Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 08, 1903, Vol. XIV

Page 1 ~ Full page ad by Harry Spurrier, auctioneer
Page 2
One Copy One Year if paid within the year. | . . . . . . |
$1.00 |
Out of the county subscriptions except those of adjoining counties | . . . . . . | $1.25 per year in advance |
Single Copy | . . . . . . | 5c |
All subscriptions expire with the last issue of the month marked on the tag.
Entered at the postoffice in Tingley as second class mail matter.
W. W. STEWART, Auctioneer and General Salesman.
A Few Hints Regarding Public Sales HAVE a good clerk, be sober and level headed on day of sale. No by bidding or skin game, or you will be the one skinned. Get plenty of bills - no less than 200 - as the second hundred only costs a trifle. The small cards are a splendid medium of advertising. Printers' ink pays. Ten days is long enough to post bills.
Employ the best auctioneer you can get, regardless of his price. Employ W. W. Stewart, unless you want him, for if you do he will be on hand rain or shine. Get who you will and I hope you will never regret it. Write, wire or 'phone me at my expense for date. In case I can't be found, call the Vindicator, where my dates are kept. * * * *
At Decatur City | . . . . . . | Jan. 9 |
J. N. Reynolds, Decatur City | . . . . . . | Jan. 15 |
J. T. Tedford, near Tingley | . . . . . . | Jan. 20 |
E. E. Root, near Ellston | . . . . . . | Jan. 21 |
A. Weeda, Tingley Twp. | . . . . . . | Feb. 5 |
A. F. Stults, Beaconsfield | . . . . . . | Feb. 12 |
J. W. Keller, near Shannon C. | . . . . . . | Feb. 17 |
J. D. Fleming, N.W. Shannon C. | . . . . . . | Feb. 19 |
Aaron Cline, Jefferson Twp. | . . . . . . | Feb. 25 |
* * * *
Yours for business,
W. W. Stewart,
Harness! Harness!
Treat your horse to a new set of harness. He'll appreciate it, even if he can't tell you. A horse's comfort is essential if you want to drive with pleasure. We provide horsewear that fits and insure pleasing service.Shop opposite P.O. 2nd door east of Richey's. Frank Gray, Prop.
WANTED - Cow hides, G. K. Spence.
Opera House Restaurant for oyster stews. Roy Pollock left, Monday, for Wyoming. Grandma Asbury has been quite poorly the past week. Asher Lorimor, Jr., visited relatives at Diagonal the latter part of last week. Miss Theo Cole left, Monday, for Cedar Falls to resume her school work. Bring you old iron to J. W. McDowell and receive the highest market price. Candies, fruits and lunches - the good kind - at the Opera House Restaurant. Miss Martha Penick, of Chariton, arrived last Friday for a visit with friends. Miss Marie Henderson returned to her school work at Tarkio, the first of the week. Dr. C.A. Bent, Doctor of Dental Surgery, will be at his Tingley office January 26 to 31. Miss Julia Fletcher returned last Friday from a week's visit with relatives at Humeston. The Vindicator's advertising columns continue to tell just what to buy and where to buy it. FOR SALE - Span of matched sorrel colts, 2 and 3 years old, past. ~ J. H. SHARP Mr. and Mrs. E. Atwood entertained their son, J. E. Atwood, and family of Liberty township, New Years Day. Miss Ella DuBois, who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. A. C. Coate, left Friday for her home in Des Moines. If you want Notary Work or insurance, call on I. M. Fletcher, west room of Vindicator building. Mr. Byron Stevenson entertained a few of Corwin's little friends, New Years Day, in honor of his eighth birthday. All those knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle by cash or note, as I wish to close by books by January 15. Please give this your immediate attention. ~ GEO. W. RICHEY Mr. and Mrs. John Flatt and son, Harry, who have been residing in Colorado, are visiting with Mrs. Flatt's sister, Mrs. Geo. Archibald, and family, and other friends. Mr. Flatt is a confectioner, and expects to locate in this state.
Phaeton For Sale Ladies' Phaeton, good as new, for sale - long time. Enquire of the editor of this paper.
