Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 30, 2000
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Dave and Cheryl Stuck Home, S. Lincoln
Photograph courtesy of Dave and Cheryl Stuck
Three homes and one building in Mount Ayr will be featured with the Ringgold County Tourism Committee sponsers the 12th
annual tour of homes Saturday night. The tour will visit the homes of Larry and Sandy LAMB, Dave and Cheryl STUCK and
Ron and JoKaye SHIELDS. A stop will also be made at the First Presyberian Church in Mount Ayr. In addition, the
festival of trees will be open at the Restored Depot Museum in Mount Ayr that night.

Mount Ayr Community elementary school second graders stepped back in time recently to learn what life was like in the
one-room school days by spending a day in the restored schoolhouse at the Ringgold County Fairgrounds. Students
participated in activities of a school day in the building, warmed by a wood-burning stove. Several of the students
dressed like they would have to go to school years ago as well.

Mount Ayr Community high school's drill tem will be taking part in the 2001 Iowa State Dance/Drill Team championships
in Des Moines Saturday. Mount Ayr Community high school will be one of 216 schools from across the state which will
have dance/drill teams and color guards in the competition at Veterans Auditorium in Des Moines.

Making the change to the new 641 area code for Ringgold County telephone numbers becomes mandatory Sunday, December
3, in the central Iowa region which has been split into the 515 and 641 area codes.

Mekenze BISHOP, daughter of Randyand Christine BISHOP of Mount Ayr, was installed as worthy advisor of Mount Ayr
Assembly #160, International Order of Rainbow for Girls in Iowa and Minnesota on Sunday October 1, at the Mount Ayr
Masonic Temple.

Three Ringgold County residents accepted the Governor's Volunteer Award for 10 years of picking up trash along
Highway 2 from Taylor Street to Poe Hollow at a ceremony at Camp Dodge in Des Moines recently. The Mount Ayr
Assembly of Rainbow for Girls, Mount Ayr Order of the Eastern Star and Faith Lodge, A.F. & A.M. have
handled the duties together for the 10-year period.

Ringgold County Conference Board members met Tuesday to discuss hiring a new assessor for Ringgold County. Neil MORGAN,
a longtime resident of Ringgold County, was recommended by the examining board last week. MORGAN and his wife, Cindy,
farm the family farm near Kellerton.

November 5, a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Shelby Ray MILLER, Lamoni
November 8, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Max BOND, Mount Ary

OBITUARIES in November 30, 2000 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Darrell Samuer WERNER
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2010

To submit your Ringgold County items, contact the County Coordinator.
Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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