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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, November 30 & December 03, 1915

by Chanse Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

Richard FRISBY, of Chicago, has leased the Hotel Grand and will take possession December 1.

The great cash day at the Christian Church last Sunday was one that will be long remembered. The slogan, "$2,500 in 25 Minutes," was more than lived up to for the accomplishment was $2,600 in 24 minutes. The church is now entirely out of debt.

The Amoma Class meet Monday evening in the home of Minnie STROBEL and elected the following officers: President, Minnie STROBEL; vice-president, Elma DILLE; secretary-treasurer, Susie TIMBY; and press reporter, Lola JOHNSON. Mrs. J. V. WRIGHT was chosen captain of the class.

The electroliers recently placed around the square were used for the first time Tuesday night. The globes necessary to complete the "white way" effect have not yet arrived.

A mock trial, under the direction of an expert, Col. A. V. NEWTON, of Worester, MA., will be given December 8, in the Christian church under the auspices of the Mount Ayr Village Improvement Society.

HIGH POINT - Wm. DOVE is now filling the position of superintendent of the High Point Sunday school.

KELLERTON - Rebecca MARRS came Friday from Cainsville [MO] to accpet a position in the Globe office. Gertrude COMBS, who has been employed there, is moving with her parents to Leon.


  • Mr. and Mrs. John VANDERFLUGHT are the proud parents of a little daughter, born to them on November 26.
  • CROWN POINT - Mr. and Mrs. Robert KASTER are the proud parents of a baby boy, born November 16.
  • HIGH POINT - A baby girl came to the home of Mr. and Mrs. El LAIRD on Wednesday.
  • SHANNON CITY - Mr. and Mrs. Swan JOHNSON are the proud parents of a baby girl, born Friday.
  • NORTH RICE - Mr. and Mrs. Joe MILLER are the proud parents of a fine baby girl, born November 21.

    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2015


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