Tingley, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 01, 1903, Vol. XIV, Page 1

For Sale
The J. R. Hullinger residence in Tingley. For further information apply to
W. W. STEWART, Auctioneer and General Salesman.
A Few Hints Regarding Public Sales HAVE a good clerk, be sober. [page torn, illegible]
No by bidding or skin game, or you will be the one skinned. Get plenty of bills - no less than 200 - as the second hundred only costs a trifle. The small cards are a splendid medium of advertising. Printers' ink pays. Ten days is long enough to post bills. Employ the best auctioneer you can get, regardless of his price. Employ W. W. Stewart, unless you want him, for if you do he will be on hand rain or shine. Get who you will and I hope you will never regret it. Write, wire or 'phone me at my expense for date. In case I can't be found, call the Vindicator, where my dates are kept. * * * *
At Decatur City | . . . . . . | Jan. 9 |
J. N. Reynolds, Decatur City | . . . . . . | Jan. 15 |
J. T. Tedford, near Tingley | . . . . . . | Jan. 20 |
E. E. Root, near Ellston | . . . . . . | Jan. 21 |
A. Weeda, Tingley Twp. | . . . . . . | Feb. 5 |
A. F. Stults, Beaconsfield | . . . . . . | Feb. 12 |
J. W. Keller, near Shannon C. | . . . . . . | Feb. 17 |
J. D. Fleming, N.W. Shannon C. | . . . . . . | Feb. 19 |
Aaron Cline, Jefferson Twp. | . . . . . . | Feb. 25 |
* * * *
Yours for business,
W. W. Stewart,
WELL How about that coal bin? Down to the last hod yet? We want to remind you that our coal is well screened. More than that, it's the "hold the heat" kind.
No short weights. G. W. RICHEY.
Frank Landreth went Monday to Cass county on business. Mrs. Robert Henderson and daughter, Marie, were Mt. Ayr visitors Tuesday. Miss Julia Fletcher went to Humeston last Thursday, to visit her
grandparents. Mr. and Mrs. Benj. Lorimor and daughter, Maud, are visiting relatives at Diagonal this week. Miss Allie Oldham, of Columbus, Ohio, a cousin of the Stewarts, came with A. R. Stewart, and is a
guest of Tingley relatives. H. E. Breckenridge & Co. shipped two cars of hogs and cattle to St. Joseph, Monday. Mr. Breckenridge went with the stock. In the list of the Sunday school officers of the Methodist
church, found on another page, the names of the librarian, Ila Hinsdill, and of the assistant librarian, Orville Booth, were omitted. Dan E. and Clifford McGugin were at home to spend Christmas with their parents and other relatives, and friends. The Vindicator acknowledges a pleasant call from these two enterprising young men. They are both hustlers and are depending on their own efforts to get on in the world, and are not
afraid to work. They are not the sort who live on "Dad," waiting for someone to offer them a good salary to fill a high toned position in which there is no work. Dan left for Detroit, Wednesday to work until school begins again at Ann Arbor. Clifford will remain until next week, when he will return to his work as a conductor on a street car line in St. Louis.
A New Furniture Firm
Is now in charge of the Tingley Furniture Store, having bought out G. M. Smith. The new firm will endeavor to keep the best of goods at the right prices and, having had many years' experience in the
furniture and undertaking business, feel competent to take care of the trade. Give us a call and we will be glad to sell you the best goods at the lowest living prices. Edwards Furniture Co.
Our Spring Line of Shoes have arrived, and, in order to make room for them, we are closing out our Winter Shoes At Reduced Prices.
Calf lined $3.50 Royal Blue Shoes now | . . . . | $3.00 |
Calf leather lined $3 Shoes now | . . . . | $2.50 |
A line of $2.50 heavy shoes, Globe toe, now | . . . .. | $2.00 |
All Shoes Guaranteed.
Page Two THE VINDICATOR D. W. WATSABAUGH, Editor. Subscription Rates:
One Copy One Year if paid within the year. | . . . . . . |
$1.00 |
Out of the county subscriptions except those of adjoining counties | . . . . . . | $1.25 per year in advance |
Single Copy | . . . . . . | 5c |
All subscriptions expire with the last issue of the month marked on the tag.
Entered at the postoffice in Tingley as second class mail matter
ADVERTISING RATES - 10 cents per inch each insertion. A fair reduction on time contract. Weekly charges permitted, copy to be in not later than Tuesday. Local in reading type 5c per line. Ads and locals to run until ordered out unless otherwise agreed upon. All advertising is subject to approval by the publisher.
CITY NEWSWrite it 1903.WANTED - Cow hides, G. K. Spence Opera House Restaurant for oyster stews. F. C. Hogue was on the sick list the first of the week. Clifford McGugin visited relatives in Mt. Ayr Friday. Mrs. Wm. McDowell was on the sick list a few days this week. Bring your old iron to J. W. McDowell. Will pay $6.00 per ton.
