The Lamoni Chronicle
Lamoni, Decatur County, Iowa
October 8, 1942
Member of the New Women's Auxilliary Army Corp
To Speak in Afternoon -- Sell Bonds
The WAAC'S are coming to town on October 17 in connection with the Lamoni Corn Festival, one or more members of the New Women's Auxilliary Army Crop will be here to help stimulate
the sale of war bonds and stamps.
The Corn Festival will provide an opportunity for farmers in this area to enter corn in the contest for special prizes and since the corn crop this year is better than in many previous years
it is expected that farmers from this county and nearby Ringgold and North Harrison counties will exhibit a sample of their corn also.
Corn Classes
Gerald DUNSMORE and his FFA boys are handling the corn contest and according to Mr. DUNSMORE, the following classes will be open for competition: best half bushel; best 10 ears; best quart shelled corn; and the most unusual
ear. (Judges request that the shelled corn be in coffee cans.) Small prizes will be given to the winners in each class.
When to Enter Corn
The committee has made arrangements for the use of the building on North Linden, formerly occupied by the Teale Implement Store. Please bring your entries in on Saturdy morning, Oct. 17, if possible, but entires will be
accepted on Thursday and Friday, October 15 and 16.
Special Entertainment
The program committee has arranged with Ralph HAWLEY, head of the band and orchestra departments at Graceland College and the high school to provide lots of good band music and in addition there will be special features and novelty numbers.
Two separate programs will beheld, one will be in the afternoon immediately following the regular Pot of Gold program, and the other at 8 o'clock in the evening. The WAAC officer will deliver a short address at the afternoon program. At this time all men in uniform who are at home on furlough will be
invited to share the speakers platform with the visiting WAAC's. The evening program will consist of novelties and stunts. Bonds will be sold at both programs.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, 2007