Ralph Tidrick and John Cole returned to Tarkio, Monday, where they are attending school. All parties knowing themselves indebted to C. M. Richardson, are requested to call and settle on or before January 15. Wilbur Hall, after spending the holidays with home folks, returned to take up his studies at the Drake university, Monday. Notice the new ad for the Edwards Furniture Co. Their leader this week is carpets, and they are making prices that will interest you. Mrs. Murray and son, Arthur, returned to their home at Russell last Thursday after a week's visit at the home of Prof. Charles Murray. Remember I am at the Tingley photograph gallery the first three days of each week, and I am prepared to do all kinds of work in my line. Come and get your pictures taken. ~ MRS. J. M. RINARD. Miss Myrtle Wright went to Agency, Iowa, Saturday, where she will again take up her school work. We are pleased to learn that Miss Myrtle is meeting with abundant success in her chosen profession of school teaching. Mrs. E. W. Daniel was very agreeably surprised, Saturday, to receive a call from her cousin, Miss Edna Adkins, who is a member of the Euterpean Quarette. Miss Adkins has a sweet voice, and her singing was very favorably received by the audience at their entertainment last Saturday evening. The Euterpean Quartette rendered one of their programs at the opera house last Saturday night. Every number showed that each member of the quartette was an artist far above the ordinary. Strains of beautiful quartette music and the charmingly delightful evening will long be fresh in the memories of those in attendance. J. W. Asbury, the manager of Tingley's opera house, is to be commended for booking such excellent attractions. Otto J. Nelson thinks the Vindicator is all right. He sends us a check for the Vindicator another year and says, "I think the Vindicator is up to date and deserves the patronage of all interested in Tingley." Mr. Nelson owns a fine farm southwest of town. He was here during the tournament last fall and was especially well pleased with the colt show. O. C. House finished harvest his 1902 corn crop last Saturday. He had seventy-five acres in corn and all the work was done by himself and son, Clifford, a young man fifteen years of age. O.C. is a pretty good man any way you take him. He is capable of lots of work in a day that Clifford is getting so it is hard for his father to keep up with him. Clifford takes an interest in his work and will make a model farmer. D. H. Guard, E. J. Terry and J. A. Anderson, of near Ellston, were in Tingley on business last Thursday afternoon. Mr. Anderson had one of the best sales last November that has been held in this part of the county. He got lots of extra large bills and also a lot of small cards and says it pays well to advertise. He had buyers from as far away as Shenandoah on the west and Lamoni on the east. His printing was done at this office.
The Question Is?Where to go when you want to buy Lumber and Coal. You may think this is rather a hard problem but we have the solution right in our store. The answer to this question is where you get the best goods at reasonable prices. As to the question which is the best place to go, that the easiest of them all. There is only one answer and that is "Our
Place." If you'll come and you'll soon find that we are correct. C. M. RICHARDSON
Depot Street Frane's old stand.
Opera House RestaurantHaving purchased L. G. Carr's restaurant stock of goods and fixtures, I desire to inform the public that I am going to run a first-class restaurant and shall try to merit your trade by keeping the best goods to be purchased and give courteous treatment. Yours respectfully, W. E. MILLSAP.
Shorts, Bran and Shorts A car load to arrive at the Tingley Elevator in a few days See the quality and get our prices, then give us
an order for all you can use. R. S. Spurrier
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Good Results Quick ServiceREAL ESTATE bought and sold and exchanged on commission. Loans negotiated at reasonable rates. Insurance written in reliable companies. If you have any business in the above lines, come to us, for satisfaction is guaranteed and we aim to please you. Merchandise stocks can also be listed with us. Luke Shay & Co.
Page 3 Local Overflow.
H. W. McClelland has a new ad. Emery Carr is visiting relatives at Diagonal this week. A ladys' glove was found, Sunday morning, and left at this office. FOR SALE - Duroc Jersey boar, eligible to record. SAM RICHARDS. "The Boy Tramp" at the opera house Thursday night, January 22. King-Perkins Company is highly recommended by the Opera House Reporter, and the many press reports we have read of them are very flattering. The page ad of Heyer Bros. & Co. should be read by everyone. They make some red hot prices. LOST - A lady's large cape, in Tingley, just before Christmas. Leave at this office or with Mrs. H. R. Boyd. Miss Myrtle McGregor returned, Saturday, from Lorimor, where she has been spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Frank Archibald. The new officers of the Tingley and Mt. Ayr telephone company are: Geo. Swain, president; J. O. Imus, secretary; A. R. Hass, treasurer; Luke Shay, W. H. Pollock, J. P. Fife, directors. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Carr were given a pleasant surprise New Year's day. A royal good time was had by all. The guests were Gordon Garver, Reynolds Garver, Wm. Johns, Earl Eckerman, Wm. Garver, and their families, and Mrs. Henry Smith. Tingley Camp No. 3782, M. W. A., will give their third annual banquet at the opera house on Tuesday evening, January 13. If you were lucky enough to secure an invitation, you may rest assured of a pleasant evening. This order has the reputation of being royal entertainers. Manager Asbury, in a recent conversation, gave vent to his indignation at what he terms "the nerve" of he fly by night theatrical snaps, which try to secure time at his house, and he shook his head as he said "no more for me. I'm tired; I'll know they're right or they don't get in; this town is good enough for the best only." He certainly has a fine list of attractions booked - some above the average. He is highly elated at securing the universal success. Dr. and Mrs. John Williamson very pleasantly entertained a large number of the young people at their home on New Year's evening. It was one of the most enjoyable events of the winter. [portion of column torn away] The young people also remembered Dr. Williamson by presenting him a substantial New Year's gift. Refreshments were served. The following were present: Messrs. and Mesdames C. H. Pease, A. H. Hass, Hugh Ferguson, Clyde Mahaffey; Misses Theo and Mae Cole, Bertha McClelland, Ethel Henry, Lela McClelland, Florence Fletcher, Grace Elder, Edith Touzalin, Eunice Swain, Alice and Teen Elder, Grace Mahaffey, Verna Pease, Margaret Pollock, Marie Henderson, Lulu Fullerton, Anna Law, Ethyl and Bertha Hogue; Messrs. John and Robt. Cole, Robt. Fullerton, Floyd, Charles and Frank Henry, Clark and Bruce Arneal, Frank Ashenhurst, Irwin Swain, Cam and Leslie McClure, Charles and Leslie Zarr, Audley Elder, Huston Henderson, Ralph Tidrick, Roy Pollock and Glen McClelland.