Mrs. Glen Hand has been visiting relatives at Shenandoah the past week. The Vindicator wishes all its readers a happy and prosperous New Year. Fred Peterson and Will Ross were in Grand River last Thursday and Friday. Candies, fruits and lunches - the good kind - at the Opera House Restaurant. Fred Brent, of Diagonal, visited his cousin, Asher Lorimor, a few days the past week. Miss Mamie Knox
visited with her parents in Beaconsfield the latter part of last week. Harvey McClelland, the feed store man, is the happy father of a new girl, born the 29th. Mrs. Brady, of Creston, came Saturday for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. W. H. McClelland. Mrs. J. M. McCoy and children left Friday for Tarkio to visit her sister, Mrs. John Kendall. Mrs. Gray and son, of Gravity, visited a few days at the home of Robt. Bennie the past week. Mrs. John Richards and daughter Elsie, went to Albia last week for a short visit with relatives. Henry Tedford and family left for Tama county, last Thursday, where they will visit a week with many old friends. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Tyler of Clearfield visited with Mrs. Tyler's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Williamson, last Thursday and Friday. Mrs. R. S. Spurrier received a telegram, last Thursday, announcing the death of a nephew at Lincoln, Neb., and immediately left for that place. John Martin, of Kansas, who has not been in this neighborhood for about twenty years, came Thursday for a visit with his father, A. C. Martin.
Cards are out announcing the marriage of Miss Minnie Hamilton, of Clearfield, to William Nulph, of Lennox. The bride's Tingley friends extend congratulations. Say, when you want anything in lunch line, call at the Opera House Restaurant. The Vindicator's advertising columns continue to tell just what to buy and where to buy it. If you want Notary Work or Insurance, call on I. M. Fletcher, west room of Vindicator building. Percy Josslyn, who has visited the past few days with Anna Law, returned to his home at Indianola, Monday. Remember, the Euterpean Quartette at the Opera House on Saturday, Jan. 3, and Thelma on Monday, January 5. The Paris, Ill., Gazette, says, "'Thelma' played to one of the largest audiences of the season. It was a first-class production. The costumes and scenery were all beautiful." - At the Tingley Opera House Jan. 5, 1903. NOTE: "Thelma" was Charles W. Chase's dramatization of Marie Correll's novel of the same name, and presented by Aiden Benedict's theatrical company.Ernest Bosworth, who has been clerking in his father's drug store at Madrid, arrived Sunday for a short visit. All those knowing themselves indebted to me will please call and settle by cash or note, as I wish to close my books by January 15. Please give this your immediate attention. ~ GEO. W. RICHEY Mrs. Cal Black and Thos. Black are enjoying a visit with relatives in Illinois. From there they will go to their old home at Winfield, Iowa, for a few days' visit with parents and many friends. They do not expect to return before next week. Quite a surprise was perpetrated on
I. R. Stewart, the superintendent of the M. E. Sunday school, and his family last Sunday. At the close of the Sunday school, W. A. Harvey announced that he has a little matter he wished to speak of. Going forward he, in a few well chosen words, presented the superintendent with a beautiful red letter [leather ?] Bible, to his wife a paid up subscription for one year to the Christian Herald and to their three boys a 300 page book of essays, poems and extracts. The presents were the gifts of the Senior Bible Class. ~ Diagonal Progress. A special from Leon to the Des Moines Daily Capital says that the town of Grand River has for years been infested with a gang of criminals who committed arson, larceny, perjury, illegal sale of liquor and cattle stealing. That life and property had become unsafe and the decent portion of the population had at last risen and secured indictments against several parties for illegal sale of liquor, arson and stealing cattle. The fight now goes to the district court where, it is hoped, all parties may receive justice, which after all may be what the accused are most afraid of. When the board of supervisors met last September to fix the tax levies for the county, they failed to take into consideration the expense that the county will be put to by reason of the new trial granted to Matt Hunter by the supreme court. The tax levy for the general fund was placed at four and six tenth mills, and this levy will bring into the county treasury something like [illegible],000. Out of this fund is paid the salaries of the county officers and all general claims against the county, including court expenses. If the expense of Hunter's trial reaches anything like $3,000, there is a strong probabilty that the general fund will have a shortage. There is not going to be any surplus in this year's fund and the expense of Hunter's trail will make a big hole in the new levy. If the fund is entirely exhausted and the warrants cannot be paid, on being endorsed by the county treasurer, they will draw five per cent interest until paid. ~ Ringgold Record NOTE: A. Matt Hunter, aged 30 years and a professional gambler, was charged with the murder of Homer Holland in Mount Ayr on November 9, 1901. Hunter was sentenced to life in prison in February of 1902. At the conclusion of the second trial, Hunter was convicted of manslaughter, hence received a lighter sentence. Holland, 23, was well known and a popular intercollegiate athlete. Miss Ina Freeman went to Shannon City, last Thursday, to visit relatives.
