miniature horse show is a double-judged competition, meaning two judges evaluate all entries and then report their
results independently of the other judge. Therefore one entry could receive two different placings in the competition.
AMHR Aged Mare, Three and Older, 30 and Under Catageory - Donald and Helen Weeda of Tingley placed first and second with
their two entries. AMHR Mare Yearling, 32 and Under Category - The judges split their decision on the Weeda's entry. One
judge placed the entry fifth while the other judge placed it in sixth. AMHR Multi-color Stallion/Gelding, 34 and Under
Category - One judge placed the Weeda entry in third place. AMHR Solid Color Mare, 34 and Under Category - The judges
split with one placing the Weeda entry in third while the other judge placed it in fourth. AMHR Two-Year-Old Stallion,
33 and Under Category - Both judges gave the Weeda entry a second place finish. BreAnna Weeda, also of Tingley, competed
in the AMHR Mare Fole of Current Year, 30 and Under Catagory. Both judges gave BreAnna's entry a third-place finish.
Gelbvich CattleMcCreary and McCreary of Mount Ayr captured a number of placing with their
Gelbvich cattle. Their entry was named Reserve Champion Get of Sire. They also placed in other categories as follows:
Late Junior Heifer Calf (Mar. 1-31, 2013), their heifer Zumba placed second.
Early Spring Heifer Yearling (Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2012), their heifers MS Show Girls placed 5th and High MS Leah placed 6th.
Early Spring Bull Calf (Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2013), their calf Ruggz placed fourth.
Early Spring Yearling Bull (Jan. 1 to Feb. 28, 2013), bull JCOB Fireball placed second.
The McCrearys placed eighth with their pari of calves entry.
Simmental Cattle
Purebred Senior Bull Calf (Sept. 1, 2012 - Feb. 28, 2013) - 1st place, Top Line Simmentals of Mount Ayr.
Purebred Senior Female (Sept. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2013) - 3rd & 7th places, Top Line Simmentals of Mount Ayr.
Purebred Winter Heifer Calf (Jan. 1, - Feb. 28, 2013) - 11th place, Top Line Simmentals of Mount Ayr.
Foundation Senior Female (Sept. 1, 2011 - Mar. 31, 2012) - top placing & Reserve Champion, Lauren England, Mount Ayr.
Spotted Gilt - grand champion, Tyler and Johnanthan Triggs showing as Triggs Show Pigs.
Duroc Gilts - 3rd overall, Tyler and Johanathan Triggs showing as Triggs Show Pigs.
Johnathan TRIGGS of Mount Ayr was awarded the $2,000 IFAA Excellence in Swine Participation Scholarship by the
Iowa Foundation for Agricultural Advancement (IFAA) during the Iowa State Fair Sale of Champiions on Saturday, August 17, 2013.
Johnathan's parents are Kevin and Kathy TRIGGS.
Reasoner Farms of Ellston won a number of ribbons in the goat show, as follows:
Alpine Goats, 6 months to uner one-year-old - 2nd place.
Nubian Goats, 4 months to under 5 months - 7th and 8th places.
Nubian Goats, 6 months to under on-year-old - 1st and 2nd places.
Nubian Goats, 1 year to under 2 years, not in milk - 3rd and 11th places.
Junior Get of Sire - 4th place.
Recorded Grades, 4 months old - 4th and 5th places.
Recorded Grades, 6 months to under one-year-old - 2nd place.
Recorded Grades, 1 year to under 2 years, not in milk - 2nd place.
Recorded Grades, Junior Get of Sire - 2nd place.
Frosted Cookies
Hester Derscheid, Ellston, 2nd place.
Kiburz-Harrison brings home state fair awards
Judy Kiburz-Harrison brought home several ribbons and awards from the Iowa State Fair, as follows:
Iowa Bed & Breakfast Quick Breads - 1st with pumpking bread (with nuts); 2nd with pumpkin date bread.
Midwest Living Drop Cookies - 1st with butterscotch oatmeal cookies.
Chiquita Ultimate Banana Bread - 1st with banana nut bread and 2nd in overall competition.
Make It with Lard Desserts - 1st with drop oatmeal cookies; 1st with chocolate chip cookies; 3rd with unfrosted
gingersnaps; 3rd with other than named entry.
Let's Have Tea - honorable mention with tea cookies.
Innovative Chocolate - honorable mentions for chocolate chip cookies.
Make It With Lard Quick Bread - 1st overall and 1st with pumpkin (non-yeast) bread.
Kiburz wins numerous baking awards at state fair
Barbara Kiburz won a number of ribbons and awards with her baking entries at this year's Iowa State Fair, as follows:
Midwest Living Drop Cookies - 1st with oatmeal without raisins; 2nd with oatmeal raisin cookies; 2nd in potato chip
frosted drop cookie division; 3rd in fruit drop cookie category; 3rd orange drop (frosted) divison; double chocolate
oatmeat/peanut butter division.
Midwest Living Health Cookies - 1st with high fiber cookies; 1st with cookies made with honey.
Midwest Living Refrigerated and Rolled Cookies - 1st with sandwich cookies; 1st with sugar (non-rolled) cookies.
Midwest Living Ethnic Cookies - 1st with Asian entry; 2nd with Italian entry.
Danish Desserts - 1st with Danish cinnamon cookies.
Foods Made with Honey - 3rd with chocolate chip cookies.
Favorite Frosted Sugar Cookies - 3rd place.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2013