CORRESPONDENCE. ______________
Ellston.Mrs. Carrie Maxwell is reported as not being much better. She is still confined to her bed. Mr. Laurant, the man who was to deliver the lecture in the opera house Monday evening, missed connection of trains and consequently the lecture is postponed fo an indefinite time. The Convict's Daughter will be played in the opera house, Saturday night, by home talent. Prices 15 and 25 cents. Come all if you want a good time. Mr. Watsabaugh, editor of the Tingley Vindicator, was a visitor in our town last Saturday. A. C. Earle drove to Afton, Tuesday, to take the train for Missouri, where he expects to be for about a week transacting business. Miss Mary Ford returned, Monday, from Humeston, where she has been spending the holidays with her sister, Mrs. Culmsee. Mert Coffman and family, formerly residents of Tingley but now living in Missouri, visited a few days with relatives in Ellston. The funeral services of Mrs. Ham, who died at her home in Beaconsfield, were held in the Christian church last Friday, after which the remains were laid to rest in the Ellston cemetery. Ten Nights in a Bar Room, which was played at the opera house, Friday night, by home talent, was a success, and was enjoyed by a large crowd. Percy Whisler and sister, Nellie, of Tingley, visited friends in our town. Miss Hattie Cosner arrived home on Friday, from Tingley, where she has been spending holidays with relatives. A. C. Earle is having his barn painted. Mr. Ireland is doing the work. Cyrus Rush took the picture of A. C. Earle's store building last Saturday, and it is fine. Anyone desiring this kind of work done should call on Mr. Rush. His prices are reasonable. Frank Landreth, of Tingley, was a visitor in our town last Saturday and Monday. Chas. Walters and L. E. Anderson are new subscribers to the Vindicator this week. Mr. Anderson is one of our most enterprising young farmers. Mr. Walters grew to manhood in this vicinity and is well and favorable known. _____________
Jefferson Center.Port Nichols is called to mourn the death of his father, Mr. John Nichols, of near Mt. Ayr. Mr. and Mrs. Bruner Johnston and daughter, Vera, spent New Years with Winfield Johnston's family. Mr. and Mrs. Will Keller are the proud parents of a baby boy, born Wednesday, December 31. Mr. and Mrs. Jacoby and son, Doyle, spent New Years with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Denhart, of Washington township. Grandma Meharry is in this neighborhood visiting her old friends and neighbors. Harry, May and Nellie Wynes, of Wimbleton, North Dakota, are visiting their brother, John and family, in this vicinity. Mr. Cass and family spent New Years with Frank Stinson's. Merlyn Johnston is working in the blacksmith shop, at Shannon City, for John Agler. David Zarr and family spend New Years at Mr. Kirk's. Bertha Garland visited the latter part of last week with the Misses Markley. Ralph Cass is helping his uncle, Mr. Bustow, gather corn. Miss Abie Stinson visited friends near Sexon last week. The Jefferson Center Sunday school elected their officers for the coming year as follows: Superintendent, Elmer Baker; assistant, John Butt; secretary, Jennie Markley; assistant, Orpha Johnston; treasurer, Mrs. McCune; organist, Orpha Johnston; assistant, Esta Baker; chorister, Elmer Baker; librarian, Merlyn Johnston; teachers - Mrs. Baker, E. E. Baker, Mrs. Jacoby, Orpha Johnston and Golda Baker. _____________
Liberty.D. D. McGregor visited relatives at Rock Port, Missouri, last week. He returned home Tuesday with two good horses which he bought at Shenandoah. D. C. Tidrick and wife and Ralph visited at Shannon City last week. Mr. Van Morris and daughter, of Nebraska, are visiting relatives. Mrs. J. C. Richards and daughters Elsie and Mrs. Armstrong returned last week from a visit at Allerton. Geo. Hawk and son are in Missouri looking for a location. Roy Pollock visited last week with R. W. Tidrick.
Beaconsfield Department DR. A. L. MULCAHY, Editor.