Miss Hattie Cosner, of Ellston, came Monday for a visit at the home of Jas. Mooney. TWO COWS FOR SALEFour years old, giving milk, to be fresh in the spring. Inquire at this office. Cash or trade for feed. FOR SALE - Span of matched sorrel colts, 2 and 3 years old, past. J. H. SHARP Mrs. J. A. Hawthorne and son returned to their home in Clearfield after few days' visit with Tingley relatives. All parties knowing themselves indebted to C. M. Richardson, are requested to call and settle on or before January 15. Remember I am at the Tingley photograph gallery the first three days of each week, and I am prepared to do all kinds of work in my line. Come and get your pictures taken. ~ MRS. J. M. RINARD. The Davis City Lariat issued a souvenir edition last week that was a beauty. It contained thirty-six illustrations of the beautiful scenery in and around Davis City and gave many half tones of the prominent business men. Tinch & Bartruff are publishing a bright, newsy paper and are meeting with success. When the time came for the winter terms of school to commence there were eleven schools that could not be provided with teachers owing to the scarcity of pedagogues. Three of the schools that were left without teachers have since been supplied, but eight schools yet remain teacherless. Three of the schools are in Benton township and the other schools are in the townships of Clinton, Riley and Monroe. ~ Ringgold Record.
New Sunday School Officers.
Following are the Sunday school officers elected by the respective churches: ______
CHRISTIAN CHURCH.Ina Freeman, Superintendent.
Harry Spurrier, Assistant Superintendent. Boyd Reffner, Secretary. Jessie Spurrier, Treasurer. Opal Richey, Organist. Mrs. Harry Spurrier, Assistant Organist.Merna Hall and Daisy Nelson, Librarians. ______
METHODIST CHURCH.Mrs. W. H. Larrick, Superintendent. W. E. Edie, Assistant Superintendent. Ila Hindill, Secretary. Carrie Tuttle, Assistant Secretary. Mable Richards, Treasurer. Carrie Tuttle, Organist. Gail Hamilton, Assistant Organist. Nellie Whisler, Chorister. ______
UNITED PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH.Hugh Ferguson, Superintendent. Oscar Fullerton, Assistant Superintendent. Irwin Swain, Secretary and Treasurer. Lulu Fullerton, Organist.
REPORTof school in district No. 6, [Willow Shade School] Tingley township, for the month ending December 26, 1902.
Number enrolled, 19. Average daily attendance, 16. Pupils neither absent nor tardy: Jessie Richards, Arbie Stanley, Glenn Henderson, Vera Johnston, Bertha Sharp, Fay Stanley, Dwight Henderson and Jamie Richards. Not absent, Florence Overholtzer, Pearl Brown, Vernon Brown and Floyd Overholtzer. EVA M. ECKERMAN, Teacher.
Personal Appearance An attractive personality counts for much in every walk of life. We are aids to man's appearance and comfort, and our work is first class. Remember our shop when in need of a hair cut or shave.Our laundry basket is shipped every Wednesday, returning Saturday. Send your laundry with us. C. E. McDOWELLFirst door east of Nelson's hardware store.
Tingley's Feed Store.
Don't forget to leave your order for Shorts from car to arrive soon. We carry on bands now, Shorts, Middlings, Oil Meal, Bran, Corn Meal and Graham. Give us a call. Respectfully, W. H. McClelland Phone 18.
Opera House RestaurantHaving purchased L. G. Carr's restaurant stock of goods and fixtures, I desire to inform the public that I am going to run a first-class restaurant and shall try to merit your trade by keeping the best goods to be purchased and give courteous treatment. Yours respectfully, W. E. MILLSAP.
The Question Is?Where to go when you want to buy Lumber and Coal. You may think this is rather a hard problem but we have the solution right in our store. The answer to this question is where you get the best goods at reasonable prices. As to the question which is the best place to go, that the easiest of them all. There is only one answer and that is "Our
Place." If you'll come and you'll soon find that we are correct. C. M. RICHARDSON
Depot Street Frane's old stand.
City Bakery
Some men live to eat while others eat to live. Either class may enjoy abundant satisfaction.
A. J. Morris.
Real Estate, Loans, Insurance Good Results Quick ServiceREAL ESTATE bought and sold and exchanged on commission. Loans negotiated at reasonable rates. Insurance written in reliable companies. If you have any business in the above lines, come to us, for satisfaction is guaranteed and we aim to please you. Merchandise stocks can also be listed with us. Luke Shay & Co.

Page 3, News from the Capital, national news items. "Snake oil" type advertising, not of local origins. Page 4, Iowa news items.
Page 4
LAURANT. The World's Greatest Magician, at the Ellston Opera House Monday, Jan. 5, 1903
Rate Half of one way Fare Plus $2.00 Tickets on Sale Tuesdays. For further information see your nearest Burlington Route Agent.
G. P. HALE, Agent, Tingley, Iowa
W. G. GOODRICH, Gen'l Pass'r Agt. K. & W. R. R. Keokuk, Iowa
K. & W. R. R.
Going East. Pass. No..3 1:54 p.m. Fr'ht No. 21 1:35 p.m. | |
Going West. Pass. No. 1 4:16 p.m. Fr'ht No. 23 11:40 p.m. |
No. 1 Runs through to Red Oak and connects for all points on main line. No. 2 makes cross connection at Van Wert for Osceola, Des Moines, Chariton, Burlington and Chicago. Through coaches from Tingley to Centerville, Memphis and Keokuk.GEO. P. HALE, Agt.
