Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 29, 2012
County 4-H celebrates yearly accomplishments

Ringgold County 4-H celebrated the accomplishments of the 2011 – 2012 4-H year recently at the Ringgold County Fairgrounds
Exhibit Building. The evening included family fun games, a soup supper and recognition of 4-H volunteers (club leaders,
livestock superintendents, 4-H and youth committee members, county council) and 4-H Clover Kid and 4-H members.
Project awards were handed out to 4-H members turning in 4-H record books. Thanks to a donor special county fair awards
were distributed to market rate of gain winners (goat: Sarah REASONER; sheep: Hayley WHITTINGTON; beef: Cassidy BECKER),
as well as beef and swine carcass winners (beef: Cassidy BECKER; swine: Johnathan TRIGGS); and the Jessica PIERSCHBACHER
Sportsmanship traveling trophy was presented to Alexis MAIN. Major awards earned by senior 4-H members (grades 9-12) were
handed out as well. Recipients included Achievement Award: Taylor STILL; Agriculture Award: Tyler TRIGGS; Citizenship
Award: Peter SHERVHEIM; Leadership Award: Caitlin GILES; Merit Award: Taylen ABARR; Recordkeeping Award: Johnathan TRIGGS;
4-H Motto award: Connor GILES; "Green Heart" Award: Madison HOSFIELD. Special recognition was given to Cheryl
WHITTINGTON, who will retire after being a 4-H volunteer for the past 25 years.
A number of 4-H club leaders were recognized during the recent awards night presentations.
They include (L-R): Cindy Schlapia, Cheryl Whittington, Tracy Giles, Scott Giles, Marcy Gregg, Tessa Barnes,
Julie Davison, Suzi Schaefer, Melinda Shervheim and Darla Sobotka.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2012

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