Practice writing 1903. Chas. Hoffhine entertained a number of his friends Saturday evening at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Hoffhine. Harry, the bright little son of Mr. and Mrs. Finkbone, has typhoid pneumonia. Miss Minnie Young returned Saturday from Grand River, where she spent the holidays with her parents. Miss Jennie Bridewell, who has been visiting at the family of Rev. and Mrs. Nichols, returned to her home at Grant, Montgomery county, Saturday. A son arrived Tuesday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. Gray. Miss Margaret Miller left Friday, for Indianola, to take a course in music at the Simpson college. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. A. F. Stultz, a daughter. Chas. Beadle, of Des Moines, was here visiting friends the first of the week. Miss Minnie Beal, of Grand River, visited here Friday and Saturday. D. C. Hoffhime is working at the K. & W. [railway] station. Mesdames Charles Cossellman and F. J. Mackey returned home, Friday, from Council Bluffs, where they spent the holidays with their sister, Mrs. Bonham. Fred Bone, of Grand River, was a business visitor here Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Cosselman, formerly of this place, but now of Van Wert, are the proud parents of a baby boy, which arrived last Thursday. The report is that both mother and baby are doing well. James W. Myers, who is painting the fine residence of A. L. Ackerly at Grand, spent Sunday here. Miss Nellie Robinson left Monday for College Springs, to attend college at that place. Mrs. J. N. Whiteaker, who has been on the sick list for the last few days, is better. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Carr, who were called here on account of the death of Mrs. Carr's mother, Mrs. Eli Ham, returned to their home at Bedford Tuesday. Vern Chapman, of Grand River, was in town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ackerly, of Grand River, were here Monday. The New Year ball was largely attended and all report an enjoyable time. Floyd White is spending a few days at his home in Diagonal. Mrs. J. O. Miller and daughter, Miss Nellie, spent Monday with J. N. Whiteaker and family. The Sunday services at the M.E. church were largely attended and Rev. Brown preached a most excellent sermon. Rev. Nichols preached his usual Sunday sermon at Gregg chapel. Merle, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Fox, was taken suddenly sick Saturday night, but at this writing is improving nicely. Miss Florence Hoffhine has returned home from Van Wert where she spent the holidays.
Mrs. Mackey, who has been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Sherm Tanner, returned to her home at Creston Friday.
Rev. L. O. Sanderson, formerly of this place, but now at Palmage, was shaking hands with his many friends the past week. Ira Cosselman went to Van Wert, Wednesday, for a few days' visit with brother, G. W. Cosselman. Chas. Beadle, of Des Moines, is working for Isaac Clark. Elmer Guise returned home, Tuesday, from Des Moines and other northern cities. Ed Clark, of High Point was transacting business here Tuesday. Oscar Vanderpool, of Leon, is working for A. Finckbone. Mrs. M. B. Watts and children, of Dunkerton, Iowa, arrived Tuesday for a visit with her brother and sister, W. A. White and R. Buchanan. A. Wanker returned Tuesday from New Virginia, where he preached his usual Sunday sermon. Ed Engle has been helping Mr. Mitchell in the barber shop during the rush of holiday trade. Mr. Engle is an artist in his line, and together with the proprietor they have been able to supply the wants of the waiting multitudes at the tonsorial headwaters. The wind Tuesday night did considerable damage here. The awning on the Rhoades' building was nearly completely demolished. Part of the tin roof on the bank building was also torn partly off. A number of window lights in the above building and different buildings in the neighborhood were broken. S. Short and Vern Chapman were in Mt. Ayr the first of the week. Miss Sadie Stevenson has returned from Clearfield, where she enjoyed a visit during the holidays with her parents. The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Finckbone is among the sick. Ira Cosselman is working for Thos. Hosack for a few days. James Farmer, of Kellerton, was in town Tuesday. David Shacket, W. Baker and John Dunbar, of near Kellerton, are hauling their timothy seed to M. A. Johnston. Mike McGraw, of near Ellston, was transacting business here Tuesday. Ira Smith and wife have returned from Diagonal. Mary Elizabeth Gheskin was born in Johnston county, Kentucky, August 13, 1849, died, at her home at Beaconsfield, Iowa, January 1, 1903, at 11:55 a. m., aged 54 years, 4 moths and 19 days. She was married to Eli W. Ham at Sullivan, Illinois, in the year of 1868, to which union were born four children. The eldest being Bertha, having died at the age of thirteen months. Julia V. Carr, Josephine Gillett and Joseph E. Ham survive her. The remains were interred in the Ellston cemetery. Rev. Nichols and the Christian minister at Ellston officiated. The family desires to thank their friends and neighbors who so kindly assisted at the sickness and death of their loved one. A noteworthy event in social circles was the marriage of Bailey O. Beadle and Miss Lenna Nichols, which took place at the home of the bride, last Thursday evening. It was a quiet home wedding, only relatives being present. The words uniting the happy young couple were said by the bride's father, Rev. Mr. Nichols. Mr. Beadle is one of our best business men, stands well in the community and is worthy of the estimable young lady he has won. The Vindicator joins hosts of friends in extending congratulations. Mr. and Mrs. Beale visited relatives at Clearfield over Sunday. School opened again Monday with a total enrollment of 53, advanced room 30, primary room 23. Those attending from other districts are Frank Whiteaker, Chas. Robinson, Amy, Carrie and Charley Northey, Pearl and Harry Ervins, George Pidcock, Helen Northey and Alma Robinson. Frank Whiteaker is detained at home this week to shuck corn. On account of the absence of her mother, Pe[illegible] Buchanan is detained at home. Mrs. J. M. Elvins returned last week from Osceola. Mrs. C. H. Robins returned Monday from Clearfield. Mrs. W. B. Robins accompanied her here for a visit. J. F. Scott, of Gravity, visited Eli Ham Tuesday. Mrs. Ida Hopkins, of Laura, Ill., who has been visiting her sister, Mrs. Geo. Page, for several weeks, was called home last Saturday on account of the death of her father. R. C. Buchanan went to Van Wert Tuesday fro a visit with relatives. J. A. Scott, R. Northey and J. M. Elvins are among those of this vicinity who have renewed for the Vindicator for a year in advance. V. L. Bedier and George Carmean, of Kellerton, were in town Tuesday. Rev. Mr. Brown and wife are at Ellston this week assisting at a protracted meeting.