The new county officers to be sworn in January 1, are J. E. Snedaker as auditor, C. G. Stranahan as clerk, O. M. Gallway as recorder, F. F. Fuller as county attorney, H. S. Bryan as member of the board of supervisors. J. E. Snedaker and H. S. Bryan are the only new members, the others are holdovers - C. G. Stranahan being elected for the fourth term.
Hanscom & Hand's mince meat is par excellence. Try it.
Great tonic, braces body and brain, drives away all impurities from your system. Makes you well. Keeps you well. Rocky Mountain Tea 35c at Elder's drug store.
THE BEST SALE BILLS at this office.
M. F. HANNELLEY, M.D. Physician and Surgeon. TINGLEY, IOWA. Special attention given to Surgery. OFFICE - Over Tingley Bank.
DR. H. WHISLER Homepathist. Calls promptly attended day or night. OFFICE - Over Nelson's hardware store.
RESIDENCE - the Killigsworth property, 2nd house north of Merchants hotel - west side.
R.C. HENRY N. W. MILES HENRY & MILES, Attorneys-at-Law.
OFFICE - Over Simpson's store, Mt. Ayr, Iowa. Will practice in all courts.

Transacts a General Banking Business. Collections promptly made and promptly remitted. Exchange Bought and Sold. CORRESPONDENTS . . .
Des Moines National Bank, Des Moines, Iowa. | | | | National Live Stock Bank, Chicago, Illinois. |
F. E. SHELDON, President.A. R. HASS, Cashier. | CHAS. HAVER, Ass't Cashier |
Farm Loans Negotiated at Lowest Rate of Interest
GAR-GOLA Scientific Antiseptic Preparation and sure cure for all kinds of sore throat. Simply a gargle.
Purifying Soothing Healing For ulcerated and inflamed sore throats, croup
and whooping cough, it has no equal.
At Elders' drug store.
Great Shorthorn Cattle Sale

We will sell in large tent at Hooker's barn, Clearfield, Taylor Co., Iowa. SATURDAY, JAN. 17, 1903,
Commencing at 1 o'clock, p. m., sharp.
43 head of richly bred Shorthorn Cows and Heifers.
2 Bulls -- one calf and the other a 2-year-old.These are breeding cattle in breeding condition. Many of them are heavy in calf to the pure Scotch bull, Scottish Victor and the
pure Bates bull, 25 Duke of Walnut Hill. Some are bred to Rose's Duke Knight of Cedar Grove. Eleven daughters of the great Scottish bull, Scarlet Knight. The last chance to buy the get of this grand bull.
Scarlet twelve (12) daughters are of the massive Scottish bull, Fitzsimmons No 130154. A golden opportunity for the beginner to buy foundation stock or for the breeder to add something good to his herd. Write for catalogue. COL. F. M. WOODS, Auctioneer. H. S. Duncan & Son Clearfield, Iowa. Mark the date and come.
JUST THINK How miserable you feel when your system is all out of sorts, your blood does not circulate well, you take cold easily, you sometimes
have a nervous appetite but your food don't digest. It is then you cannot think clearly; your think tank is not just right. You need not remain miserable long. We have the best standard medicines that will put your
system in first-class shape and make you feel like a new man. Always call on us for the best in our line. RELIABLE DRUGGISTS W. E. & A. W. ELDER.

Page 6
Our coldest weather is still to come and for that reason you should take advantage of our SPECIAL PRICES ON BLANKETS We also offer our entire line of Ladies' Tailor Made Skirts At Greatly Reduced Prices Come early while you can get a good selection. Remember, our DRESS GOODS Are of the Very Best Quality. We give special attention to this department and all we ask is to have the opportunity of showing you what we have for we know we can please you. Ask to see our line of Sweaterettes, for ladies as well as gentlemen. Heyer Bros. & Co.
