Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 13, 1956
By Ione Spurrier; Lisa Wilson

Jack ELLIIOTT has been elected president of the Mount Ayr Lions Club. Other officers and members of the board of
directors are Royce DAVIS, Jim BURGE, Bill HAROVER, C. Arthur HANSEN, Verdon PAYNE, Jim SMITH, Dr. Hermann HAUSHEER,
Dr. George LEE, County Engineer M. A. RUBEK and the Rev. Harold REEL.

Margaret MOSIER won first place in the Daily Vacation Bible School parade held in Mount Ayr and was awarded a
book of Bible stories. Honorable mention was given John and George LEE, Trudy NEWTON, Patty and Diane SALTZMAN and
Carolyn REYNOLDS. Two hundred and nine children registered for the school, which will continue for two weeks.

Winners of a "Get-Out-The-Vote" campaign, sponsored by the Ringgold County Farm Bureau Women, were Barbara
WITTMAN and Dwight MONDAY. Chosen from approximately 60 entries, Barbara and Dwight will be eligible for district

Gene JOHNSTON, Dean BASTOW and Lyle JOHNSTON, students at Iowa Wesleyan college in Mount Pleasant, were included
among the 1955-56 athletes who were awarded letters during a special assembly of the college.

Marriage vows were exchanged by Wanda JONES and Robert BENNETT on May 23, in the Methodist Church in Mount Ayr. The
double-ring service was read by the Rev. C. W. WOOLLARD, pastor of the church. Parents of the couple are Mr. and Mrs.
Wesley JONES of Lamoni, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles BENNETT of Mount Ayr. Following his graduation this year from the
Mount Ayr High School, the bridegroom will enter the Marines.

Approximately 900 persons in Ringgold county (345 famlies) will share in the distribution of surplus commodities this
week. The third and largest shipment of commodities includes: Butter, 1,920 pounds; cheese, 1650 pounds; dried milk,
35 cases; pork lunch, 24 cases; lard, 1,440 pounds; pinto beans, 1,200 pounds; flour, 4,250 pounds; pork and gravy,
47 cases; and rice, 1,200 pounds.

Benton - Elected as officers of the Benton Alumni Association are Dudley WATTS, president; Mrs. John McFARLAND,
vice-president; and Ruth PAGE, secretary-treasurer.

Redding - Honors were presented recently to students of the Creston Junior College [present-day Southwestern
Community College]. Mary QUICK was initiated as a member of the Titan Honor Society, which is based on scholarship
and leadership.

Lyndon DAVENPORT, a member of the Lincoln Hotshots 4-H Club, has been nominated as Ringgold county's 4-H candidate
for state office. A son of Mr. and Mrs. Lee DAVENPORT of Diagonal, Lyndon has been a club member for eight years,
during which time he has served as county vice-president, won a trip to the state 4-H leadership camp and served his
club in various ways. Most of his 4-H project work was centered around beef cattle.

Mrs. Lloyd DENHART of this city has been named chairman of the Ringgold county blood donor program to succeed Mrs. David
IRVING who has tendered her resignation.

The Knapp Brothers Construction Co. of Redding was the low and successful bidder on the Ringgold county grading project
on the Union-Ringgold county line, from the northwest corner of the county east a distance of five miles. The bid of
$36,964.12 was accepted Monday by the board of supervisors. Only one other bid, $38,217.27, was submitted by the Andrew
Construction Co. of Grand River.

The young men from Sheridan, MO were injured in a car accident Saturday night at the junction of Highways 2 and 25
on the Ringgold-Taylor county line. They were Dean STONE, 22, driver of the car, Denzel CALDWELL, 23, and Oren LARISON, 22.
The accident happened about 11 o'clock as the trio was en route to Creston. STONE missed the curve in the road and upset
as he turned off of Highway 25 to proceed eastward. All three were thrown from the car, a 1955 Ford, which was totally

Clair EASON, younger son of Mr. and Mrs. Paul EASON, has contracted to serve as athletic coach and high school instructor
in the Diagonal Independent school for the coming year. Mr. EASON is at present serving in Alaska with the Army but will be
released to take up his work here July 1. Arrangements are being made for a summer program for athletics. Mr. EASON is
a graduate of Mount Ayr high school where he started in football, baseball and basketball and is also a graduate of Simpson
College at Indianola. Mrs. EASON is the former Donna HIGHTSHOE of Mount Ayr and the EASONS have a small son, born during
the time they have been in Alaska.

Twenty men with farm equipment disked, harrowed and planted 60 acres of corn May 17 for George COOK who has been ill with
scaitica for the past month. Men who assisted were Dale POTTORFF, Jimmy POTTORFF, Wendall HILL, Merle HIGHTSHOE, Frank
GILLILAND, Jim COOK, Raymond ZINN, Shellie SCOTT, Albert POTTORFF, Leonard MAUDLIN, Garland COULSON, Blaine SCOTT,
Howard TULL, Glenn TULL, Glen CALDWELL, Welsey JONES, Wert MUNYON, Reul MAY and Carl MAY.

May 23, a son, Rodney Eugene, to Mr. and Mrs. Ronald SMITH, Lamoni
May 26, a son, Roger Ray, to Mr. and Mrs. Roger NEWBERRY, Lamoni
May 27, twins, Kirk Wayne and Karen Jayne, to Mr. and Mrs. Jack ELLIOTT, Benton
May 28, a daughter, Sherry Louann, to Mr. and Mrs. Billie DUNKESON, Mount Ayr

OBITUARIES in May 31, 1956 Mount Ayr Record-News:
John Irwin SHERWOOD John Albert CAMPBELL
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012

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