James W. Myers Practical Painter Inside Work a Specialty BEACONSFIELD, IOWA
W. H. COWLEY, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Is prepared to do Watch and Clock repairing and give you eyes a thorough test. At B. O. Beadie's store in Beaconsfield each Tuesday.
The Beaconsfield Tonsorial Parlors Have turned over a new leaf and have done the customary New Years act of swearing off. We have also just received a new stock of fresh clean shaves and up-to-date hair cuts. Facial Massaging and Hair Singing a specialty. Our laundry basket goes to Weems' every 1st and 3rd Tuesday each month. Call and see us. Yours to Please, Ed F. Mitchell, Prop.
YOU NEED FLOURIt pays to buy the best. There is no money in buying an inferior grade at 5c or 10c less. The best flour is more wholesome and will make more bread. You will more than save the difference in the price on every sack of our flour.
Sweet and Pure | . . . . . . | $1.05 |
Star Patent | . . . . . . | 95 |
It is worth more. It is the cheapest that you can buy for the money. It is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
Cracked Wheat, per cwt. | . . . . . . | $1.15 |
Shorts | . . . . . . | $1.00 |
Bran | . . . . . . | 95 |
Oatmeal | . . . . . . | $1.60 |
Tea Jackets at 50 off for another week. Come early. They will go quick at the price.
The Good Year Artics Are the best you can buy. There is none other just as good. We'll stake our reputation on that fact. We have them in all sizes.
Geo. J. Page, Beaconsfield, Iowa.
Page 4 CITY NEWSIrwin Swain went to Des Moines Tuesday.Ernest Bosworth returned to Madrid Sunday. Three head of young cattle, good ones, for sale. FRANK GRAY Say, when you want anything in lunch line, call at the Opera House Restaurant. Miss Daisy Smith entertained the class of 1901 at her home last Wednesday evening. Mrs. S. H. Heaton went to Leroy last Saturday to visit with her son, William, and family. Capt. W. W. Stewart informs us of a sale he has dated for Geo. W. Engle, of Beaconsfield, on February 26. Miss Minnie Nelson returned to Des Monday to again take up her studies at the Drake university. Miss Daisy Smith went to Des Moines Monday where she will attend Drake university the coming year. J. H. Van Winkle, a vetrinary (sic) surgeon and dentist of Afton, advertises to make Tingley on Thursday of each week. Clifford McGugin returned to St. Louis Tuesday where he will again take up his position as street car conductor. The general stores over the city will close at 8 p. m., excepting Saturday evenings, during the meetings at the U. P. church. H. E. Tuttle, in his new ad this week, proposes a good resolution for you to make for the new year - buy dependable goods. W. C. Cunningham advertises to buy horses here to-morrow. Don't be afraid to bring your best horses in. He don't (sic) care for the price. A grand ball will be given at the opera house on Thursday evening, January 15. Good music and plenty of dancing will be the attractions. Mr. and Mrs. G. T. Jones, who were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. S. H. Heaton during the holidays, returned to their home in Leroy last Friday. Mrs. Brady, who has been at the home of her daughter, Mrs. W. H. McClelland for the past week or more, returned to her home at Creston Wednesday. Rev. Mr. St. Clair, representing the Methodist hospitals, will deliver a sermon at the M. E. church on Sunday evening, January 18. A good attendance is desired and an able sermon guaranteed. There was a husking bee at the home of Wm. Shields, of the Cornwall neighborhood, last Wednesday. Fifteen teams were in the field and the willing hands made short work of the job, finishing about the middle of the afternoon. This will be a great help to Mr. Shields, who is unable to work on account of a broken leg. Dr. C. A. Bent, Dentist of Mt. Ayr, has become thoroughly established with the business interests of Tingley, having established a branch office here that is thoroughly equipped for business. He has had very busy trips each time he has been here. His patrons come from a large territory. He no doubt will make this office a permanent one, which is something Tingley has needed for a long time. He is always at his Tingley office the fourth week in every month. One day last week our blacksmith, Ed Gray, assisted by Chas. Peterson, put eighty-four shoes on horses in less than seven hours. This is certainly a good record and one that will be hard to equal. Ed has worked at the blacksmith trade for many years, and is a first-class workman.
Vetrinary (sic) Surgeon & DentistJ. H. Van Winkle will be at the Tingley livery barn on Thursdays of each week. Mr. Van Winkle's address is Afton, Iowa. Phone 101
SCHOOL REPORT. _____________
Report of the Tingley Schools for the month Ending Dec. 26, 1901.