Write it 1903.Fresh oysters at the meat market. Wm Tedford was on the sick list a few days this week. There will be a joint installation of the officers of the M. W. A. and Royal Neighbors next Tuesday evening, January 6. All members are urged to be present. Miss Allie Williams is apprentice girl at Mrs. Robertson's dressmaking shop. W. A. Knittle, of Kellerton, came Tuesday to visit his sister, Mrs. P. Sandge. O. C. Bosworth went, Saturday, to Madrid on business. A. J. Bretz went to Russell, last week, for a visit with relatives. I am now prepared to do all kinds of plain sewing. ~ MRS. SUMMERS. Rye and Wheat ground together in our second car load at McClelland's. Miss Minnie Spence left, Tuesday, to visit a cousin near Ridgeway, Missouri. E. R. Rice, who has been suffering with rheumatism for several weeks, was in town this week. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Richardson and son Clyde, returned Tuesday from Oskaloosa, where they spent Christmas. This office has lately printed calendars for the Tingley high school and grammar rooms and for the firm of Heyer Bros. & Co. They were beauties, and if you were lucky enough to secure one, you have one of the neatest calendars that has
been issued this year. The Stewarts, with their families to the number of twenty-eight, went to Diagonal, Saturday, to visit J. R. Stewart. Messrs J. R. , W. B., J. T. O., E. M., Charles and Burris Stewart, returned to their several homes. The new ads this week are those of Frank Gray, harness; A. J. Morris, city bakery; W. H McClelland, Tingley's feed store; R. S. Spurrier, shorts and bran; Heyer Bros. & Co.; Harry Spurrier & Co.; H. E. Tuttle and G. A. Slentz, general merchandise; W. E. & A. W. Elder, druggists; H. S. Duncan & Son, great shorthorn cattle sale; Ellston opera house, lecture course, and J. W. Asbury, manager of Tingley's opera house. Patronize the advertisers. Preaching services at the Christian church Sunday, January 4, 1903, morning and evening. The minister is Rev. Mr. McWilliams, of Des Moines. The assessors will meet at the auditor's office, in Mt. Ayr next Saturday, to agree upon a schedule of values for live stock, grain and other property. On account of the serious illness of J. M. Rinard's mother the Tingley gallery had to be closed this week, but they hope however to have it open next week. T. A. Stevenson reports his 192 business in pedigreed stock better than any previous year. Not only were the sales greater but the prices have been uniformly good. He has sold Chester Whites almost as fast as they were ready for market, and many more of them remained in this and adjoining counties - an unusually large number were sold to farmers about Afton. For years Mr. Stevenson has had a fine business coming from many different states and it is pleasing to note that our own people are waking up to the importance of raising better grade of stock. It does not take more to feed a good animal than a poor one, and they sell more readily and at a better price. It is just as well to keep the best here as to send it abroad. The past week Mr. Stevenson has shipped pigs to Nebraska, Illinois and Dakota. Editor Baughman, of the Ellston Register, broke his press last week, so his paper did not come out at the usual time. He has our sympathy as well as permission to use our press. Printing machinery never gets out of repair except when it is urgently needed. The Vindicator received a call from the Stewart family last Saturday. There were thirteen of them including F. Stewart, the father. They came in single file, with J. R., the oldest son in the lead, followed by the next according to age, Burris, the youngest and the father bringing up the rear. We never had so many men all of one name in the office at one time, and do not expect to again soon. And they are all large men, the average weight of the twelve boys being 172 1/2. Mr. F. Stewart seemed to be the happiest man in town, and with reason, too. There are very few families of twelve children all living when the youngest becomes of age. Fewer still when the twelve are all boys. These twelve young men are all doing well. All either have good positions or are qualifying themselves for better ones. J. T. O. has the best teaching position at present, being grade manager of the Nebraska industrial school. Lou has good positions with some of the best schools - at $1000 to$1200 a year. He aims higher and is now taking an extra course in college. Also, Thomas, a younger brother, is attending the same school. They all seem to have good natural ability and are well liked where ever they go. There is not one of them "grumpy" - all genial - never speak unkindly to each other, all have striven to go to the top of whatever proffession (sic) they have chosen to follow.

Say!Did you know this is the time of the year to get your fur coats? And did you know that Frank Gray is taking orders for the best coat firm in the state? If you did not know it call and see the Harness Man at Tingley, Iowa, and he will tell you all about it. Don't forget the place.
Yours for Business, FRANK GRAY
Coming Attractions AT THE OPERA HOUSE
Euterpean Quartette - Saturday night, Jan. 3
"Thelma" - Monday night, January 5
J. W. Asbury, Mgr.
Christmas is Over But we are still giving good values for Underwear, Caps, Golf Gloves Sweaters, Fascinators
We are going to sell our Rubber Goods and Caps within the next month. If you need anything in these lines it will pay you to see us. Remember, we are going to sell them.
H. E. TUTTLE. P. S. --- This is what our customers say: "That Flour is all right."
Shorts, Bran and Shorts A car load to arrive at the Tingley Elevator in a few days See the quality and get our prices, then give us
an order for all you can use. R. S. Spurrier
Keep Your Eye Open And watch for our Advertisement Next Week Yours for Business,
Harry Spurrier & Co. TINGLEY, IOWA
Harness! Harness!
Treat your horse to a new set of harness. He'll appreciate it, even if he can't tell you.
A horse's comfort is essential if you want to drive with pleasure. We provide horsewear that fits and insure pleasing service.
Shop opposite P. O., 2nd door east of Richey's
Frank Gray Prop.
