Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, August 30, 2001
Lisa Wilson, Mount Ayr

Mount Ayr Community high school has two exchange students attending classes for the school year this year.
From Bogota, Columbia, Danny DUARTE is spending the year living with Rick and Marilyn HAWKINS of Mount Ayr.
From Berlin, Germany, Alexandra WYBRANSKI is spending the year living with Brian TERRELL and Betsy KEENAN.

Ringgold county will be in the new Fifth Congressional District which takes in the better part of western Iowa
when elections are held in 2002.

The Mount Ayr fire department was called to TAYLOR Maid Car Wash on Highway 2 Wednesday, August 22, at 5:15 p.m.
Insulation surrounding the water heater caught on fire when the water heater malfunctioned and failed to shut
off. There was smoke coming from the attic area where insulation was smoldering. According to owner Steve TAYLOR,
the water main was melted and will need to be replaced. Estimated damage is between $10,000 and $15,000. TAYLOR
is working to get the car wash reopened in a week.

Mount Ayr Chamber of Commerce members were on hand to hold a ribbon cutting at The Outpost in Ellston on
Friday. Cherri and Jeff VOS are owners of the new business located on J-20 by the Sun Valley Lake entrance.

Union Township Fire Department in Ellston received a grant from the Iowa Firemen's Association Volunteer Fire
Fighters Training Fund worth $4,000 to purchase much needed personal protective gear.

OBITUARIES in Thursday, August 30, 2001 Mount Ayr Record-News:
Transciption by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2011

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Please include the word "Ringgold" in the subject line. Thank you.

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