Number enrolled, 41. Average number belonging, 40 1/2. Average daily attendance, 39. Cases tardiness, 7. Those neither absent nor tardy:
George Askren, | | Florence Fletcher, |
Oren Blackmore, | | Anna Frane, |
Clifford Culp, | | Merna Hall, |
Huston Henderson, | | Etta Nelson, |
Asher Lorimor, | | Lela McClelland, |
Yule Larrick, | | Opal Purviance, |
Leslie McClure, | | Lenore Peckham, |
Frank Parce, | | Choe Palmer, |
Hawley Tuttle, | | Mabel Richards, |
Delilah Parce, | | Jessie Spurrier, |
Edith Swain, | | Lottie Touzalin, |
Edith Touzalin, | | Lulu Fullerton, |
Nellie Whisler. | | |
| | |
CHAS. MURRAY, Principal. | | BERTHA WILLIAMSON, Assistant. |
Number enrolled, 37.Number belonging, 37. Average daily attendance, 36 1/2. Cases tardiness, 2.
Those neither absent nor tardy:
Lena Confer, | | Lillie Confer, |
Jennie Culp, | | Elizabeth Godby, |
Jennie Godby, | | Elmo Hall, |
Ethel Hogue, | | Mae Lanham, |
Artie Larrick, | | True Law, |
Fern Little, | | Maud Lorimor, |
Ollie Lorimor, | | Nellie McClure, |
Ada Stiles, | | Hattie Whisler, |
Merrill Asbury, | | Clyde Bennie, |
Johnnie Hausz, | | Robbie Hogue, |
Claud Lorimor, | | Ezra Nelson, |
Roland Pemberton, | | LeRoy Spurrier, |
Clyde Richardson. | | Willie Tedford, |
Ross Whisler. | | |
| | |
| | MARY FRANE, Teacher. |
Number enrolled, 28.Number belonging, 27. Average daily attendance, 26 25. Cases tardiness, 7.
Those neither absent nor tardy:
Weedie Little, | | Myrtle Lanham, |
Albert Spurrier, | | Edna Godby, |
Henry Immerzeel, | | Crete Baldon, |
Roy Culp, | | Fern Ames, |
Melvin Garver, | | Ethyl Smith, |
Jason Smith, | | Lois Swain, |
Fanny Lester, | | Letha Criswell, |
Della Whisler, | | Lettie Nelson, |
Hannah Pemberton. | | |
| | |
| | ANNIE IMMERZELL, Teacher. |
Number enrolled, 33.Number belonging, 32 6. Average daily attendance, 31. Cases tardiness, 2.
Those neither absent nor tardy:
Mildred Asbury, | | Bessie Hausz, |
Mary Stevenson, | | Gladys Culp, |
Irene Pollock, | | Maud McNeil, |
Pansy Lanham, | | Sherman Foot, |
Hugh Hogue, | | Charley Touzalin, |
Corwin Stevenson, | | Everett Whisler, |
Clay Stewart, | | Lloyd Little, |
Howard Spurrier, | | Willis Gillis, |
Cecil Purviance, | | Newell Elder, |
Reuben Conner, | | Forest Gray, |
Willie Gray, | | Morton Elder. |
| | |
| | INA FREEMAN, Teacher. |
School Report.
School report for Dist. No. 8, Tingley township [Pleasant View School] for month commencing December 8, 1902, and ending January 2, 1903:
Total enrollment, 27 Average daily attendance, 24 4. Pupils receiving certificates of awards for being neither absent nor tardy are as follows: Minnie Tapp, Louva Houge, Bessie Barger, Lena Johnston, Leota House, Randall House, Howard Johnston, Evelin House, Lela Anthony. MAE ARNEAL, Teacher.
CORRESPONDENCE. ______________
East Liberty.
The W. C. T. U. met at the home of Charles Jerrems, Saturday, January 3. The next meeting will be at Mr. Lytles, January 17. The program for next meeting is as follows: Music.
Paper - Mrs. Atwood. Reading - Florence Johnston. Solo - Mrs. Johnston. Recitation - Myrta Shannon. Recitation - Alva Atwood. Solo - Mrs. Bennett.Mrs. Amanda Clark and two children, of Clearfield, visited from Thursday until Saturday with her sister, Mrs. Joseph Bennett, and other relatives. Miss Laura Clark returned Thursday from Clearfield, where she has been spending her holiday vacation. She will resume her school work at Mt. Ayr. Miss Bessie Bennett is spending her holiday vacation with her cousin, Miss Mary Bennett, of Lamoni. Mrs. Wheeler and daughter, Flossie, visited at the home of Phineas Bennett Friday. A. F. Bennett is just recovering from an attack of la grippe. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bennett spent New Years in Mt. Ayr, the guests of Jesse Snedaker. Verne Whitmore came December 27, from Shenandoah, to visit at the home of Chas. Jerrems and relatives. He returned to Shenandoah January 8. The following is the report of the Kalorama school, No. 2 [Liberty Township], for the month ending January 2. Those neither absent nor tardy are as follows: Sinclair and George Wright, Willie Jerrems, Asbury, Eri and Wilbur McMinn. Kathryn Jerrems is the teacher. ______________
Sand Creek Jottings.Grandma Elliott, who has been suffering for some time with the rheumatism, is reported some better. Mrs. James McKee was quite sick last week, but is better at this writing. Little Verna and Cora Taylor have been spending a week with their sister, Mrs. Virgil Elliott. Mr. and Mrs. G. W. Wilson spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and their daughter, Mrs. Maggie Cook, of Nebraska, last Saturday. The Ladies' Aid met with Mrs. May Kendall last Wednesday, but on account of bad roads and Rome Fleming's baby being sick there was not a very large attendance, but what few were there had a very pleasant time and the day passed very quickly. As there was no work they spent the afternoon by having a Bible reading and music. As it was the day to elect officers some time was spent at that. The same officers were re-elected for six months, and are as follows: President, Mrs. May Wilson; secretary, Miss Laura Wilson; treasurer, Miss Ida Elliott. The Ladies' Aid will meet with Mrs. Jasper Elliott, January 14. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason and daughter visited their nephew Sunday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Snider, a girl, December 28, 1902. Lyman and Laura Wilson spend Sunday at Hirman Davison. John Nauman has returned from Nebraska where he spent a week or more. Miss Connie is at home from her uncle's also. The farmers have been very busy the past week gathering corn. Lyman Wilson helped his brother, Jasper Wilson, in his corn several days last week. Mrs. Charles Abie, of Shannon City, visited the Melrose school one day last week, where her son, George, teaches. Mrs. J. B. Atkin and children were callers at the Mason home Saturday afternoon. Robert Robertson and wife attended church at Shannon City last Sunday.