Page 7, Congressional news, world news, "Snake Oil" type advertisements
Page 8, more "Snake Oil" and liniment advertising, serial thriller installment Page 9, National sports news items, serial adventure installment Page 10
THE VINDICATOR. D. W. WATSABAUGH, Editor. TINGLEY, IOWA, Jan. 1. ____________
Happy New Year. Relatives from Oskaloosa are visiting at the home of C. M. Richardson. R. R. Quick, who is residing with his parents at Unionville, MO, is reported seriously ill. Miss Sarah Archibald returned Tuesday from Lincoln, Nebraska, where she has been visiting friends. Mrs. Robt. Bennie and family are enjoying a visit from her sister, Mrs. Foidel, and two daughters, of St. Joe. Curt Hass and Misses Eleanora Swain and Bessie Lorimor, of Mt. Ayr, spent Christmas with Tingley relatives. Mr. and Mrs. Hackert, of Pella, Iowa, visited with Mr. and Mrs. A. Weeda over Christmas, returning home Wednesday. Mrs. P. V. Wilson and two children, of Shannon City, came Wednesday for a short visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henderson. A union watch meeting was held at the U. P. church last evening. A merry crowd rung in the new year, and all the bells of the city were in use. We understand E. W. Daniel has purchased a half interest in the bowling alley, and that it will be the intention of the new firm to add new improvements to this popular pleasure resort. A pleasant social was enjoyed at the home of Ellsworth Breckenbridge last evening. A number of young people were in attendance from Tingley, and are loud in their praises of the entertainment and treatment received. The finest meat market display ever seen in this city was the Christmas display at Hauscom & Hand's. These gentlemen understand their business in every particular, and are giving the citizens of Tingley a meat market that would do credit to a city. Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Flowers, of Kirksville, Missouri, arrived Tuesday for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. M. Mariner, and family. They received a message informing them of the serious illness of grandchild, and returned to their home in Missouri today. The relatives of Mr. and Mrs. John Dunsmoor gathered at their home on
Christmas day for a reunion. The guests were Robert Lorimor, Benj Lorimor, H. E. Breckenridge, A. L. Dunsmoor, Mrs. Maggie England and their families. Also Messrs. John Morrison and Walla Christopher.
N. B. German prepared for a large number of guests on Christmas day. All that the market affords was purchased for the feast. There was turkey and dressing, cranberry sauce, cakes of all descriptions and everything nice. But one thing was forgotten, and that may explain for the well-fed appearance of the regular boarders this week. No advertising was distributed telling of the merits of a Christmas dinner at the Merchants hotel, and the guests failed to arrive simply because they knew nothing of the unusual preparations that had been made to accommodate them. There is a moral to this little story and one that is easily
understood, too. If you have anything that the people want, tell them about it through the columns of your home paper.
Reportof school in district No. 1, [Ames School] Tingley township, for the first month. Those neither absent nor tardy were: Nancy Bennie, Lawrence and Peter Weeda, Glen, Claude and Mattie Sheldon. Enrollment 12. Average attendance 10. Cases of tardiness 1. EVA GRUBB, Teacher.
CORRESPONDENCE.Ellston.Misses Pearl and Verna Critchfield have been spending the holidays with their parents. Christmas exercise were conducted in the opera house, the Methodist and Christian churches combined. Mrs. Carrie Maxwell, who has been confined to her bed for the past week on account of
sickness, is slowly improving. Doc Cone, of Oklahoma, is visiting relatives and friends in and about town. L. G. Hoover left last Monday for Chicago, to join his wife, and will remain until his new dwelling is completed. John Lyle has purchased the store belonging to S. W. Fullerton. Mr. Laurant will deliver the last number of the lecture course, in the opera house, Monday, January 5. The Golden Rule show, which has been held in the opera house, was very much enjoyed by those who attended. The performance was first class. Miss Ames, of Beaconsfield, has been visiting friends in Ellston the past week. Jake Brotherton is spending holidays with his mother and sisters. Rev. Brown, who was chosen to fill the pulpit in Rev. Geo. Mitchell's place, preached his first sermon last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Lord returned Monday, from Corning, after a week's visit with friends. Mrs. B. J. Jones arrived last Wednesday, from Burlington, to make an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Earle. Ten Nights in a Bar Room will be
played in the opera house, Friday evening, by home talent. Mr. Fuller, of Grand River, being the manager.
JEFFERSON CENTER Sherm Pollock received a kick from a horse that was sharp shod, on one of his legs, Friday, requiring several stitches to be taken to sew up the wounds. Dr. Hannelly, of Tingley, attended the patient, which is a guarantee of his quick recovery. Mrs. Port Nichols and son, Johnnie, spent Christmas in Des Moines with her sister, Mrs. Hollibaugh. Mrs. Winfield Johnston has been sick but is better. Josie Stinson is visiting with Clara Hill, North of Tingley. Frank Garland, of Des Moines, came Saturday to spend a few days with friends. Elmer Baker and family and Lowell Johnston spent Christmas with George Webb's. Mrs. Bertha Stranahan, of Des Moines, is staying with Mrs. Port Nichols. George Steinkamp, of near Creston, is visiting his cousin, John Steinkamp. Mr. and Mrs. Frank
Stinson and daughter, Nellie, spent Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Cass. Ben Brown is helping Mr. McCune gather corn this week. Eli Swearinger and family spent Christmas with their daughter, Mrs. John Steinkamp. The meetings at Jefferson Center are still in progress and are growing in interest. Four have united with the Methodist class. J. S. Been and daughter, Ethel, transacted business in Mt. Ayr Saturday. Ray Johnston visited in this neighborhood Monday. Bertha Garland is visiting with Mrs. McCane. Mary Miller is sick with la grippe. Mrs. Ad Pollock, of Tingley, is taking care of her son, Sherm Pollock.
