Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 30, 1964
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr Record-News

The Grand Valley Community school chapter of Future Farmers of America was honored Saturday night for winning the
state and national titles for corn production in 1963. The chapter's record was 271.9 bushels of corn on a one-acre
plot. At a recognition banquet held in the Kellerton gymnasium, E. D. Funk, Jr., president of Funk Brothers Seed Co.,
sponsor of the contest presented trophies to the winners and two checks, totaling $350.00.

Dick JACKSON, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dean JACKSON of Kellerton and a junior at the Northwest Missouri
State College in Maryville, and 11 brothers of the Tau Kappa Epsilon fraternity returned January 8 from a
week's trip to Washington, D.C. The purpose of the trip was to present to President Lyndon B. Johnson and Mrs.
Jacqueline Kennedy large family Bibles, which, according to JACKSON were "tokens of our sympathy for the Kennedy
family and in support of the President's administration."

The 4-H record book of Camille LAWHEAD has been entered in state competition for consideration of a trip to the
National 4-H Conference and Camp Miniwanca. Two other 4-H girls known in this vicinity are also in competition.
They are Judy HENDERSON of Lenox, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Guy HENDERSON, and Carol MYERS of Lamoni, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Hallie MYERS. Judy is a Taylor County 4-H member and Carol belongs to 4-H in Decatur County.

Thieves entered the BRECKENRIDGE Store in Tingley early Thursday morning and escaped with $15 in cash taken from
registers, 86 cartons of cigarettes and three boxes of cigars. The "uninvited guests" also took time for snacks
before leaving the store.

Larry BROWN, son of Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy BROWN of Riley township, who was critically injured January 3, while
performing on a trampoline in the Y Club gymnasium in Burling, was transferred Monday from Burlington hospital to
the State University of Iowa Children's Hospital in Iowa City. Mr. BROWN, an instructor in the Burlington schools,
suffered a dislocated neck and fractures of the fifth and sixth cervical vetebrae when he landed on his shoulder on
the trampoline. Before the accident happened, Mr. BROWN and several other instructors had enjoyed a swim in the Y
pool and decided to exercise on the trampoline before returning to their apartments.

Norman KLEJCH of Diagonal, Ringgold County Farm Bureau membership chairman, visited with Bob Feller, former
pitching great with the Cleveland Indians, during the Iowa Farm Bureau membership rally held January 9 in Des Moines.
Feller, a farmer Iowa farm boy, spoke at the rally which featured a baseball theme, "Score More in '64."

Mrs. John TAYLOR of Diagonal was elected chairman of the Extension Family Living Committee during the organization
meeting held January 24 in the Extension office. Other officers were Mrs. Robert BECK of Kellerton, vice chairman,
and Mrs. Vance GEIGER of Redding, secretary.

Don SIMPSON, 23, of Pleasanton, has joined W. B. BUELL in the operation of the BUELL Barbershop on North Taylor
Street in Mount Ayr. He assumed his duties Monday.

January 26, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ray KEY, Blockton
January 27, a son to Mr. and Mrs. Claire B. NEWTON, Diagonal

OBITUARIES in January 30, 1964 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Nettie May Ely SMITH TEDROW Charles Asa BAILEY
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, February of 2014

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