--------- 1903 --------- In order to make the New Year prosperous to you, we are going to propose A Good Resolution For New Year --------- 1903 --------- "Buy Dependable Goods" Such goods as you get of us. You'll find that this resolution will help you in the walks of life and you will prosper in the year. --------- 1903 --------- Buy your goods of the leader in low prices in Rubber Goods, Groceries, Underwear, Hats, Caps, Shoes, Dry Goods, and Notions. --------- 1903 ---------
H. E. TUTTLE. P. S. Our goods are dependable and the prices are right. Just try a sack of our Flour and be convinced.
WANTED Chunks and Drafters
Will be in Tingley on Friday, January 9, 1903Prepared to buy good chunks, fat drafters and some good feeding horses weighing from 1,000 pounds up. Bring in your best horses, no matter what the prices may be. I always buy the best.
W. C. Cunningham
How about that coal bin? Down to the last hod yet? We want to remind you that our coal is well screened. More that that, it's the "hold the heat" kind. No long waits, no short weights.
City Bakery
Some men live to eat while others eat to live. Either class may enjoy abundant satisfaction.
A. J. Morris.
Just a Word, PleaseMR. CUSTOMER - Our second car load of feel arrived this week, and we are well pleased with the quality of the feed,
and the prices are very reasonable. Call us and see us when in need of anything in the line of Bran, Red Shorts, White Shorts, Rye, Wheat, Middlings, Oilmeal (oatmeal?), Corn Meal and Graham. Respectfully, W. H. McClelland Phone 18.

Pages 5 & 6, World news and Iowa news items, "Snake Oil" ads, news from the Philippine Islands. etc.

Page 7, "Snake Oil" ads, installment of literary serial novel.
Page 8
Arispe has a new elevator.The citizens of Decatur City have called a meeting to take steps toward having the county seat of Decatur county located there. Wallace Bruce, a talented young newspaper man, formerly owner of the Chariton Herald, is to have control of the Leon Journal. Fred J. Honnold, of Leon, was committed to the inebriate ward at Mt. Pleasant, Christmas day. He was formerly engaged in running a drug store. Alexander Lewis, an itinerate piano tuner, died at Kellerton last week from exposure. He had become addicted to the habitual use of stimulants. He was a well educated man and but for this one uncontrollable habit, he certainly would have attained marked success in life. The Lorimor Journal says the Knowlton News needs an editor. It is more probable the editor needs a town big enough to support a paper. There are too many papers trying to exist when there is no legitimate demand for them. The public would be better served with fewer papers and better ones. Ringgold Record The year just ending has been a busy one for Clerk C. G. Stranahan as far as issuing marriage licenses is concern. Mr. Stranahan has issued more licenses to wed this year than in any previous year during the terms that he has been clerk of the court. With the week ending yesterday he had issued 140 marriage licenses. Last year the number of licenses issued with 128 and last year was considered a record breaker. Garden Grove Express At the pleasant home of A. E. Northup, east of High Point, on Christmas day, occurred one of the most enjoyable events of the season. About twenty-five friends and neighbors gathered in with well filled baskets and at high noon two large tables in the dining room two large tables were loaded with such as the High Point ladies know how to prepare. After dinner the time was spent in social conversation. Some very fine music was rendered on the piano by Miss Edith Trott and others. The sun had sunk low in the west long before this merry crowd took their leave. But as they departed for their respective homes they thought it a Christmas well enjoyed and wished a Happy New Year.
The Ringgold Record is thirty-eight years old. The Tedfords have had control of it a long time and have made it great paper. Editorially it is one of the very best papers in the state.