Sand Creek Jottings.Mrs. Maggie Cook, of Nebraska, is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Mason, and other relatives in this vicinity. Mr. Priest and son, Will, spent last week with relatives at Decatur, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. Lou Taylor spent Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Bertha Elliott. Mrs. and Mr. Roy Mason are now at home to their friends at W. F. Wilson's. Harry Tuttle was seen near this corner Sunday. An attendance of 40 at Sunday school and church Sunday. On account of bad weather, bad roads, etc. the Sunday school was closed until April 1st, but Rev. Decker will still preach every two weeks, when the weather will permit. We would like to see a large crowd out January 11, at 3 p. m. Wm. Cheers butchered a beef each for J. B. Akin and John Priest Friday. Grandma Elliott is confined to the house with rheumatisim in her neck. Everyone hopes she will soon be able to be out again. Topsey spent Friday at Grandma Elliott's. Mrs. Elmer Laird and two children spent the latter part of last week with her sister, Mrs. Pat. Owens. Last Tuesday being Mrs. Wm. Miller's birthday, a number of her relatives planned and successfully carried out a surprise on her. She received a number of presents, and all reported a fine time. Messrs. and Mesdames Ralph and Robert Robertson spent Christmas at Mr. McCulley's. Misses Jessie and Edna Aaronholt and Hattie Pitkin spent Christmas with the Misses Robertson. Miss Lydia Ross, who is staying with Mrs. Elmer Laird, is spending the holidays with her parents at Clearfield. Mrs. G. W. Wilson and two daughters spent Saturday at J. B. Atkin's.
Will J. Mather, D.D.S., Chm. Lecture Course Committee, Lamoni, Ia., Nov. 9, 1901. - Their selections are classical and are rendered by them, both individually and collective, in an artistic and cultured manner. - At the Tingley opera house January 3, 1903. The Euterpean Quartette has hundreds of press notices like the above, and this, the third number of the lecture course, should receive a crowded house.
NOTE: The Euterpean Quartette sang "Beautiful Isle of Somewhere" at the funeral of President William McKinley in 1901. The Euterpean Quartette consisted of Harriet Levinger as First Soprano, Fannie Levinger as Second Soprano, Jeannette Bauhof as First Alto and Katherine Baehrens as Second Alto. Graphic of sheet music added by Sharon R. Becker
Newspaper Bargains For 7 Days Only. ____________Commencing with Saturday, January 3, and ending with Saturday, January 10 -- seven days, we will make the following club rates for cash in advance, one year from date The Vindicator and
Wallaces Farmer | . . . . | $1.50 |
State Register | . . . . | 1.25 |
Weekly Capital, Kansas City Star or Journal | . . . . | 1.00 |
Homestead, Farmers' Institute Ed. & Poultry Farmer | . . . . | 1.50 |
Inter Ocean | . . . . | 1.30 |
American Farm and Orchard | . . . . | 1.00 |
Union Gospel News | . . . . | 1.10 |
Young Peoples' Weekly | . . . . | 1.10 |
Ainslee's Magazine | . . . . | 1.75 |
Breeders Gazette | . . . . | 1.75 |
American Boy | . . . . | 1.75 |
American Horsebreeder | . . . . | 2.75 |
Delineator | . . . . | 1.75 |
Cosmopolitan | . . . . | 1.75 |
Globe-Democrat, twice a week | . . . . |
1.65 |
St. Louis, semi-weekly | . . . . |
1.65 |
Judge's Library (comic) | . . . . | 1.75 |
Junior American Mechanic | . . . . | 1.74 |
Ladies' World, literary | . . . . | 1.25 |
Little Chronicle, school and home | . . . . |
1.90 |
Modern Culture, literary | . . . . | 1.75 |
Prairie Farmer | . . . . | 1.75 |
Swine Breeder's Journal, semi-monthly | . . . . |
1.25 |
Woman's Home Companion | . . . . | 1.75 |
Farm, Field and Fireside | . . . . | 1.75 |
St. Joseph Gazette | . . . . | 1.20 |
Burlington Hawkeye | . . . . | 1.65 |
Toledo Blade | . . . . | 1.20 |
Beaconsfield Department Dr. A. R. Mulcahy, Editor.
The oyster supper given by the Yeoman December 19, was enjoyed by a large number. It was a pleasure to those who attended and reasonably profitable to the Yeoman.Mrs. H. W. Rhoades returned Wednesday from a visit with relatives at Kellerton. Miss Minnie Young spent the holidays with relatives at Grand River. Miss Mamie Knox, who has been staying at Tingley, was at home Christmas. The first regular meeting of the Yeoman will be January 13. The officers for the coming year will be installed at this time and a good time enjoyed by all who are present. Mrs. A. F. Kerr has been sick, but is better. R. C. Buchanan is the first of this vicinity to renew for the Vindicator to 1904. May he enjoy the fat of the land for many years to come. Mrs. Ell Ham is quite low. Her son, Joseph Ham, and her daughters, Mrs. O. Gillett, of High Point neighborhood, and Mrs. Carr, of Bedford, and their families, are here to help minister to her wants. Also her sister, Mrs. Wise, of Illinois, is at her bedside. Miss Jennie Bridwell, of Grant, Montgomery county, came last Saturday, to visit with the family of Rev. and Mrs. Nichols for a week or more. The United Brethren will begin a revival service about January 10. The pastor will be assisted by Evangelist Garrett, of Illinois. The church people and all who desire the righteous will of their heavenly father to prevail might well give efforts of this kind the benefit of their prayers and influence. A few friends enjoyed a dance at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Case, Tuesday night. Jas. Glassgow, of St. Charles, visited Beaconsfield friends over Christmas. Elmer Guise left Monday for Des Moines. Vera Chapman, who has been making the races in Arkansas with a race horse owned by S. Short, returned home Tuesday. W. Knox, who has been absent for some time, is at home again. David Hoffhine, who has been at Des Moines for some time, is at home. Lloyd Nichols returned last Saturday from Grant, Iowa, where he has been working. John Hoffhine, who has been attending school at Mt. Ayr, is visiting with the home folks during the holidays. Miss Nellie Robinson will attend college at College Springs the coming year. Miss Maud Miller will leave Saturday for Indianola, where she will take a course in music at the Simpson college. Joe Ward has returned from Missouri, where he has been helping a brother. A couple of our best young people will seek the joys of married life before the year is a day old.
marriage will take place at the home of the bride's parents, who reside ____. The groom's name ? We'll give particulars next week. Floyd White visited relatives at Diagonal this week. Robert Schaney shipped a car of cattle to Chicago Tuesday. The new ad of Geo. J. Page merit your attention. He has a car of flour and feed - his flour can't be beat. His line of caps out to be like hot cakes at the prices. If you don't need one yourself you could afford to buy one for some poor person. Mesdames Chas. Cosseiman and [illegible] F. Mackey visited with a sister in Council Bluffs last week. A nice program was rendered at the Methodist church, Christmas. The house was crowded. The Golden Rule company furnished the music. The literary part of the program was excellently rendered. The two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Ryan rendered her part so exquisitely as to cause favorable excitement. H. W. Rhoades, the opera house manager, turned down a cheap show that desired to rent his hall to fakes, people would soon be afraid to patronize any traveling company for fear it would be a fake too. Nothing like having the best in entertainment as well as anything else. People need entertainment of some sort but it's worse than a waste of time to have to listen to the poorest ones. Mr. Rhoades' action is commended. The town is judged by the quality of entertainments patronized. Bert Redfield and wife, of Tingley, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Finnicum the past week. A happy New Year to al the readers of this paper - especially to our friends who are especially interested in this department. Hand in any news you know and use some advertising space. We would like to fill a whole page. It would advertise the town better than any other one thing. Hand us news of your visitors. Frank Gray and wife and son were at Mt. Ayr Monday. J. O. Miller and son, Thomas, are visiting his parents at Carthage, Illinois. J. N. Whiteaker spent Christmas with T. E. Hosack's. A surprise party was held at the home of Thos. Robinson, Friday night, in honor of Miss Addie. A. C. Bullard is sick. Miss Gillett, of near Ellston, visited from Saturday night until Monday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Ham. Thos. Robinson has bought the 160 acre Long farm, west of town. Also he has sold his 40 acre farm, northeast of town, to Mr. Owens. C. H. Robinson made the deal. The new Methodist minister, Rev. Mr. Brown, has moved to Beaconsfield and will occupy the Chas. Whiteaker property. We extend his estimable family a cordial welcome. Rev. Mr. Merriam, the Wesleyian minister filled his regular appointment at the church last Sunday. Miss Anna Larson is enjoying a visit from her sister. Chas. Whiteaker, who is working in Missouri, for a nursery company, visited with his relatives and friends in this vicinity over Christmas, returning to his work, Wednesday of this week. Erwin Dady, of Kellerton, visited his Beaconsfield friends this week.
Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Johnson enjoyed a Christmas dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Page. Bert Hoffhine is at home for the holidays. A dance will be given at the hall tonight. A. L. Ackerley, of Grand River, was a business visitor in our city, Wednesday. James W. Meyers, our popular painter, is and artist in his line. He was called to Grand River this week, where he is painting the fine residence of the banker, A. L. Ackerley.
Desires Settlement.Geo. J. Page desires all those owing him on long accounts to call and settle in order that he may close his books for the year. Let all give this matter prompt attention.
Dr. A. R. MUCAHY. Physician and Surgeon. BEACONSFIELD, IOWA. Office over Farmers and Merchants Bank. Calls answered day or night.
James W. Myers Practical Painter. Inside Work a Specialty. BEASONSFIELD, IOWA.
W. H. COWLEY, JEWELER AND OPTICIAN. Is prepared to do Watch and Clock repairing and give your eyes a thorough test.
At B. O. Beadle's store in Beaconsfield each Tuesday.
New Year BargainsWE start the New Year with a greatly increased trade. We expect you will want the best goods the coming year, and we will endeavor to supply your wants at the right prices. We will handle the best flour, and have just received Another Car Load of Flour and Feed
Sweet and Pure | . . . . . . | $1.05 |
Star Patent | . . . . . . | 95 |
Special Bargains in Caps for men and boys, you choice for ten cents.
Blankets, Artics, Outing Flannel -- you get the best here
Tea Jackets at 50 off for another week. Come early. They will go quick at the price.
Geo. J. Page, Beaconsfield, Iowa.
Return to Tingley Vindicator index page
NOTE: Content that is not of local origin or interest has been omitted.
Submission courtesy of Tony Mercer Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, April of 2017