Newspaper Bargains For 7 Days Only. ____________Commencing with Saturday, January 3, and ending with Saturday, January 10 -- seven days, we will make the following club rates for cash in advance, one year from date The Vindicator and
Wallaces Farmer | . . . . | $1.50 |
State Register | . . . . | 1.25 |
Weekly Capital, Kansas City Star or Journal | . . . . | 1.00 |
Homestead, Farmers' Institute Ed. & Poultry Farmer | . . . . | 1.50 |
Inter Ocean | . . . . | 1.30 |
American Farm and Orchard | . . . . | 1.00 |
Union Gospel News | . . . . | 1.10 |
Young Peoples' Weekly | . . . . | 1.10 |
Ainslee's Magazine | . . . . | 1.75 |
Breeders Gazette | . . . . | 1.75 |
American Boy | . . . . | 1.75 |
American Horsebreeder | . . . . | 2.75 |
Delineator | . . . . | 1.75 |
Cosmopolitan | . . . . | 1.75 |
Globe-Democrat, twice a week | . . . . |
1.65 |
St. Louis, semi-weekly | . . . . |
1.65 |
Judge's Library (comic) | . . . . | 1.75 |
Junior American Mechanic | . . . . | 1.74 |
Ladies' World, literary | . . . . | 1.25 |
Little Chronicle, school and home | . . . . |
1.90 |
Modern Culture, literary | . . . . | 1.75 |
Prairie Farmer | . . . . | 1.75 |
Swine Breeder's Journal, semi-monthly | . . . . |
1.25 |
Woman's Home Companion | . . . . | 1.75 |
Farm, Field and Fireside | . . . . | 1.75 |
St. Joseph Gazette | . . . . | 1.20 |
Burlington Hawkeye | . . . . | 1.65 |
Toledo Blade | . . . . | 1.20 |
Personal Appearance An attractive personality counts for much in every walk of life. We are aids to man's appearance and comfort, and our work is first class. Remember our shop when in need of a hair cut or shave.Our laundry basket is shipped every Wednesday, returning Saturday. Send your laundry with us. C. E. McDOWELLFirst door east of Nelson's hardware store.
M. F. HANNELLEY, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. TINGLEY, IOWA. Special attention given to Surgery. OFFICE - Over Tingley Bank.
DR. H. WHISLER Homepathist. Calls promptly attended day or night. OFFICE - Over Nelson's hardware store.
RESIDENCE - the Killigsworth property, 2nd house north of Merchants hotel - west side.
GAR-GOLA Scientific Antiseptic Preparation and sure cure for all kinds of sore throat. Simply a gargle.
Purifying Soothing Healing For ulcerated and inflamed sore throats, croup
and whooping cough, it has no equal.
At Elders' drug store.
R.C. HENRY N. W. MILES HENRY & MILES, Attorneys-at-Law.
OFFICE - Over Simpson's store, Mt. Ayr, Iowa. Will practice in all courts.

Transacts a General Banking Business. Collections promptly made and promptly remitted. Exchange Bought and Sold. CORRESPONDENTS . . .
Des Moines National Bank, Des Moines, Iowa. | | | | National Live Stock Bank, Chicago, Illinois. |
F. E. SHELDON, President.A. R. HASS, Cashier. | CHAS. HAVER, Ass't Cashier |
Farm Loans Negotiated at Lowest Rate of Interest
K. & W. R. R.
Going East. Pass. No..3 1:54 p.m. Fr'ht No. 21 1:35 p.m. | |
Going West. Pass. No. 1 4:16 p.m. Fr'ht No. 23 11:40 p.m. |
No. 1 Runs through to Red Oak and connects for all points on main line. No. 2 makes cross connection at Van Wert for Osceola, Des Moines, Chariton, Burlington and Chicago. Through coaches from Tingley to Centerville, Memphis and Keokuk.GEO. P. HALE, Agt.
Great Shorthorn Cattle Sale

We will sell in large tent at Hooker's barn, Clearfield, Taylor Co., Iowa. SATURDAY, JAN. 17, 1903,
Commencing at 1 o'clock, p. m., sharp.
43 head of richly bred Shorthorn Cows and Heifers.
2 Bulls -- one calf and the other a 2-year-old.These are breeding cattle in breeding condition. Many of them are heavy in calf to the pure Scotch bull, Scottish Victor and the
pure Bates bull, 25 Duke of Walnut Hill. Some are bred to Rose's Duke Knight of Cedar Grove. Eleven daughters of the great Scottish bull, Scarlet Knight. The last chance to buy the get of this grand bull.
Scarlet twelve (12) daughters are of the massive Scottish bull, Fitzsimmons No 130154. A golden opportunity for the beginner to buy foundation stock or for the breeder to add something good to his herd. Write for catalogue. COL. F. M. WOODS, Auctioneer. H. S. Duncan & Son Clearfield, Iowa. Mark the date and come.
JUST THINK How miserable you feel when your system is all out of sorts, your blood does not circulate well, you take cold easily, you sometimes
have a nervous appetite but your food don't digest. It is then you cannot think clearly; your think tank is not just right. You need not remain miserable long. We have the best standard medicines that will put your
system in first-class shape and make you feel like a new man. Always call on us for the best in our line.RELIABLE DRUGGISTS W. E. & A. W. ELDER.
Page 10, Full page ad for Heyer Bros. & Co. of Tingley, Iowa.
Return to Tingley Vindicator index page
NOTE: Content that is not of local origin or interest has been omitted.
Submission courtesy of Tony Mercer Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2017
